I'm still amazed that people want to see a game like SWTOR (themepark) and try to fit a space sandbox game like EVE Online / X-series onto it.
It is just /Facepalm material.
SOE didn´t have such a close minded stubborn way of pattern thinking
Dude. Again! You clearly never played SWG. So stop talking about stuff you know nothing about.
How many People actually played the JTL expansion?
I can tell you. A very small hardcore percentage. I was part of that percentage as I am a Space sim fan!
The vast majority didn´t play it! Infact, they were angry, as the expansion ruined the groundgame and affected the core gameplay for many!
The vast majority were RPG players and not Spacesim players! They didn´t want a flight simulator Attached to the game! People at the time, wanted SOE to FIX the groundgame and actually do something with the Galactic War. On the ground!
It marked the beginning of the mass exodus of quiting players. I was actually there, so I know. The NGE was really just a final nail in the coffin. The exodus already started long before.
SWG was also a different time. Now the market is fully saturated. Development costs have gone through the roof. So the time for experimenting and being bold is no longer possible. Unless you´re an Indy Company With bag of own Money or play around on Kickstarter.
Originally posted by Moodsor Time for some dogfighting!
[mod edit]
I just did 3 battles in a row, and its some the most heart pounding PVP iv ever experianced in an MMO. Like i said before, i can see this being the sole reason some folks play this game moving forward.
wow seriously? It's the worst control scheme around. w-s-a-d with w being acceleration,s being reduction, a and d being roll and pitch. The target reticle is horrible. There is no controller or flight stick input. The flying is horrid and so is contact. The yaw, pitch, roll, is a nightmare. I was on my server the minute they came up and after 2 hours of this garbage I was done. The consensus at Fleet was pretty unanimous; "man does this suck!"
I re-subbed exclusively for this and I regret ever doing so. I am not sure what flight and combat games you have come from but heart pounding combat is the not even on my list. With that said, glad your enjoying it.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box. ~ Italian proverb
> Sees the predicted *****ing about SWG (vets) having this and that.
> Leaves shaking his head.
Oh no wait! I came into this thread for a reason.
For those of you who played the new Galactic Starfighter PVP. I ask this simply question.
Is it fun to play?
I've played it and it definitely has potential.
I am still struggling with the controls a little bit and wish it had joystick support. It runs very smoothly, but I find myself pretty much free kills for other pilots lol.
Be warned, though, if you have a multiple monitor setup, you will get frustrated with the mouse cursor leaving your game screen, even if you play in full screen mode. I actually unplugged the video cable from my 2nd monitor when I play this to resolve it.
I'm still amazed that people want to see a game like SWTOR (themepark) and try to fit a space sandbox game like EVE Online / X-series onto it.
It is just /Facepalm material.
SOE didn´t have such a close minded stubborn way of pattern thinking
Dude. Again! You clearly never played SWG. So stop talking about stuff you know nothing about.
How many People actually played the JTL expansion?
I can tell you. A very small hardcore percentage. I was part of that percentage as I am a Space sim fan!
The vast majority didn´t play it! Infact, they were angry, as the expansion ruined the groundgame and affected the core gameplay for many!
The vast majority were RPG players and not Spacesim players! They didn´t want a flight simulator Attached to the game! People at the time, wanted SOE to FIX the groundgame and actually do something with the Galactic War. On the ground!
It marked the beginning of the mass exodus of quiting players. I was actually there, so I know. The NGE was really just a final nail in the coffin. The exodus already started long before.
SWG was also a different time. Now the market is fully saturated. Development costs have gone through the roof. So the time for experimenting and being bold is no longer possible. Unless you´re an Indy Company With bag of own Money or play around on Kickstarter.
Spot on, and on top of all this I'd say if JTL was meant to be a space sim it was an extremely poor one. JTL really didn't have any exploration it simply offered generic space missions and a few spacey gimmicks with some PVP tacked on. The most immersive factor of it was being able to sit inside a Yt and watch a ship fly by. Very few used the expansion as anything more than a fast travel system on my server. Top all that off with the fact that SOE never took the time to update it or add to it for years, hell the most work they did on it was right before the game shutdown.
I think TOR's space game sucked as it stood, at least they've taken the time to add something to it.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I subscribed a week ago so i could try it out. It is a terrible space ship combat, you cant stop, the ships are slow, the flying isnt even skills they use clickable icons, to do barrel rolls. They made it item based nonsense like the rest of the pvp in the game. It takes almost no skill, and is the worst flying a game could give you. They paved the paradise of swg and put up this garbage. They couldent even do the space ship combat right. Not to even mention since most of the people in the game dont like pvp, to make it all pvp is just a waste. Since the pvp in the game is item based level based garbage. It almost pay to win, minus you can buy the stuff, with in game credits. As for me back to bf4 for pvp, and ryzom for rpg/mmo. Where at least crafting is meaningful not every one makes the same garbage. The world is open, and the people under stand what a mmo is. As for plane fighting if you think this is fun, or good, you never played world war 2 online, SWG, battlefield vietnam, 2, and 4,among others.
You subbed a week ago to try GS?
What if i told you that GS early access went live just 30 mins ago for subs and that it was available on the PTS for testers only between November 15th-17th and November 22nd-24th.
So, please go on about how you are a veteran in GS.
And the barrel roll with the key is just a insta dodge mechanic with a cooldown. You can do manual barrel rolls without any problems. Of course, to know this, you need to actually play the game.
I didnt say i was a veteran. I played it for 10 mins, and found i didnt like it. You cant do a barrel roll. How the ship commands dont work like that. You cant roll the ship, you can go up and down, left and right. You cant go backwards, or stop.
Ship stops by pressing X, can be boosted by diverting power to engines or by pressing the spacebar for temporary boost.
Let me know when you see a Jet go in reverse in real life.
To do a barrel roll, keep the mouse centered and press A/D. The ship will turn about the longitudinal axis in a helical pattern.
The quick-skill is also not a barrel roll just an FYI. It's an almost instant 180 turn by braking the ship the and drifting to change the direction and then boosting to take the turn.
Retro-Thrusters all day, theres your reverse. You can thank me later.
I was not too thrilled with it when I first tried it. I did two matches and thought, this kinda sucks. The next day I tried it again and it started to grow on me. As I get better at it, it is fun and much more interesting than the "on-rails" stuff. I'm looking forward to maxing one of my ships gear and then slapping the next batch of people who are getting in next month.
That seems to be a concern. With subbers being able to heavily equip their ships this month, how badly is it going to make things for the next batches of people coming in? It is hard enough now to figure out the controls and get the hang of it but imagine how much worse it will be when half the enemy pilots can out damage and out maneuver you.
"Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game." - SEANMCAD
I was not too thrilled with it when I first tried it. I did two matches and thought, this kinda sucks. The next day I tried it again and it started to grow on me. As I get better at it, it is fun and much more interesting than the "on-rails" stuff. I'm looking forward to maxing one of my ships gear and then slapping the next batch of people who are getting in next month.
That seems to be a concern. With subbers being able to heavily equip their ships this month, how badly is it going to make things for the next batches of people coming in? It is hard enough now to figure out the controls and get the hang of it but imagine how much worse it will be when half the enemy pilots can out damage and out maneuver you.
They won´t be matched up With you. You will end up in the bracket With other People that have unlocked many tiers.
Dude. Again! You clearly never played SWG. So stop talking about stuff you know nothing about.
How many People actually played the JTL expansion?
I can tell you. A very small hardcore percentage. I was part of that percentage as I am a Space sim fan!
The vast majority didn´t play it! Infact, they were angry, as the expansion ruined the groundgame and affected the core gameplay for many!
The vast majority were RPG players and not Spacesim players! They didn´t want a flight simulator Attached to the game! People at the time, wanted SOE to FIX the groundgame and actually do something with the Galactic War. On the ground!
It marked the beginning of the mass exodus of quiting players. I was actually there, so I know. The NGE was really just a final nail in the coffin. The exodus already started long before.
SWG was also a different time. Now the market is fully saturated. Development costs have gone through the roof. So the time for experimenting and being bold is no longer possible. Unless you´re an Indy Company With bag of own Money or play around on Kickstarter.
If the level of interest is high enough I see future maps available in the cash shop.
> Sees thread about Star Wars (The Old Republic).
> Sees the predicted *****ing about SWG (vets) having this and that.
> Leaves shaking his head.
Oh no wait! I came into this thread for a reason.
For those of you who played the new Galactic Starfighter PVP. I ask this simply question.
Is it fun to play?
-Azure Prower
deleted by user double post
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box. ~ Italian proverb
wow seriously? It's the worst control scheme around. w-s-a-d with w being acceleration,s being reduction, a and d being roll and pitch. The target reticle is horrible. There is no controller or flight stick input. The flying is horrid and so is contact. The yaw, pitch, roll, is a nightmare. I was on my server the minute they came up and after 2 hours of this garbage I was done. The consensus at Fleet was pretty unanimous; "man does this suck!"
I re-subbed exclusively for this and I regret ever doing so. I am not sure what flight and combat games you have come from but heart pounding combat is the not even on my list. With that said, glad your enjoying it.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box. ~ Italian proverb
I've played it and it definitely has potential.
I am still struggling with the controls a little bit and wish it had joystick support. It runs very smoothly, but I find myself pretty much free kills for other pilots lol.
Be warned, though, if you have a multiple monitor setup, you will get frustrated with the mouse cursor leaving your game screen, even if you play in full screen mode. I actually unplugged the video cable from my 2nd monitor when I play this to resolve it.
Spot on, and on top of all this I'd say if JTL was meant to be a space sim it was an extremely poor one. JTL really didn't have any exploration it simply offered generic space missions and a few spacey gimmicks with some PVP tacked on. The most immersive factor of it was being able to sit inside a Yt and watch a ship fly by. Very few used the expansion as anything more than a fast travel system on my server. Top all that off with the fact that SOE never took the time to update it or add to it for years, hell the most work they did on it was right before the game shutdown.
I think TOR's space game sucked as it stood, at least they've taken the time to add something to it.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Retro-Thrusters all day, theres your reverse. You can thank me later.
I was not too thrilled with it when I first tried it. I did two matches and thought, this kinda sucks. The next day I tried it again and it started to grow on me. As I get better at it, it is fun and much more interesting than the "on-rails" stuff. I'm looking forward to maxing one of my ships gear and then slapping the next batch of people who are getting in next month.
That seems to be a concern. With subbers being able to heavily equip their ships this month, how badly is it going to make things for the next batches of people coming in? It is hard enough now to figure out the controls and get the hang of it but imagine how much worse it will be when half the enemy pilots can out damage and out maneuver you.
They won´t be matched up With you. You will end up in the bracket With other People that have unlocked many tiers.