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Epoch, Oceanic GMT +8 & 10 gaming community.

General Information

Australian GMT+8 & +10 timezones - We also take in US and EU players who are also playing in this timezone, graveshift workers, shift workers etc.
Progressive Endgame PvE - High Priority
Be reliable and attentitive
Mature age 21+
Mumble VoIP - Mandatory go here for the download please. Download the client, not the server.
No drama queens - Mandatory
Must maintain a positive, dedicated and focused attitude - We wan't people who put that little extra effort in to win, not moan and whine.
Multi-experienced gaming community with decades of gaming experience across many platforms and games.
Raids times are: TBA




Like many of the old school gamers who are becoming a dying breed these days, you will remember the community aspect of what it not only meant to be in a guild, but also, what it felt like being a part of that community for the years that followed and the adventures that we endured & accomplished being a part of that community. Remember those times when we yelled "camp check" and people treated each other with respect and sat in line for a chance at the camp area? Remember the hundreds upon hundreds of hours it took to level and gear up? Remember the years you used to spend playing that one game and the countless nights you spent with those people who literally became your family? Remember those times when we spent months dying to a boss, only to truely cherish that kill when it finally came about? These are all key aspects of the fundamental building blocks to a strong community and this is what we want to offer to players here in Epoch. Long term, community oriented gaming, together with the driving focus of progression.

We feel a lot of gamers have lost this feeling in today’s genre of gaming and it seems like most people who play MMORPG's today want to be in a guild for all the wrong reasons. This mainly stems from getting hand outs in the form of itemization or content progression, you know, the instant gratification crowd. A lot of modern day MMO'ers show little to no interest in the greater good of their community let alone sacrificing their own personal time to help their fellow players to enrich their gaming experience. They show no desire to put in the many hours of research, effort and support that’s required for guilds to defeat epic end-game encounters by working together as a singular unit, or better yet working with other guilds for even greater glory. Whilst it could be argued that the attitude of the individual players is the cause of this, we place most of the onus on the game Producers that have allowed this to happen in the first place by making ease of access a little too easy.

We also understand that working your way in to a click or niche is a hard wall to over come, which is why I work hard to weed out cliques and niches as soon as I see thier ugly little heads pop up. It simply makes it too hard for new comers to feel welcome and of any worth not just to the guild but also to themselves.

Being a part of a guild should mean something and that meaning should be felt by the people, playing a part of that community, after all, as a Guild Leader myself, not only do I sacarfice my time to facilitate a means of access to the player base that they can not achieve on thier own, but I also offer a home for players who want long term gaming in that community feel enviroment with a respectful and home feel too it with progression as a team focused goal, together. The way I believe guilds should have always been treated, seen and respected all along.

In Epoch it is simply all about the community while striving to be all we can be not only as players, but as people also. We go above and beyond to help people become everything they can be and more and with a little hope, this mentaility helps players become better people online also.

If you like what you hear, by all means come and check us out.

All the best,

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