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Well this looks the Dog's Bollocks I must say. I hope it has the performance to match!
I'd really like to know how much something like this is going to cost versus building my own machine. I can imagine companies wanting to cash in on the Valve name by selling over priced hardware.
Honestly, at this point I can see the streaming tech having more of an impact than a SteamMachine impact, at least initially.
And those controllers. If they actually work as a keyboard/mouse replacement, those things could really take off.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
The article said it would be competitive with Xbox / PS4 pricing, but they will have different versions so probably lower end graphics etc. at that price point perhaps.
More competition can only be good for gamers though.
I don't see what is special about the controllers. It just looks like they took 2 of those touch pads found on laptops, added some buttons, and are calling it a controller.
I'd guess Steam in general could take a pretty large hit and under price these and make it up in general game sales. Curious to see what they decided to do. I guess my biggest problem is there's so much they could still do with the Steam client and haven't over the years. Makes me wonder if these will eventually receive the same sort of treatment.
Looks and sounds pretty awesome but they better be planned for a January or February 2014 release to compete with PS4 and Xbox One. Most of us that didn't buy one or the other are waiting till next year to make a decision on one of those 2 consoles.
It's a box.
They haven't said anything beyond that.