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Breaking Bad beefs, spoilers of course.

adam_noxadam_nox Member UncommonPosts: 2,148

I pretty much give all 'critically acclaimed' shows a go.  I started BB when it was wrapping up season 4 or 5.    I'm one of the few who thinks it's passable, but not really deserving of most of the praise it's gotten.  I can name a dozen dramas better.  Not many of which are/were on network or broadcast channels, but a few are/were.


The characters are really annoying, and only get worse as the seasons progress, and the main character played by Cranston seems to have only one way of talking, and only one facial expression. 


I thought the way the final season progressed was sort of pedestrian, but then gets very interesting when Hank finally discovers the truth.  Then you wait wait wait...


and get a second half a season completely incoherent from the rest of the show, even if it does tie up loose ends.


Here's what I mean, Hank and Walter are family.  Every other time someone discovers Walters HORRIBLE OMFG HE MAKES/SELLS DRUGS BURN BURN BURN!, they react pretty crazy, but eventually sort of deal with it.  Like his crazy wife.


Hank gets his therapy paid for by Walter, probably most of his career advances are due to events that transpire due to Walter's actions, and when he thought Walter was smoking weed, he didn't give a crap.


So he finds out he's a big drug lord, the kind of guy that while cops want to make their careers on them, they also secretly admire and respect them, and his personality just turns into the most disloyal incoherent angry mess I've ever seen.  It takes what could have been subtle plot progression and turns it into this obtuse caveman that lumbers around trying to beat everything over the head with a club.


And then of course comes his death.  And somehow we are supposed to give 2 craps that he plans on killing the people who did it?  I know they must have been reaching for a reason to even bother finishing the season when it became so pointless, but it's just not good enough.


Don't get me wrong, it's better than the walking dead, but come on, we all know that's not saying much.


  • HulluckHulluck Member UncommonPosts: 839

    I thought it was pretty decent. I started watching it late as well. I often find that more enjoyable rather than following a show season by season having to wait until the next year for more. My biggest gripe is Walter was the cause of all his problems minus cancer. Should have put a bullet in Jessie's head from the word go. Unstable and a meth-head.  Looking at real life that's what happens.  Liabilities get put down. They aren't worth the risk or trouble. Not saying I approve that sort or life style or for that matter definitely  not trying to make it sound cool. Just saying it's what cartels and gangs have been doing in mass and effectively enough that they've ruined cities as well as countries.

    Hanks reaction was spot on I thought. I would have acted the same way had someone I trusted did that to me. Walter had been using Hank the entire show.  Hank never thought in a million years that the person he was after was in his family. That's why he let Walter get so close and in turn Walter took full advantage of that.  He had inside information or access to places he otherwise wouldn't have had.   What's not acceptable about hating a person who used you like that. 

    Hank would never have been in the wheel chair had it not been for Walter and Jessie. Kind of makes it pointless that Walter was paying the bills. Leaving Jessie alive really was why stuff got so far off the rails from Walters original plan. I am pretty sure his never accepted who he was. She was trapped.  Felt that if she went to the police she would loose everything. Walter and her never made up. I think she more or less feared him but also believed that as long as she didn't rock the boat to badly was safe. Take away the only thing Walter cares for, his kids, then she is no different than anyone else Walter killed.

    Hank would never had been in the situation he was in at any point in the show after Walter started cooking. You find it hard to understand why Hank would hate someone like that? I don't think comparing pot to something like meth is acceptable, a highly addictive drug which ruins lives.

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