My bet is .. (the first fail) the second copy and improve...
So Sony and MS will make their versions better and more cooler and they will grow on the corpse of the Oculus rift ...
I think this is a good assesment. its more the underlining technology of Oculus that really makes it an indicator of what is to come from all manufactures not just Oculus.
Having used the device myself its clear to me that being that close to the screen the resolution has to a few tiers higher than what a monitor would run at to have the same effect. So if that is the case the problem Sony and Microsoft are going to have is the graphic limitations of the consoles themselves.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Is this thread implying it is childish to read hardcover books?
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own. -- Herman Melville
The SPECIFIC reason its popular now is because of the technology that exists NOW that didnt exist in the 90s
What point exactly do you think you're trying to make?
The SPECIFIC reason cell phones are more popular now is they're cheaper and cell coverage is far better. What that has to do with 3D VR headsets, I've not a clue.
3D TVs weren't available in the 90s, commonly are today, and still aren't very popular.
Thinking that something is going to be a success just because the tech has improved some is downright silly.
For starters, smartphones made REAL VR, in the form of the Rift, possible. Did your 90's VR goggles have 120 degree FoV, 1080p stereoscopic 3D environments and head tracking? No, they didn't, because the tech wasn't invented yet. The reason VR goggles are possible now is thanks to smartphone / tablet screens and sensors. My current Rift is using a 7" tablet screen, for example.
I own a Rift, and have a huge thread already running about this on the Pub forums. It's the real deal.
I'm going to just add this: Until you've tried a Rift, you have no idea what you are talking about. You can sit here and talk smack about it, or even talk it up, but until you have used one in multiple demos and games, you have no idea how well it works.
I thank smartphones every day, because I also built an autonomous quadcopter, which only exists thanks to cheap smartphone GPS chips and sensors.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
My PC monitor cost me almost as much as an Oculus Rift.
My phone with contract cost me almost as much as an Oculus Rift.
My motorcycle pants costs almost as much as an Oculus Rift.
If you want virtual reality then clearly the cost is not that much.
if you are 'meh' about virtual reality then you should stear clear anyway
For many people the cost is not the issue. Its not wanting to spend money on an as of right now unproven & unreleased tech. And one that has been seen as the next big thing a few times since the 90s.
If people can see where this gadget will be worth the $200-$300 or whatever, then cost wont be an issue for most people who are interested in it.
Some of you guys are on these couple of threads shooting down anyone who is not on board right this moment. Give this time to actually release, people to try it, games to come out for it, ect.
I get that you may be excited and it actually does sound really interesting, but most people are not and have not had a chance to even see this thing outside of a youtube video.
Comments like this-
if you are 'meh' about virtual reality then you should stear clear anyway
do not help your cause any at all. Makes you sound like a kid who is pissed the others dont want to play with his toys and should just go home.
Your own arguments as to why people should get behind this are almost as silly as some of the arguments to stay away. Although the best one I have read is in the other OR thread where the guy said he had pets in his room and would need to break up a fight immediately haha.
The very people who are "meh" about VR will be the ones who make it or break it. The die hard early adopters will not. There are a ton more of the "meh" crowd out there than the cheerleaders, OR will need both to be a success.
Then why bring up cost?
I mean if you are not intrested in VR prooven or otherwise then that is that. Its not like the cost is going to make you change your mind so why do people make themselves look like fools by bring it up when its $300 dollars for christ sake. Its not $150,000 like the new samsung TV that just came out.
Some people are just going to be negative anyways. The cost overall is pretty cheap for what it is, and if it does half of what you guys anticipate on release it will be a bargain actually.
Is this thread implying it is childish to read hardcover books?
I can see how someone might think that but really we are just saying
VR Folks: 'hardback books are cool and I hope I can always have access to them but this Kindle thing is pretty friggin sweet'
Hardbackers: 'no its not and its going to fail'
that is the conversation happening here
Yeah I have a few kindle books for novels. It's very convenient especially during the commute to and from work.
For books I need to learn from though, I still want an actual book in my hands. They really need to work on the formatting on the kindle books. Many times pictures and diagrams do not appear in the correct place if at all.
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own. -- Herman Melville
One of these VR headsets has been coming out pretty much every 5-8 years since probably the early 90's. I remember the last one, can't remember the name of the product. But it had two little lcd screens in it that were high latency and low resolution. I think only one game ever supported it natively.
This stuff has been around for ever and it's NEVER caught on and i suspect this won't either. The biggest killer of them is always eye strain due to the proximity of the screens, the low resolution and the lag. Really, i'd rather have a 3d surround monitor that didn't require glasses that a hokey VR headset i have to wear on my head and most other consumers agree which is why these things NEVER work. They'll probably only sell a few thousand of these to gadget gamers and then we'll never hear about it again.
One of these VR headsets has been coming out pretty much every 5-8 years since probably the early 90's. I remember the last one, can't remember the name of the product. But it had two little lcd screens in it that were high latency and low resolution. I think only one game ever supported it natively.
This stuff has been around for ever and it's NEVER caught on and i suspect this won't either. The biggest killer of them is always eye strain due to the proximity of the screens, the low resolution and the lag. Really, i'd rather have a 3d surround monitor that didn't require glasses that a hokey VR headset i have to wear on my head and most other consumers agree which is why these things NEVER work. They'll probably only sell a few thousand of these to gadget gamers and then we'll never hear about it again.
the difference now is as follows
1. the underling technology that it uses didnt exist very long ago.
2. major developers are backing it already.
3. games are already being produced on it, some fairly large budget games.
I dont recal a time when VR devices had actual games that were being developed even before the device was released
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
One of these VR headsets has been coming out pretty much every 5-8 years since probably the early 90's. I remember the last one, can't remember the name of the product. But it had two little lcd screens in it that were high latency and low resolution. I think only one game ever supported it natively.
This stuff has been around for ever and it's NEVER caught on and i suspect this won't either. The biggest killer of them is always eye strain due to the proximity of the screens, the low resolution and the lag. Really, i'd rather have a 3d surround monitor that didn't require glasses that a hokey VR headset i have to wear on my head and most other consumers agree which is why these things NEVER work. They'll probably only sell a few thousand of these to gadget gamers and then we'll never hear about it again.
the difference now is as follows
1. the underling technology that it uses didnt exist very long ago.
2. major developers are backing it already.
3. games are already being produced on it, some fairly large budget games.
I dont recal a time when VR devices had actual games that were being developed even before the device was released
I think comparing the devices of old to the rift is like... Comparing a Tricycle to a Ferrari. The old devices never had the modern tech required to develop VR to this degree. This Oculus Rift is undeniably a giant step forward for this sort of thing.
Originally posted by gamesrfun Oculus VR's new display has obviously created a few "rifts" in the gaming community, pun intended. I personally love it when a new technology comes out that creates the first "GET OFF MY LAWN" moment for a new generation.
At that point, you get to see who is going to grow up embracing new technologies and who is going to continue to read hard cover novels. The GREAT part about Oculus Rift is that there is going to be a large portion of the gaming community who are going to resist it, finding the headset too cumbersome (excuse ad infinitum).
Guarantee you kids will love it though. And that's truly the only demographic that counts long-term, and so the VR world begins in 2014-2015 (Google Glass, Oculus Rift, etc.)
How much you guys get paid for this OR propaganda to promote this new tech with new topics?
Im glad i belong to the hardcover books and its your loss not mine.
You lost my respect when you say "you kids".
Totally not interested in OR.
My PREDICTION is this OR is going nowhere and fail fast.
Hope to build full AMD system RYZEN/VEGA/AM4!!!
MB:Asus V De Luxe z77 CPU:Intell Icore7 3770k GPU: AMD Fury X(waiting for BIG VEGA 10 or 11 HBM2?(bit unclear now)) MEMORY:Corsair PLAT.DDR3 1866MHZ 16GB PSU:Corsair AX1200i OS:Windows 10 64bit
There's a thousand barefoot children outside..... dancing on my lawn.
Immersion is King!
I have no idea what that means, but it made me LOL.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein "Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
Is everyone forgetting that this is for the developers edition.
A normal version will be much lower in price.
I have seen in a video that they are working on getting 1080p in the displays. The new HD version will be out soon.
300$ for a trackable headmount that is for developers.
connect the KInect to your computer with head tracking . Oh my. Now just have to figure out to get a manual treadmill going with it. . FPS will be different .
Is everyone forgetting that this is for the developers edition.
A normal version will be much lower in price.
I have seen in a video that they are working on getting 1080p in the displays. The new HD version will be out soon.
300$ for a trackable headmount that is for developers.
connect the KInect to your computer with head tracking . Oh my. Now just have to figure out to get a manual treadmill going with it. . FPS will be different .
I'm baffled by all those comparing the new VR tech (Rift) to failed attempts at VR in the past.
I do have my doubts that "Oculus" will become a household name, but only because other hardware manufacturers are going to come in and provide better gear quickly after VR catches on... But I strongly believe that VR is going to catch on this time around, because for the FIRST TIME EVER, the available tech meets the vision that we've had for VR all these years/decades.
Comparing hardcover books to E-readers is not accurate either, at the end of the day they both function the same. Comparing VR to the flat-screen experience is more akin to comparing a traditional theater to the IMAX experience, but THAT doesn't even do it justice because VR is even MORE immersive than IMAX, complete with head-tracking.
To all the naysayers... Google game developer opinions on the Oculus Rift. It's UNANIMOUS that they agree it is a game-changer. Nobody has said this about past VR tech because past VR tech has always been stupid.
If you believe this generation of VR is going to fail simply because past generations of VR have failed... You fail to recognize the difference and should probably do some reading before posting your juvenile opinion here.
You know what else failed a few times before catching on? Pretty much everything.
"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils." - Louis Hector Berlioz
The thing that really amazes me is how people have totally forgotten all the issues that VR headsets caused 25 years ago.
Motion Sickness
Retina Detachment
Brain Tumors
I mean come on lets strap an electronic device to our head for extended periods of time.
This issue really does not take the Surgeon General to tell you how bad an idea that is and has always been.
But hey we all need another dust collector to sit around the house cluttering up the place.
25 years ago? Really? You're comparing 25 years ago to today? Are you 10?
25 years ago we had 60HZ screens running 8-bit games at 30 FPS.
Also, you are full of it... There are no confirmed cases of retinal detachment, blindness or brain tumors from ANY generation of VR. You just completely made that up...
"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils." - Louis Hector Berlioz
Originally posted by Mikey_Hazard Originally posted by psiicThe thing that really amazes me is how people have totally forgotten all the issues that VR headsets caused 25 years ago. Motion SicknessMigrainesBlindness Retina DetachmentBrain TumorsI mean come on lets strap an electronic device to our head for extended periods of time.This issue really does not take the Surgeon General to tell you how bad an idea that is and has always been.But hey we all need another dust collector to sit around the house cluttering up the place.
25 years ago? Really? You're comparing 25 years ago to today? Are you 10?
25 years ago we had 60HZ screens running 8-bit games at 30 FPS.
Also, you are full of it... There are no confirmed cases of retinal detachment, blindness or brain tumors from ANY generation of VR. You just completely made that up...
There's also no evidence that things like cell phones cause anything other than a distraction. Given the huge rise in cell phone users, and the lack of any corresponding rise in anything except not paying attention to spouses, electronic devices like cell phones do not cause cancer, so it seems unlikely that things like the Occulus are going to cause cancer.
It has been proven that letting babies under the age of 2 watch things like television, watch iPads or any video screen messes with their brains, so don't strap one of these things to your newborn child. Wait until they're two years old to neglect them.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
I'm baffled by all those comparing the new VR tech (Rift) to failed attempts at VR in the past.
I do have my doubts that "Oculus" will become a household name, but only because other hardware manufacturers are going to come in and provide better gear quickly after VR catches on... But I strongly believe that VR is going to catch on this time around, because for the FIRST TIME EVER, the available tech meets the vision that we've had for VR all these years/decades.
Comparing hardcover books to E-readers is not accurate either, at the end of the day they both function the same. Comparing VR to the flat-screen experience is more akin to comparing a traditional theater to the IMAX experience, but THAT doesn't even do it justice because VR is even MORE immersive than IMAX, complete with head-tracking.
To all the naysayers... Google game developer opinions on the Oculus Rift. It's UNANIMOUS that they agree it is a game-changer. Nobody has said this about past VR tech because past VR tech has always been stupid.
If you believe this generation of VR is going to fail simply because past generations of VR have failed... You fail to recognize the difference and should probably do some reading before posting your juvenile opinion here.
You know what else failed a few times before catching on? Pretty much everything.
people keep talking about 'all these companies' having a lot of fanfare about VR and I am sorry but the only time I know of with this such attention was 1993...
any others?
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
I think this is a good assesment. its more the underlining technology of Oculus that really makes it an indicator of what is to come from all manufactures not just Oculus.
Having used the device myself its clear to me that being that close to the screen the resolution has to a few tiers higher than what a monitor would run at to have the same effect. So if that is the case the problem Sony and Microsoft are going to have is the graphic limitations of the consoles themselves.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
I play MMOs for the Forum PVP
3d failed the first time, it's failing this time.
Kinnect failed the first time, it's failing a 2nd time.
VR headsets failed the first time and it will fail this time.
Putting aside Oculus Right for a minute...
Is this thread implying it is childish to read hardcover books?
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.
-- Herman Melville
It is I think saying that denying the potential of the Kindle because you like Hardcover books isn't very rational.
For starters, smartphones made REAL VR, in the form of the Rift, possible. Did your 90's VR goggles have 120 degree FoV, 1080p stereoscopic 3D environments and head tracking? No, they didn't, because the tech wasn't invented yet. The reason VR goggles are possible now is thanks to smartphone / tablet screens and sensors. My current Rift is using a 7" tablet screen, for example.
I own a Rift, and have a huge thread already running about this on the Pub forums. It's the real deal.
I'm going to just add this: Until you've tried a Rift, you have no idea what you are talking about. You can sit here and talk smack about it, or even talk it up, but until you have used one in multiple demos and games, you have no idea how well it works.
I thank smartphones every day, because I also built an autonomous quadcopter, which only exists thanks to cheap smartphone GPS chips and sensors.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
You always learn so much reading this site!
I can see how someone might think that but really we are just saying
VR Folks: 'hardback books are cool and I hope I can always have access to them but this Kindle thing is pretty friggin sweet'
Hardbackers: 'no its not and its going to fail'
that is the conversation happening here
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Some people are just going to be negative anyways. The cost overall is pretty cheap for what it is, and if it does half of what you guys anticipate on release it will be a bargain actually.
Yeah I have a few kindle books for novels. It's very convenient especially during the commute to and from work.
For books I need to learn from though, I still want an actual book in my hands. They really need to work on the formatting on the kindle books. Many times pictures and diagrams do not appear in the correct place if at all.
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.
-- Herman Melville
One of these VR headsets has been coming out pretty much every 5-8 years since probably the early 90's. I remember the last one, can't remember the name of the product. But it had two little lcd screens in it that were high latency and low resolution. I think only one game ever supported it natively.
This stuff has been around for ever and it's NEVER caught on and i suspect this won't either. The biggest killer of them is always eye strain due to the proximity of the screens, the low resolution and the lag. Really, i'd rather have a 3d surround monitor that didn't require glasses that a hokey VR headset i have to wear on my head and most other consumers agree which is why these things NEVER work. They'll probably only sell a few thousand of these to gadget gamers and then we'll never hear about it again.
the difference now is as follows
1. the underling technology that it uses didnt exist very long ago.
2. major developers are backing it already.
3. games are already being produced on it, some fairly large budget games.
I dont recal a time when VR devices had actual games that were being developed even before the device was released
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
I think comparing the devices of old to the rift is like... Comparing a Tricycle to a Ferrari. The old devices never had the modern tech required to develop VR to this degree. This Oculus Rift is undeniably a giant step forward for this sort of thing.
How much you guys get paid for this OR propaganda to promote this new tech with new topics?
Im glad i belong to the hardcover books and its your loss not mine.
You lost my respect when you say "you kids".
Totally not interested in OR.
My PREDICTION is this OR is going nowhere and fail fast.
Hope to build full AMD system RYZEN/VEGA/AM4!!!
MB:Asus V De Luxe z77
CPU:Intell Icore7 3770k
GPU: AMD Fury X(waiting for BIG VEGA 10 or 11 HBM2?(bit unclear now))
PSU:Corsair AX1200i
OS:Windows 10 64bit
There's a thousand barefoot children outside..... dancing on my lawn.
Immersion is King!
"If the Damned gave you a roadmap, then you'd know just where to go"
I have no idea what that means, but it made me LOL.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
I'm under 30 and I say GET OFF MY LAWN!
I'll have my virtual separate from my reality please.
And lets not kid ourselves, everyone's gonna just use this tech for porn anyway.
O_o o_O
Is everyone forgetting that this is for the developers edition.
A normal version will be much lower in price.
I have seen in a video that they are working on getting 1080p in the displays. The new HD version will be out soon.
300$ for a trackable headmount that is for developers.
connect the KInect to your computer with head tracking . Oh my. Now just have to figure out to get a manual treadmill going with it. . FPS will be different .
ASUS G74sx
i7 quad core
16gb ddr3 ram
3gb ram Nvidia 560M
240GB SSD & 750GB
treadmill for gaming of the future.
STEM is also a very nice system for controls
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
The thing that really amazes me is how people have totally forgotten all the issues that VR headsets caused 25 years ago.
Motion Sickness
Retina Detachment
Brain Tumors
I mean come on lets strap an electronic device to our head for extended periods of time.
This issue really does not take the Surgeon General to tell you how bad an idea that is and has always been.
But hey we all need another dust collector to sit around the house cluttering up the place.
I'm baffled by all those comparing the new VR tech (Rift) to failed attempts at VR in the past.
I do have my doubts that "Oculus" will become a household name, but only because other hardware manufacturers are going to come in and provide better gear quickly after VR catches on... But I strongly believe that VR is going to catch on this time around, because for the FIRST TIME EVER, the available tech meets the vision that we've had for VR all these years/decades.
Comparing hardcover books to E-readers is not accurate either, at the end of the day they both function the same. Comparing VR to the flat-screen experience is more akin to comparing a traditional theater to the IMAX experience, but THAT doesn't even do it justice because VR is even MORE immersive than IMAX, complete with head-tracking.
To all the naysayers... Google game developer opinions on the Oculus Rift. It's UNANIMOUS that they agree it is a game-changer. Nobody has said this about past VR tech because past VR tech has always been stupid.
If you believe this generation of VR is going to fail simply because past generations of VR have failed... You fail to recognize the difference and should probably do some reading before posting your juvenile opinion here.
You know what else failed a few times before catching on? Pretty much everything.
"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils." - Louis Hector Berlioz
25 years ago? Really? You're comparing 25 years ago to today? Are you 10?
25 years ago we had 60HZ screens running 8-bit games at 30 FPS.
Also, you are full of it... There are no confirmed cases of retinal detachment, blindness or brain tumors from ANY generation of VR. You just completely made that up...
"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils." - Louis Hector Berlioz
25 years ago we had 60HZ screens running 8-bit games at 30 FPS.
Also, you are full of it... There are no confirmed cases of retinal detachment, blindness or brain tumors from ANY generation of VR. You just completely made that up...
There's also no evidence that things like cell phones cause anything other than a distraction. Given the huge rise in cell phone users, and the lack of any corresponding rise in anything except not paying attention to spouses, electronic devices like cell phones do not cause cancer, so it seems unlikely that things like the Occulus are going to cause cancer.
It has been proven that letting babies under the age of 2 watch things like television, watch iPads or any video screen messes with their brains, so don't strap one of these things to your newborn child. Wait until they're two years old to neglect them.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
lol, satire is great
people keep talking about 'all these companies' having a lot of fanfare about VR and I am sorry but the only time I know of with this such attention was 1993...
any others?
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me