For a proposed separate Immersion server in Everquest Next, a proposed ( still rough draft ) ruleset is posted in the blurb below a poll at:
Please read the rough draft of the proposed ruleset, vote in the poll, and discuss your vote here.
This thread is not for whether or not you think such a ruleset could or should be adopted.
This thread is not about casual gameplay versus Immersion (some call it hardcore ) gameplay, or the pros/cons of each.
This thread is simply about whether or not such a ruleset would attract you to that server, yes or no, and why or why not.
Not everyone will agree here, so we can agree to disagree, respect each other's choices, and grow in clarity and accurate perception.
Debate is welcome, so long as it is respectful.
For your convenience ( cough, sorry ) here's a copy of the proposed ruleset (note, #6 is under reconsideration by some)
"We propose an Immersion server. The differences would be as follows:"
In an Immersion server:
1. Travel is firmly curtailed; no flight paths, no flying mounts (unless there are flying monsters as well--or limited to flying-required areas only), long refresh timer on 'gate', low occurrence of portals to promote exploration over convenience.
2. There is corpse recovery or other harsh death penalty, so that the world feels dangerous again. Not perma-death, not perma-lose your items. Just harsh in terms of time and difficulty to curtail things like using death to skip content and to restore a fear of death.
3. There is increased over-all difficulty level so that grouping is encouraged even during short play periods.
4. Group planning is encouraged because there is no 'summon group' type abilities/ stones/ etc.
5. Players may transfer off the server, but characters may not transfer onto the server from standard servers. The only way onto the server is to create a new character. No power leveling a standard character and then dropping into the dangerous world. Progression will be tougher and it would be unbalancing to allow super-advanced characters from other servers.
6. Mounts would have a hitpoint threshold and be vulnerable to attack, thus bringing increased danger levels and a more difficult economy.
7. Items will have weight, and you'll have a limit! This would promote a more conscious decision of what you carry on you and when you return to your home-- especially with low frequency of hearthing type abilities.
8. No rest exp.
9. No auctioneers or auction houses. the economy is player driven and interaction is required for buying, selling, and bartering with other players.
10. Gear is rare but tradeable. No more "no-trade" drops.
11. No instancing.
12. All, or most, NPCs are able to be attacked.
"Does such a server have interest for you?" - See more at:
#sthash.Bz4SvEQ9.dpuf" rel="nofollow">,-EQ-Next-(See-Blurb-below-for-proposed-server-rules.
that's not a server ruleset, that's a whole different game.
you cant expect the devs to up difficulty and completely turn off instancing if their game is designed around certain parts being instanced. "up difficulty" might be easy to write but there's a lot more to it than just giving mobs more HP and damage- in fact if this difficulty increase were actually carried out, the big complaint would be "all they did was up the HP and damage on the enemies".
also Don't mistake "immersion" with "difficulty". they DO sometimes overlap! but not always. and immersion is subjective. For example I'll use myself. to me unlimited teleports are immersion breakers, BUT flight paths aren't. to whoever made the original list, flight paths are indeed immersion breakers. Personally I imagine my character takes a stagecoach or a caravan to get where she or he wants, then resumes his or her adventures.
I LIKE things such as tough death penalties in an MMO but is that an immersion thing? or is it a "good play is rewarded" thing?
what immersion means to me is the removal of things that remind me "its a game" and the emphasis on the things that make me invested in my character.
RIP Ribbitribbitt you are missed, kid.
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Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.
Dwight D Eisenhower
My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud.
Henry Rollins
I like it. I would even go for an even harsher death penalty, but at least something non-vanilla is good.
The attackable NPCs is a bit iffy to me. Would you be able to loot them? If you kill a merchant can you steal as much as you can carry? How long are they dead for? Forever? An hour? Would code have to be written to implement a dedicated crime system to facilitate further immersion in the form of consequences for the inevitable killing sprees that will ensue?
Despite those questions (which aren't indictments of a poor idea, but honest inquiries about the logistics of NPC slaying) I would play on this server in a heartbeat.
You should check out my thread friend, talks about such of an idea. :-)
I have no interest in such a server, or the poll, but offer one piece of feedback:
The name "immersion" is completely misleading for what you're talking about. Most of the points have absolutely nothing to do with what's commonly termed "immersion" in an MMO setting. "Hardcore" or possible "Old School" would be better names. Although, "old school" only fits if one is coming from a certain type of server in a certain type of game.
Additionally, given what is known (or not known) about EQN, i think this type of post is better put into "general discussion" forum. As it stands it doesn't seem to take into consideration ANY EQN-specific mechanics or issues. It seems to be a list drawn that can be applied to any random game in development and has nothing to do with EQN other than being posted on its board.
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
Currently Playing: ESO
What he is talking about is Old School EQ1 rules. I remember those days.
I think it is a cool idea to offer a server like that. Especially things like corpse runs. Summon corpse is not a bad thing though. I remember saving my diamonds so i could get a Necro to summon my corpse when i got jacked in Velk's Lab!
Some of those things are definitely game mechanics that would be hard to modify. Like the Instancing. Some locations are just going to be designed as instances. I don't know that you can avoid those things.
But i think that the Auction House is a good thing. Sometimes, you just don't have time to sell things. Maybe a Guildbank style auction house would be cool. Where you deposit your stuff with an NPC and it sell for you with a percentage of the money going to the auction house. Selling direct you can get full price.
Current EQ Bazaar is a bit crazy. Especially the prices!
Overall i would love to have something like this as an option. Sure you can play the carebear server, but the Oldschool PVP servers is where the real hardcore peeps go.
I would play on this type of server but this poll doesn't seem very useful until we get more info about how EQN is going to work in the first place.
I'm also against them spending a lot of time on a special ruleset server. It is great to have them but they can't require their own dev team to make them work.
Sounds good to me.
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I don't want any server with SPECIAL rules or terms,i just want a game that when something happens,i can say "oh nice that makes sense".
Things like yellow markers over npc heads is dumb.XP bonus for resting is dumb and it goes on and on,why would we have to vote are beg for something to make sense?Corpse runs,umm no that is another dumb idea,we all know we are not going to die in these games ,so why pretend.Instead you should be KO'd with in jury.That is why so many games make you rest for several minutes to recover from a KO and your stats will be weaker from the injury,at least it makes sense.
I seriously don't know what these system guys are thinking if at all,why can't they see the obvious and just design the game properly without copying aged old bad ideas?
Immersion is achieved by removing all the fake things in games that should not be visible,like yellow markers on npc's and maps and sparklies showing you where to go or what to click on.We should not see colored red hues around enemies we click and why are games like Wildstar putting red carpets on the ground,where does those red carpets come from,magically from the sky?Or does every creature have some special gift of laying out red carpet when they attack,it just looks dumb.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
So you acknowledge that immersion can be different things for different people and then you dismiss hardcore mechanics ?
As a player that judges immersion of a game based on hardcore mechanic because they keep me with a stake in the game, something at risk, etc..
I am confused about the "thinly veiled argument" comment, are you saying immersion can be different for different people, as long as those people aren't hardcore MMO players ? o.0
This server looks a lot like the original EverQuest and what I expected EverQuest next to be like. I wish the whole game was like this, but having a server or two dedicated to it is better than nothing At first I thought a developer posted this info, but it looks like it was just a regular guy