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I have played Magic off and on, in real life, with a few long time friends. It has never been seriously. We just enjoy the game so we own cards and play from time to time.
I have heard there are a few good options to play digitally.
I own an iPad Air and a PC. What do you think the best way to play the game online/digitally would be and why?
Thanks ahead of time.
I played MTG for a long time and I've played MTGO & DOTP series as well as fiddled with various free open source system (I don't personally recommend any of them).
If you want the full MTG experience go with MTGO, but along with the full experience you get the full price of buying packs. It has everything, tournaments for all types of MTG. If you want to save some money, you can always play pauper format which is much much cheaper and still have tourney support and games to find.
The Duels of the Planeswalkers series is pretty well done, slick interface and the 2014 offers more customization than previous iterations. You can also play online, but only with existing deck (or modded decks if you have the same mods as your opponent). Speaking of mods, there's a healthy modding community and someone has even made an small app that lets you make your own decks and add them into the game.
Best part is, fixed price. You pay the $10 and xpac $5 and you have everything. It's also on iOS and Android, though I will say that modding is for PC (not sure if you can mod the tablet versions).
That's my two cents. Enjoy.
MTGO is pretty cheap with the ticket system unless you want to play standard.
There are other programs that allow you to play Magic online but without much cost but generally they require people to be honest and fair (I.E. Cockatrice) but there is no structure to prevent cheating etc etc.
Thanks for the responses.
I realize that the 2014 DotPW for ios only includes the 2014 set and I guess each year when they release the next one they will make it use that set, which is fine. But can you build your own decks to use online etc....? Or do you simply have to use the pre-made ones?