Hey there! I have three friends in the beta at the moment (one key, two friend keys). I seem to be the odd man out! I would greatly appreciate a key if anyone has one to offer. I would be happy to PM you with details of my game playing past or answer any questions that might make you feel safer trusting me with a key.
Been looking foward to this game for a long time and would really appreciate a beta key so i could test this new game out. Thanks MMORPG.com for giving me a chance, and hopefully the beta key.
I would really appreciate a Beta key if I could get one... I signed up for the beta at the beginning of 2012, still no key. If you have a spare, I would really like to get in.
I would love a beta key !
Thanks you MMORPG.com
I'm about to lose my mind about this game, I need a beta, doctor wrote it in my prescription.
So if you guys care about my mental status, please consider giving me a key.
xo xo (see? I'm losing it)
STFU n00b !
Hey there! I have three friends in the beta at the moment (one key, two friend keys). I seem to be the odd man out! I would greatly appreciate a key if anyone has one to offer. I would be happy to PM you with details of my game playing past or answer any questions that might make you feel safer trusting me with a key.
i woud love a key as well looking so mouch forward to play this game
I would love a beta key so I can finally play this game I have been hearing so much about.
Thanks in advance!
Hey guys,
I would really appreciate a Beta key if I could get one... I signed up for the beta at the beginning of 2012, still no key. If you have a spare, I would really like to get in.
I need a key please
email is gamezglitchz@gmail.com if this email dosnt work
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I would appreciate a beta key, please.
Thanks for the opportunity!
I would like a beta key to continue my exploration of Wildstar