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The Secret Society is Recruiting

We are a Lvl 18 Guild. We consider ourselves a "casual-core" guild. We're serious about progression while maintaining a friendly environment and understanding that people have lives outside of the game.*We're looking for solid players that know their class and roles. We also prefer that you have your Torvan and Lycini reps completed and have 420+ hit. But, if you don't quite meet the requirements described above, new and undergeared players are welcome to apply and "grow up" in the guild until prepared for the current raid content.If you have further questions, feel free to PM me through the boards or look for an online member who can direct you to a leader or officer.

RAID Days and Times:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday @ 5 to 8 pm server.

 Must have vent with mic.

 Need Cleric Defiler, Heals and Dps, Warrior Dps and others are welcomes. 
Also Looking for a Raid Leader.

 Thanks. Kritickill@Greybriar
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