And that is exactly my point. They have 36+ million already and the game has been fully funded since Oct. 8, 2013. Fully funded meaning the game is essentially paid for with all the features they announced via stretch goals. And all they have released was a website and a hanger mod 5 months ago. Even after being in development for 3 years. I just feel they are stringing this process along as much as they can because there is no shortage of ships, add-ons and packages being released. The latest being the Cutlass at $115 and the subscriptions to watch them via video.
Where do you get that it has been in development for 3 years? He started working on it, largely by himself and Rob irving for a year prior to the kickstarter in October of 2012. You can only do so much with 2 people. October 2011- January 2014 =/= 3 years. Check your math.
Ok so maybe it hasn't been exactly 3 years but it still doesn't change the fact that this game could have been released in 2014 like I stated before. And if you need proof look no further than the man himself at GDC Oct. 10, 2012:
A crowd funding site has been posted at to help raise the necessary funds for completing development of the project. "Our purpose today," said Roberts, "is to allow our fans to join us in this process early. It will likely be another two years before the full product is ready for release, but early backers will be able to play a version of the game a year from now."
So with that in mind, two years from Oct. 10, 2012 would put release at 4th quarter 2014. And a version of the game (I'm thinking alpha for backers) at 4th quarter 2013. Now I'd see if he ran into some crowdfunding bumps, but if you recall, SC had no such problems finding funding. Like I said, stringing it along...
That's a general statement. It's not an exact release date. CIG has stated over and over again that they don't have hard dates for anything, because they want to stay flexible. That's one of the perks of not having a publisher forcing release of an unfinished product. When you say you're gonna be somewhere "in a couple hours", I doubt you show up at 120 minutes on the dot.
It sounds to me like you're looking for a reason to complain.
Ahhh I see so CIG gets a free pass when they generalize but I don't? Well at least I know where I stand. Next time you want to be anal about specifics, be ready to deal with it. I stated that they've been working on this game for 3 years and you told me to be accurate. Ok fine. I then gave you a statement where Mr. Roberts supported my stance that we could have had been playing this game some time in 2014 and you tell me don't be so finicky about exact dates. So make up your mind what do you want me to be? Specific or general?
And for record I never said the dates Mr. Robert gave were exact dates. I merely pointed out how the time frames he has given in the past reflect where we could have been by now and his delayed schedule has nothing to do with a lack of funding. And remember, he knew from the moment he started this project that he was not going to be saddled with publishers or forced deadlines, leading to believe that the answers he gave in that interview were of his own accord. But before he knew how much money would be rolling in...
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
I just want to say to everyone talking about this fully funded game still getting funded. They asked the members just when it was about to get fully funded if they wanted the funding to end or continue for the benifit of the game. And a majority of the pepole how voted said yes to keep it rolling, so it did. So enyone who felt that "Ok, its fully funded, Im happy" could stay whit that. Its all really up to your self to decied.
But, with the kind of media hype beoucse of this success so far in funding gives many the fuel to critise. I have been supporting several Kickstarter related projects of diffren kinds. Still, there has not been a single project that has been as transparent and listeing to and awnser its supporters. Letting them have a pretty big peace effecting what way to go with this project. And Im pretty sure that is a good reason for its success so far.
And one more thing, The dog fight module that was supposed to been released around this year was delayed becouse of this media hype and whiners, almost wanting it to fail as much as possible. Becouse they now need it to be a bit better then a Alhpa usuly is. couse it STILL is pre alpha, AND if you think "Elder Scrolls Online" marked as Beta, then should qulify Star Citizen as finished, baby you need to get some more intel and experience in this kind of develpoment.
Keep the spitit up! Love all you guys whineing about conspirasis and doom of the kickstarters. VERY entertaining reading.
My feelings on this topic can be summed up by the following Calvin & Hobbes strip:
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Authored 139 missions in VendettaOnline and 6 tracks in Distance
Look at the forum this way!!!!!The front liners of this game drive nice or near new cars which are well serviced? If I was to bet all subscribers $1/$1 they have invested so far at even money return.that there own car is overdue for a simple grease and oil change, I would have more profit than all by far of the creators here
Ahhh I see so CIG gets a free pass when they generalize but I don't? Well at least I know where I stand. Next time you want to be anal about specifics, be ready to deal with it. I stated that they've been working on this game for 3 years and you told me to be accurate. Ok fine. I then gave you a statement where Mr. Roberts supported my stance that we could have had been playing this game some time in 2014 and you tell me don't be so finicky about exact dates. So make up your mind what do you want me to be? Specific or general?
And for record I never said the dates Mr. Robert gave were exact dates. I merely pointed out how the time frames he has given in the past reflect where we could have been by now and his delayed schedule has nothing to do with a lack of funding. And remember, he knew from the moment he started this project that he was not going to be saddled with publishers or forced deadlines, leading to believe that the answers he gave in that interview were of his own accord. But before he knew how much money would be rolling in...
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
I just want to say to everyone talking about this fully funded game still getting funded. They asked the members just when it was about to get fully funded if they wanted the funding to end or continue for the benifit of the game. And a majority of the pepole how voted said yes to keep it rolling, so it did. So enyone who felt that "Ok, its fully funded, Im happy" could stay whit that. Its all really up to your self to decied.
But, with the kind of media hype beoucse of this success so far in funding gives many the fuel to critise. I have been supporting several Kickstarter related projects of diffren kinds. Still, there has not been a single project that has been as transparent and listeing to and awnser its supporters. Letting them have a pretty big peace effecting what way to go with this project. And Im pretty sure that is a good reason for its success so far.
And one more thing, The dog fight module that was supposed to been released around this year was delayed becouse of this media hype and whiners, almost wanting it to fail as much as possible. Becouse they now need it to be a bit better then a Alhpa usuly is. couse it STILL is pre alpha, AND if you think "Elder Scrolls Online" marked as Beta, then should qulify Star Citizen as finished, baby you need to get some more intel and experience in this kind of develpoment.
Keep the spitit up! Love all you guys whineing about conspirasis and doom of the kickstarters. VERY entertaining reading.
My feelings on this topic can be summed up by the following Calvin & Hobbes strip:
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance