Is there a service to submit video and audio evidence of games to have them analyzed by an outside source in order to give unbiased reports made with conclusions based on certain facts of videos sumbitted? Im trying to figure out if a certain group of people highly suspected of cheating are or not. If it could be proven or disproven or at least have some type of percentage of probability based claim it would put many of us troubled by this at ease. Currently its so annoying to have these guys reigning supreme and unchecked in a full loot open world mmo, with so many claims (and some very condemning evidence) of cheating.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
Problem is chain of custody. The company that will view said video can not garuntee the video has not been modified or tampered with. Basic forensics.
What you can do, is public shaming. Get the game company to see it, get the comunnity to see it, then hope for the best. If nothing is done to the alleged cheaters when the offense is proven, then quit the game. If the game is f2p, don't waste your time and energy, just move on.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
The reviewer has a mishapen head
Which means his opinion is skewed
you probably don't need a video. submit a report with time, date, realm, maybe some names or guild name. should be traceable in log files and such. if they are willing to go through the effort...
Youtube newb:
No, there is no MMO FBI. And I do hope there won't be, world is not that retarded yet.
Why would you need an outside group, anyway? You can send video of cheating to game developer in every current mmo. If they won't care, then that is it... what else could you do about it? It is their game, no one has the right to dictate them how to manage it.
To be honest I strongly believe if cheating is possible its developers and testers especialy testers fault . They are paid to test and paid well to not release huge bugs exploits cheats. So they should be punished first of all .
If you got banned and you think it's unfair and you have video where cheat exploits happens and if it show that it's just a coincidence that it happend you might get spared but there is no control for it especially in small companies like RUST where they ban people who complain that they didn't get key to alpha after giving them their money. Still you can hope that there is a person who want to help you and professional enough to fix this problem. So if you want to disapprove that you intended exploit cheat try to sent them a ticked with situation and video if it proves it's not you;r fault .
It's not really even possible to try to analyze a video like that. In online game you can never see actions of other players as they take them in real time. Instead you'll see the result of their actions, varying latency times, and algorithms used to compensate the latency. You don't know what the other player really did, or when he did it, accurately enough to analyze the video in slow motion and see things like reaction times, facing when the other player aims, etc.
If the devs don't take action, the best you can do is to get opinions from best players in the game. Best players will usually know what is possible in the game and what is not, and can give a good opinion.
By the way each account must have some LOG just sent a tiket on that person in the moment when you think exploit happen and they will spot in in logs.
Video might be used in defence ,testers for example use sceen shots video to present details about bugs but to prove that some one else is cheating no only if game is very poorly tested and there are some lame chats LIKE speed hacking which can easily be spotted with eye.