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OGR - Online Gaming Radio come listen in!

Just a friendly reminder for those of you who are interested in joining us for this Saturday (or any Saturday) night's show :). OGR Saturday Night RaveCast is a weekly show that we run as a streaming radio show. You can come listen in any day of the week for music and on Saturday nights, listeners are encouraged to "call in" using Skype and get to meet our host, Leonai_art as well as other OGR DJ's and staff members. We rave on about all kinds of MMO's, from EverQuest to WoW, to GuildWars and Tabula Rasa.. all of em ;).

Saturday night RaveCast: Saturdays, 6:30pm PDT, 9:30pm EDT, 01:30am GMT (Sunday)

We have plans soon to have regularly scheduled shows on certain days/nights such as our "EQ2'sdays" where the show will be all about EverQuest II. Other similar shows are being built and will be regular broadcasts as well!

So, come listen in and join in the insanity and fun that is part of us at OGR. You can listen in directly at for broadband users and here for the 56K users. If you're an irc user, pop up your irc client and join the server and /join #OGaming channel for the listener chat while the show is on, or anytime :) If you're not familiar with irc, you can also go to irc java client and BAM! You're automagically connected to the Gamesurge server, the OGaming channel.

We look forward to seeing you there! Pop in and say hi from!

Nareena TheGypsy
OGaming Staff -
Head of EQ.OGaming
Community Relations of OGR

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