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I really like the game, i've just started not logging in normally etc. It's getting boring.... I've seen what the content has to offfer, having 5 50's..
Yes i've done BC up to turn4, I've done crafting classes and Land classes (50 mining was worse than fishing by far) I've got a paladin in DL with relic+1. Great character and a lot of time was spent on him. I'm simply just loosing interest. End game is the same thing. Crafting is the same just with different materials. DoL's are the only thing i found fun personally.
Anyone else in my situation?
I was thinking the same thing. Five 50's? Dude, I have been sick and I don't have one. Other things to do man!
Are you my long lost brother? lol
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[mod edit]
So, back on topic, yes 5 50's and soon another(non legacy player) Some may say i've burnt myself out but that isn't my fault, it's the games for not offering enough content. Running AK 8 times a week and doing coil once a week get's old. Don't even want to get started on the 1-2-3 crafting.
At least the graphics are nice
Are you saying there is not enough content for anybody or just speaking for yourself?
Before people start flaming you "WHY DONT YOU GET TURN 5 DOWN THEN!" let me just say... turn 5 is a content gate created by SE. Watch the videos, it's actually IMPOSSIBLE to legit beat without glitching. They could have fixed it a month ago. The fight has been taken down (and it's currently off as I type this).
Now to your points...
I have 2 level 50's a avg ilvl 80 pld (6 ilvl 90 items, only 2 are allegan). I have been server top 3 (with 3 different groups) on 1-2-3-4 coil on my server. I have 50 mining and a few crafts 10-25 range. I clear coil up to turn 5 on a monday night (within 2 hours unless someone has to go early).
I feel your pain. I just last night got my blackmage relic staff and felt not one sense of accomplishment from it. Relics are a joke. You can get a relic within 2 hours if you have the philo tomes. I was sitting on 1900 tomes and had nothing else to use them on, so I got it.
"Level another job!"...
I find no point in gearing up/leveling other classes as the game currently stands. I will never ever be able to go to (nor do I want to) coil as anything but my main job (paladin). People get allegan gear for their main classes, and spend myth tomes on those classes. I would be gimping myself and my group if I (or someone else) came as something they haven't put myths/allegan into. What's the point of all ilvl70 hq'd gear 5x materia when I'm just using that job to run ak's?
"Level up a craft!"...
Why? The bubble has started to burst on profits from crafters. 2 star item HQ's net 20-30k profit (When they sell). I'm sure you can still make good money doing melds... but a ton of people have 50 crafts now so the "competition" for melds is very high. I suppose once housing comes out there will be an influx of gil back into crafters, but it's too early to make an assumption on potential profits with that one.
"That's what you get when you rush content!"...
I didn't fate grind to 50. I wasn't one of the first 50's on my server (non-legacy). I hit 50 august 30th and I only know that because I took a screen shot. I hit 50 and have really enjoyed the game/grind up until a week or so ago.
Do I regret my 3 month subscription? Very much. The unknown date of 2.1 (most think late december) has me sort of irritated. I'll have to resub again just to get into most of that content. But then again if the pvp doesn't pan out (this is a PVE game) I'll have crystal tower to do right? Oh wait... that content is for people who just got relics and darklight gear. By then I'll be full myth/allegan.
Turn 5 is still going to be the hardest battle in the game for another 5-6 months. Over 100 groups are at the same point in turn 5 with the gate that SE created and hasn't fixed (imo on purpose) already, what will be the case by the time 2.1 actually comes out?
Sooo yes OP. I feel your pain.
edit:[mod edit]You guys don't understand after you get your first 50 and do fates the exp just rolls in. You can get a 50 battle class in a weekend just by doing fates.
Yup, glad you understand where i'm coming from on this, after the first 50, the next ones come easier, the fate grind is boring as hell, and like ya said, we can't do turn 5 because SE has it blocked off currently. Doing the same thing i've been doing for about a month now has really gotten stale. I too took my time on my first 50, was not the first by a long shot, i did like the story line a lot though.
I really hope teso doesn't fall into the same gear wheel as FFXIV did.
This old chestnut again , It really puzzles me that dev's make games this short these days. I said a few weeks ago that ESO would be as short as SWTOR , I never thought FF would be too. Why don't game dev's make enough content to last 8 months but upon release just give the user about 50 levels to play with , then bam when they look at the metrics of people at max level add the next layer of massive content say 40 levels more and so on. It's not difficult. End game obsession isn't just a user wide thing , the dev's seem obsessed with it too.
In PSO v2 and PSO episode 1 and 2 on the DC and GC respectfully. You could basically get to about level 100 - 110 in say 6 weeks or even a month , but to then get to level 200 would take at least 4-8 months. Why change something great ?
Tl;Dr - MMO's are too short these days , not all of us are obsessed with end-game.
PSO 4 years , EQOA 4 months , PSU 7 years , SWTOR launch ongoing , PSO2 SEA launch ongoing , Destiny 360 launch ongoing.
"SWG was not fun. Let it go buddy." quote from iiNoSkillzii 10/18/13
The original propoganda pixie dust villain :[]
You're approaching MMOs the wrong way. Yes people ahve different play styles, but you're just playing through this game like hot lava through butter. How about taking the time to make friends and hang out with them in the game. Determine common goals and go out and explore together and see what you can find all while chatting.
Most of you MMO players just go through the content without even caring about it. You just click away and then go where the markers tell you to and kill what you're told to killed not having fun at all in the process, just trying to get a reward that will make you feel better for a brief time. The fun in an MMO comes from interacting with each other. The problem is that MMOs are enabling these anti social behavior. They no longer require you to team with people so no one bothers unless they're already friends. Back when games required teaming up, people would actually get along because they had to and thus had more fun because they were sharing an experience.
A game like Guild Wars 2 is the perfect example of an anti-social game. It no longer requires you to team up. You just ignore who ever is fighting beside you because the game automatically shares the xp and items for you. No need to talk to anyone through the entire game. All these MMOs are single player games and MMO players just keep playing them that way never seeing the problem.
Enjoyed the game a lot during first lvl 50, by the time i was leveling second boredom set in and i started looking at things more objectively. End game is another issue which completely discouraged me from playing further. I lasted one month in game which isn't bad for a themepark fast food MMO.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
-Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
-Luke McKinney
FF XIV didn't have one 50 worth of compelling content to me much less 5 so you got a lot farther than I did. Regardless it sounds like you have reached that point where you either shift your focus away from character development and to social aspects of the game or you walk away.
You exhaust everything the game has to offer or outright skip most of it, and as the result you become bored of the game.
Really, there's nothing wrong with this. I just don't see the reason to come in here to tell us about it.
Yes, many people play MMO's in a way that doesn't really offer them much enjoyment in the long-term. They have the right to do so and SE is right to offer these people the opportunity to do so. But let's not act like this is anyone's problem but the person's in question. Because it isn't. If the players are enjoying themselves and SE is getting their investment's worth then it doesn't matter in the slightest. And even if it did, there's nothing SE can do if the players skip most of the game or play such staggering amounts of time that no company can deal with it.
FFXIV (or any MMO, really) is only a fast-food themepark experience if you make it one. And in most cases you only make it one when you didn't really want to play the game in the first place, but merely a tiny portion of it.
It's funny some of you say, oh you just burn through content and forgot the social aspect!!1!
Not true, Last time i check BC isn't pugged, not on my server at least, I'm in a FC and talk to them daily, If i want a glorified chat room there is a lot better options out there.
explore? They took that out with 1.0. The zones are so small now, not like before. Exploration was fun in 1.0 ARR killed "exploration" Besides i have mapped the entire game...
Im sure the ones defending the game will see it the same way i do in due time.
Is that what this is about?
Good luck in your future gaming endeavors. Maybe come back and check out this one when they add more stuff. I think its a great foundation for a long term mmo. OF course your mileage may vary.
And once again we see some serious delusion on what makes the average "casual" player. Forget about expansions, the average player will not have close to being done with everything in 3-4 months. I play somewhere in the neighborhood of 20-25 hrs per week, have 1 lvl 50 (A Culinarian), and still have a ways to go on the main storyline. And while I'm sure that sounds super casual to many of you, that is still probably above average for the typical player.
For those of you that have burned through all the content and are getting bored, I'm not going to blame you, or say you are playing the wrong way. As I have said many times here, people are entitled to play how they like. But you are deluding yourself if you think you are the main target audience for this game.
I hope TESO is decent too...
i have to say im glad i dont suffer from this. I have a job that allows me to play on my laptop, discretly of course, but even then i only put about an hour maybe 2 a week into FF14. currently im on my first character at level 19, same character ive had since release day. I take my time and honestly every time i play its exciting because theirs always a ton of content for me.
I would suggest delete your characters and cancel your sub and take a break from the game for a month or two and enjoy other games. If your into FPS games i strongly recommend Arma 2 Combat operations with the ACE, ACEX, and ACRE mods, and Arma 3. Next time you re-sub moderate your game time. You seem like the kind of player who chews through content very rapidly and thats not a good time.
FYI ive only ever maxed out one Character in my entire MMO career. And ive been playing since the launch of Ultima online. People complain of lack of content? i can go back to any older MMO and their will always be tons of hours of Content for me.
EDIT: probably doesnt help that i spend most of my time in roleplaying lol. but every one has there own play style.
If you have that many 50's then there aren't that many MMO's out there that will satisfy you long term....start on the next one
Currently playing SWTOR and it's MUCH better than it was at launch.
This is not to berate you in any way, but you it evident that you have much more gaming time available to you than most. Although you have a job, for the levels you are with 5 characters means that you have invested a considerable chunk of time in the game.
To put this in perspective just short of a month ago the average level in game was level 19. I can see this being 50 now being almost a month later ( but to have FIVE level 50's means you have a LOT more time on your hands. The facts and figures are there mate, so to pass yourself off as a casual gamer is a bit 'out there'. It's clear you are playing pretty hardcore.
This is where I find complaint with you, not with what you do with your time, but they way you try to pass it off, as if you are trying to say "Look at me and how great I am, I play casually, just 2 hours a night and I have FIVE level 50's". This is not the case and you know it.
This also brings me to your other statement you make blaming the game for not having enough content. There is in fact plenty of content, you just burned through it. This is what happens when people find a game they like, with enough time to play, they consume content very quickly. However, even if they increased the content FIVE fold, so five times bigger someone would still hit End game and be going "There's nothing to do, they needed to add more content". You are one of those guys.
My suggestion to you would be to step back a bit, you are a poster on MMORPG so this isn't your first rodeo. You know how MMO's are on the outset. Pace yourself, relax and have fun. Get involved with link shells, do fun things. Theory craft OR put the game down and take a break and play something else. If you get more than 10 hours play time from this game a month you are more than getting your moneys worth. So, feel free to play other things, the game and it's end game will always be there.
Also, there is new content coming out, so now would be ideal to break. You can come back to the new content and get all excited with the game once more. Just a suggestion.
The game is a month old and you're already max lvl with nothing more to do than grind the same " content" looking for gear drops. How am I delusional ? you only have 1 50...and you say it like it's a point in the games favor.
The main target audience for this game apparently wont be playing it in 6 months. the delusional people will all be long gone. Throw away games are not what ppl "voted for" with their wallets when they picked wow.
It's pretty natural to be bored with just about anything when you've completely engulfed yourself in it for this concentrated amount of time.
This hasn't been my experience with FFXIV, partly because I play casually, partly because I play with real life friends so we each have a stake in coordinating group play and enjoying it for its own sake, partly because I don't demand from any source of entertainment that it sustain so much of my attention for such a concentrated period of time.
If you don't have real life friends playing with you, or any interested in joining you in the game, I'd recommend cancelling your sub for awhile, like Shaunee said. You'll save money, and you can always come back to it if you regain interest later. No reason to burn yourself out any further.
Can I have your stuff