Maybe this reviewer should stick to themeparks because it is painfully obvious that is how he is choosing to play AA.
Getting really tired of this kind of reviewer whom feel they need to share their narrow minded view of how they choose to play AA while ignoring 99% of what makes AA unique. Yet another reviewer whom ignored most of the sandbox and played AA like wow, then condemned it.
Honestly everything you decided to review, should have been a footnote to the ACTUAL engaging features AA has but if you can't get out of the themepark mentality, than this is what you get.
One post? Seriously? I don't think you're credible enough to really be making reviews but OK.
Anyway@ the OP:
Thanks for the honest review. It pretty much just sounds like every other Asian MMO to come out in the last...ten years lol. That review also answered my question: is it going P2P subscription or F2P. My guess is that it's going F2P right out the box. those parts of the game sounds pretty terrible. . .and the currency system is awful as well. Anyway Thank you for shedding the truth about the game.
It's funny that the fanboys (who'e never played the game as the OP has...or at all) are so quick to bash the guy for being honest.
Amazing how people can get their feelings hurt over someone's negative review over something they like. Anyway, I'd just ignroe their posts OP and keep alerting us when shitty games are coming out, to help protect consumers from these types of clusterFucks and yeah, this game sounds like the designers have no idea about game design 101 at all. Just from hearing the features when he's not giving the negative parts of it I can tell "yeah this game is going to suck"
OH and LOL to the fanboys getting so desperate they try to Bash EVE /facepalm . . .so bad. . .so bad.
The Article I saw the othe rposter link was good. . .but it seemed to kind of sugar coat what the OP was saying, which is fune, but I can read throuhg the lines. . .
However, what the article said next is somethign that will keep me off this game forever:
The Problem with Free To Play in Korea
As of the 3rd of july, ArcheAg is free to play in korea. This means you can play without having any gametime, but there are some restrictions. If you want to read more details about this, check my post:
Generally, this is not much of a problem. If you want to regenerate and participate in the housing you have to pay a monthly fee, otherwise you only get to fight and buy stuff.
Botting will always be an issue, no matter what business model, so I don't dislike the system because of that.
What really bothers me is the high amount of pay to win in this game.
There is an item shop in which you can buy rice cakes for real money. Those rice cakes give you 500 labour points on a cooldown of one hour. So an additional 12k labour points a day. I won't even start to talk about problems like credit card fraud, this is not part of the game.
In this shop, you can buy goods with these rice cakes. Those goods are among other things cars, costumes with stats, mounts and gliders. Some of these, such as the gliders and mounts, can only be obtained through this item shop. The car and the costumes however an also be crafted ingame. And with the ricecakes being tradeable, you could actually try and get all of this without investing real money. But there is also another currency which I honestly don't know much about right now.
My point is: By buying rice cakes in the item shop you can buy everything, including castles if you manage your guild right. This does not even include ItemBay, a big korean site where players legally sell their equipment and ingame gold just like people sell their old couch on eBay.
All in all, the free to play system brought many bots, a pay to win system and a massive deflation of players. I am not the only one liking the system, and if you watched the player numbers in the past, you can see many koreans dislike it too.
This is an absolute game breaker, and why I hate F2P business models and will never play a game like that. These models take relatively GOOD games, and ruin them. WIth F2P games, the Devs for some reason feel that they don't need to provide as much customer service, or fixes or upgrades in content to their game.
Of course the most dammagine abotu F2P P2W games is that these attract Hordes of botters and exploiters.
Which these companies pretty much outright ignore. It's gotten so bad that people EXPECT botters in mmos saying stuff like "they're in EVERY GAME"
. . .no they're not. Hell I've even seen PRIVATE servers of certain F2P MMO's run by teenagers in their mothers basements, have the client PATCHED to where any bot running, doesn't even work! How hard is it to hire ONE guy, to monitor the hacks, and program constant patches to the game everyweek to make sure bots don't work in the first place? If a teenager living at home can do it, a professional company can definately do it.. . .
But of course that actualyl loses the company money, since the extreme sense of scarcity, and inflation is gone. so players don't feel the need to buy more and more gold or poitns or wahtever from the company. . .instead just pay what one normally would for a sub and play the game to progress.
These are the worst kinds of games, and why many people (including me) prefer sub based games, because at least the devs have some PRESSURE to fix exploits and bots, instead of just ignoring it.
Anyway, @ the OP: keep up the good work, ignore the fanboys. Have a great day!
One post? Seriously? I don't think you're credible enough to really be making reviews but OK.
Anyway@ the OP:
Thanks for the honest review. It pretty much just sounds like every other Asian MMO to come out in the last...ten years lol.
I stoped reading after this. I realised you undermined your own credibility in that one last sentence, so no matter what came after it would not be an objective review anymore.
Originally posted by SanguisAstra @LordPerrin2. . .One post? Seriously? I don't think you're credible enough to really be making reviews but OK.Anyway@ the OP:Thanks for the honest review. It pretty much just sounds like every other Asian MMO to come out in the last...ten years lol.
I stoped reading after this. I realised you undermined your own credibility in that one last sentence, so no matter what came after it would not be an objective review anymore.
....I agree, sorta hard to be objective after a comment like that.
Let me bring you some light on this MMO. Im what you can call MMO vet who played more then 100 titles, all the major ones.
I stopped reading after that.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
thank you for the great review. I wouldn't waste too much time with fanbois who didn't even try the game, but are still defending it like its the fucking holy grail of mmorpgs. I played enough LA2 to know that grinding and joining a zerg to stomp solo players or weak clans is boring as hell.
I dunno, I respect your ability to review a game, but we have no idea what the NA version holds in comparison to the version you tried. We're talking major revamping, updated content, tweaking, the whole 9, especially since the NA version is in Alpha right now. What we saw in your video might be completely changed at this point, there's no telling.
The Article I saw the othe rposter link was good. . .but it seemed to kind of sugar coat what the OP was saying, which is
First of all, the number of posts should not be any indicator of quality of posts. You can shitpost for 1k posts if you want.
That being said, since you are quoting my post and state that I am sugarcoating OPs review, let's just take a quick look at the facts okay? I think this will also clean up a lot of things of the thread.
I'm not trying to make you look bad, just trying to clear up some misconceptions that can come up.
I'll also point the bad things you didn't see, don't worry.
So be prepared to long grind to 50, and its indeed long. You'll have to search every location for quest NPCs, because if you skip any and move to other location, quests there will give you item rewards 2-4 levels higher then you actually are.
You couldn't even play to level 50, yet alone had all the areas available(I'm playing RU Beta, too, you know?). So this is not true, the quests lead up to Lv50 and if you do everything you can in the game(craft, do some dungeons etc) you don't even need all quests. Only one of my 50s on Korea got 50 through grinding and only because I wanted to. In fact, quests are so stacked, it's really hard to avoid them and you get major disadvantages if you do (especially moneywise), if you don't know exactly what you're doing.
You get only 2 dungeons up to level 40. No LFG system, no summoning, you have to go on feet there. Both are very small, about 3 bosses each. Both feel like 3 generic rooms connected with narrow corridors. First dungeon (everyone call it "Copies") can be zerged with 3 dps classes at level 20. Second ("Arsenal") is 30 lvl dungeon and very hard for PUGs since bosses have oneshot abilities and healing is a pain at this level.
This is only partly true. There are dungeons on both sides, and you can freely get into those for a total of 4 dungeons up to Lv40. And yes the dungeons are easier, because nerfed those dungeons to death. In KR not even higher level chars could play properly through dungeons without dying. Everyone that went over from KR to RU noticed the difference. It's huge, this is not KR standard.
Also, Dungeons were not a priority for XLGames. Ever since they focus on western market they started including them, though. Notice how one dungeon is only attractive for it's mount armor.
Top crafted gear takes HUGE amount of resources. Actually so much, that it takes efforts of big clans to gear their members. There are whole forests grown to build a single ship.
I wish this was true, but the 4-crossed-server AH makes this not really that good. You can easily buy most res out of the AH. Otherwise OP is right, crafting is a major part and one of the main foci of the game.
Lore is generic fantasy. And other then through quests, which believe me, you wont read later on, there arent any ways to deliver the lore.
Cutscenes, scrolls you can read ingame, books written by a korean novelist, hidden allusions throughout the world... What do you want more? Also I'm not a big fan of lore but I think ArcheAges story is pretty cool for an MMO. Some rough translations can be found here:
There are TONS of abilities that are absolutely useless and never taken by anyone.
I can think of 24 viable combinations right now and thats only for PvP. That makes 24 classes, all different skillsets and purposes. Yes, of course the bard tree is very limited in it's use. But it's only ONE tree, and you are supposed to mix 3 and make a viable class out of that as well as play it properly; a bard tree played by a skilled play is a very powerful tool for groups. And so far people were very, very good with that. I have never seen such variety in an MMO. (Maybe UO; EVE etc, but definitely not in a typical modern MMO)...
Also the "main" healing ability you are talking about is nnot your main healing ability. Your main heal is instant and depends on the numbers you cast it. Lv45 "Continuous Recovery"(see here: Your mana management as a healer is a reason you have to combine with other classes. There are definitely some viable combinations that take care of your mana, you just gotta find them!(look at the link and you might find some already!).
One general hint: You played at Lv40. You did not see the class and gear system in full power. Having Tanks with 18k hp is a little different to the Lv40 chars you have in RU version right now . Of course it's hard to find viable combinations, but thats how its supposed to be!
But anyways, combat mechanics is much more simple then in WoW. After playing WoW's hunter, I find all classes in Archeage primitive.
Does WoW have such a dynamic obstacle detection? No "ghosting"? Projectiles and such a low GCD? I don' think so. Yes both systems are very similar and ArcheAge doesn't have 500 skills, but the system itself is a lot more polished and modern imho.
Freedom Island gives most valuable rewards. And its massacre there all days long with just zergs killing each other non stop.
Many parts of the world are stilll missing, and Russians still have the novelty of the game, so this will get better soon. Sadly.
Kraken - raid boss that supposed to terrify sailors and be PvP objective is just farmed with clock by top clan.
Of course, when theres no enemy to stop them it's easy. But you got a good point, the Kraken has a few exploits especially in beta.
Small group PvP is rarity in AA. Its mostly about zergs and whose zerg bigger win
Way too early to make that comment. In Korea it's mostly small group PvP and only zerg PvP when guilds enforce it(safe trading, sieges etc). RU CBT is stacked with players just wanting to "have fun" and do that crap, you just can't make an accurate comment on that right now.
Archeage is the game for PvP clans to decide whose D is bigger. And you as casual player is not welcome in this competition.
Of course they are welcome, who else would fuel those PvP clans with materials? Of course, ArcheAge was designed as a PvP game, so the "end content"(which is still such a bad name) is revolving around PvP. But even as a casual player you can be part of this, even if you don't like PvP. There are many farmers, fishers and all those guys that are hardly affected by all of this. Luckily the world is big enough for that.
When you die, you respawn at nearest Goddess statue. Using any abilities near it not allowed. This brings situations, where big zerg corners victims to statue and camp them, sometimes for 30 minutes. One side cant get away, other cant kill them.
Wholeheartedly agree. Unfortunately koreans like it like that and this is the reason XLGames made it that way. Maybe we can show RU/EU publishers we don't like this?
If you leveled 3 trees to 50 and decided to change one, you have to level new tree from level 10. This means you get access only to few abilities from this tree and they do minimum damage. You have to grind for days to get this third tree to 50, all this time being gimped.
If it was any easier than this than it would be reDONKOLOUS. How crappy would it be if you suddenly could be everything at Lv50? You gotta work for that privilige!
Because all classes lack efficient mana regen mechanics, you have to stop after almost every pack of mobs in dungeon and use "play fluit" abilitiy that very slowly regens mana.
... says the guy probably using only quest gear, which is about the worst gear you can have. :P
Please, realize that the crafted gear is so much better and especiallly in the later levels is so many levels better that you simply cannot not use it. Also, proper combinations do not lack effcient mana regen abilities. And really, you are complaining about regen pauses? Do you think it would be balanced to just rush through everything? Come on ....
From what I saw, developers have no clue how to fix the game and where's the right direction for Archeage. Instead of balancing trees, improving PvP and adding sandbox mechanics, they introduce new level cap and dungeons.
True, very true. But not for alll the reasons you mentioned. Mainly because Jake Song is not on the project anymore and the current development team wants to cater to the WoW players and raiding game addicts, and not to the sandbox and PvP players that initially filled the world of ArcheAge. Otherwise the issues you mentioned in your last paragraph wouldn't be there.
But one point I do heavily agree with:
If you are a solo player, leave, ArcheAge is not for you!
Originally posted by mindw0rk I just read patch notes from January patch that changes old abilities and introduces new. Now its 100% clear developers in this game are braindead.
6. Combat System: i don't understand how come it be "more simpler" then in WoW, probably this is where his WoW fanboyism kicks in.
Its not fanboism, its common sense. WoW classes have up to 60+ active abilities all of which are very unique. There are tons of combat mechanics and details that you have to know and use to get advantage. Its very hard to master a class in WoW to play it competitive at 2500+ arenas.
In Archeage I felt I fully mastered my class (and its not the simpliest one either) before I reached cap. There are just not many things you can do, even if you're very skilled.
Are you saying you binded 60 abilities to your keyboard with out macros?
Yes. Every good PvPer does. And constantly uses all 60 in PvP. I had only 1 macros that allowed to use instantly racial+trinket+ability for burst damage
I'm always interested in new mmorpgs, and a year or so ago there was quite a lot of talk about AA and how awesome it looked. I haven't followed it closely as I except it as most mmorpgs to eventually disappoint. There's also the issue with information and discussion about a upcoming mmorpg is so black and white. So it's hard to know what to believe and get a fair impression.
But what surprised me most in this thread was, how the OP has not been called out for claiming he is using 60 legitimate abilities in pvp wow.
I'm sure his review is honest enough, but if you are looking for an excuse to attack his credibility and justify him being a troll, a liar or just a clueless guy, well I would start with that wow pvp claim.
But what surprised me most in this thread was, how the OP has not been called out for claiming he is using 60 legitimate abilities in pvp wow.
I'm sure his review is honest enough, but if you are looking for an excuse to attack his credibility and justify him being a troll, a liar or just a clueless guy, well I would start with that wow pvp claim.
About 10 of them, like Eagle Eye or Track things, you can count out.
Add at least 3 for controlling the pet. Add racial. Add 1-2 for trinkets. Add some other stuff like summon mount and you get about 60 activated hotkeys +/- few. You see something wrong with it? Maybe screenshot of my UI will ease your doubts:
One thing you need to know ArchAge is a party game 90 % of time you must be in party. Game is built around hardcore crafting.
Plant tree. wait to grow defence them some one might steal them. Cut trees down . Make planks from than . Now you need 2 more items to craft the item you wanted. In nutshell it's Farm vile HAVE FUN PEOPLE Ill better be a ESO hero than a lumberjack or a farmer in AA
Just wish they make crafting more complex so crafter can excel for once in a MMORPG . To much of the immature folks gets there pewpew but what about the crafters ? MMORPGs belong to people dedicating alot aof time in them, for the premature folks there are boom headshot type of games everywhere.
-----MY-TERMS-OF-USE-------------------------------------------------- $OE - eternal enemy of online gaming -We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
4. Yes, but player houses here are only means for crafting top tier gear, since you cant to do it in public crafting stations. Nobody really cares about their homes and decorations from what Ive seen.
Role Players will care.
Do you know if there is a Role Playing Community in Russian CBT?
There isnt and there wont be in EU/US. This game offers nothing for roleplayers.
I beg to differ. I just put down three months worth of site pay for the rp website for ArcheAge here, there is also an rp site for the french players and another rp site for the NA/EU ArcheAge roleplayers being developed.
You are not a roleplayer if you can't see what this game offers for rpers. And i am an rp-pvper by default
One thing you need to know ArchAge is a party game 90 % of time you must be in party. Game is built around hardcore crafting.
Plant tree. wait to grow defence them some one might steal them. Cut trees down . Make planks from than . Now you need 2 more items to craft the item you wanted. In nutshell it's Farm vile HAVE FUN PEOPLE Ill better be a ESO hero than a lumberjack or a farmer in AA
I'll build you some hammers in ArcheAge for ESO that will help you fix the broken quests, server crashes, etc
Any mmo worth its salt should be like a good prostitute when it comes to its game world- One hell of a faker, and a damn good shaker!
I beg to differ. I just put down three months worth of site pay for the rp website for ArcheAge here, there is also an rp site for the french players and another rp site for the NA/EU ArcheAge roleplayers being developed.
You are not a roleplayer if you can't see what this game offers for rpers. And i am an rp-pvper by default
There is a reason why on korean and russian servers there isnt a single RP guild. Im RP person myself and loved participating in events on LoTRO's Laurelin server. But Archeage offers nothing for roleplayers. No tools, no lore to care about, no community that will be interested in RP. GL trying, but I dont think you chose the right game for it.
Better take a shot in Face of Mankind that takes fresh start just now. Contrary to AA, this game is all about RP.
I have played and beta tested more games than most of you =o) Please raise your hand if you beta tested M59 or UO =o) Hell if you did wave (SrBardGrayHaven/SoulCatcher here) I'm older than dirt =o) some of you may need to Google those (wink) you know who you are.
Archeage IS the next great game. Its not EQN, Wild Star or ESO (I'll be in ESO this weekend to see the changes but I don’t expect much)
ArcheAge is not WoW and if that’s what your looking for WildStar is your game.
If your are interested in a true MMO that is SUBVERSIVE of the current MMO WoW standard then this is your new game.
ArcheAge is hard, Jake is making it where you only get ahead if you work hard, Solo or in a group. You can buy stuff but that stuff is cool but it does not affect game play.
You cant cheat and buy WoW gold from farmers you cant do the many accepted issues(cough bot) game company’s allow.
It is a true old days earn your way game. Its not for the faint at heart; you can work like a dog and loose everything. You can go to prison and be labeled for the rest of your character life, and your peers decide this.
Its the best PvP I have ever played and Yes I have played it on the Japanese servers and I cant read Japanese, but I still played. I expect Trion to make this game there new flagship game very soon. I expect to see lots of press maybe bigger than Rift =o) Scott better not let us down!
It has won every award in the Asian Pacific gaming world. The issues you bring up are some of the positive points that make it different. Its not a WoW clone in any form. Its not even a close cousin to Lineage 1 or 2. It is the first and best 4th generation MMO.
Only HARD CORE gamers welcome.
+1 My thoughts exactly, I also have played and tried many MMOs and I was discussing with my brother that this game will change or at least has the potential to really change the MMO industry increasing the bar and expectations from new MMO titles, the attention to detail is amazing.(it seems to be on track in slaying WOW or at least letting him in a coma state)
I do agree that despite having amazing gameplay mechanics the devs aren't creative enough to make the most use of them in providing interesting quests.
ASROCK Z97 E-ITX Intel i7 4790k @ 4.5Ghz+KrakenX41 Gigabyte 1070 8GB Mini OC 16GB Crucial 1333mhz 1.3V SWG 8 Year Vet, WW2OL 8 Year Vet. Aka Darksparrow Rancorheart(tempest/farstar), Fxmkorp
It's important to note that Trion's ArcheAge is not 100% the Asian or Russian ArcheAge. One of the guys from Trion was on Reddit recently talking about how they have the flexibility to make changes to the game, including NOT adopting all of the Asian v1.0 features people hated over there, and putting some of their own stuff in. They also said that their version of the game is likely going to be more sandbox-like than the Asian or Russian versions, and that they are interested in making it so people can craft to get all the XP they need to level, if they are interested in it. We'll see if that happens, but at least they are interested in the same kinds of things we are.
I'm in alpha now, and I'll say that I'm enjoying the game a ton right now. There's so much to do out there, that I'll be busy for while. People who are saying this is a "hardcore" game are right, in a way. Very little is handed to you in AA. Want to get into fishing? Better get the materials to craft your fishing gear, which may include growing some trees and doing other things. Same goes for many in-game tools and items.
The scarecrow system probably needs some work, I agree with the OP there, and I believe Trion will work on that. There are likely other things that will need work as well, but so much is already done right, that the game is completely playable today. I'm actually shocked how many new players I'm seeing in the game considering the current $150 cost of entry. I've yet to hear anyone say anything but how much fun they are having in the game as well. If this game continues to make money, you can bet your ass Trion is going to continue to grow and improve it.
This game isn't the holy grail of MMO's, but is IS the next generation, with details to prove it, and it's more interesting an fun so far than any MMORPG I have played in several years. If you are looking for a hybrid MMO that will make you earn your way, give you lots of smile-inspiring details, a huge open world to adventure in, and a great in-game community, this game is for you.
This game gives you a sense of accomplishment and adventure. It doesn't hand everything to you on a silver platter. If you want that, stick with the themeparks available.
After the youtube research and google info dig , personally i think this game need to change a lots if it don't want to get heavy burn from all of the hype .
I think he is still under the wow sickness spell.
For some people it takes aeons to wear off
@LordPerrin2. . .
One post? Seriously? I don't think you're credible enough to really be making reviews but OK.
Anyway@ the OP:
Thanks for the honest review. It pretty much just sounds like every other Asian MMO to come out in the last...ten years lol. That review also answered my question: is it going P2P subscription or F2P. My guess is that it's going F2P right out the box. those parts of the game sounds pretty terrible. . .and the currency system is awful as well. Anyway Thank you for shedding the truth about the game.
It's funny that the fanboys (who'e never played the game as the OP has...or at all) are so quick to bash the guy for being honest.
Amazing how people can get their feelings hurt over someone's negative review over something they like. Anyway, I'd just ignroe their posts OP and keep alerting us when shitty games are coming out, to help protect consumers from these types of clusterFucks and yeah, this game sounds like the designers have no idea about game design 101 at all. Just from hearing the features when he's not giving the negative parts of it I can tell "yeah this game is going to suck"
OH and LOL to the fanboys getting so desperate they try to Bash EVE /facepalm . . .so bad. . .so bad.
The Article I saw the othe rposter link was good. . .but it seemed to kind of sugar coat what the OP was saying, which is fune, but I can read throuhg the lines. . .
However, what the article said next is somethign that will keep me off this game forever:
The Problem with Free To Play in Korea
As of the 3rd of july, ArcheAg is free to play in korea. This means you can play without having any gametime, but there are some restrictions. If you want to read more details about this, check my post:
Generally, this is not much of a problem. If you want to regenerate and participate in the housing you have to pay a monthly fee, otherwise you only get to fight and buy stuff.
Botting will always be an issue, no matter what business model, so I don't dislike the system because of that.
What really bothers me is the high amount of pay to win in this game.
There is an item shop in which you can buy rice cakes for real money. Those rice cakes give you 500 labour points on a cooldown of one hour. So an additional 12k labour points a day. I won't even start to talk about problems like credit card fraud, this is not part of the game.
In this shop, you can buy goods with these rice cakes. Those goods are among other things cars, costumes with stats, mounts and gliders. Some of these, such as the gliders and mounts, can only be obtained through this item shop. The car and the costumes however an also be crafted ingame. And with the ricecakes being tradeable, you could actually try and get all of this without investing real money. But there is also another currency which I honestly don't know much about right now.
My point is: By buying rice cakes in the item shop you can buy everything, including castles if you manage your guild right. This does not even include ItemBay, a big korean site where players legally sell their equipment and ingame gold just like people sell their old couch on eBay.
All in all, the free to play system brought many bots, a pay to win system and a massive deflation of players. I am not the only one liking the system, and if you watched the player numbers in the past, you can see many koreans dislike it too.
This is an absolute game breaker, and why I hate F2P business models and will never play a game like that. These models take relatively GOOD games, and ruin them. WIth F2P games, the Devs for some reason feel that they don't need to provide as much customer service, or fixes or upgrades in content to their game.
Of course the most dammagine abotu F2P P2W games is that these attract Hordes of botters and exploiters.
Which these companies pretty much outright ignore. It's gotten so bad that people EXPECT botters in mmos saying stuff like "they're in EVERY GAME"
. . .no they're not. Hell I've even seen PRIVATE servers of certain F2P MMO's run by teenagers in their mothers basements, have the client PATCHED to where any bot running, doesn't even work! How hard is it to hire ONE guy, to monitor the hacks, and program constant patches to the game everyweek to make sure bots don't work in the first place? If a teenager living at home can do it, a professional company can definately do it.. . .
But of course that actualyl loses the company money, since the extreme sense of scarcity, and inflation is gone. so players don't feel the need to buy more and more gold or poitns or wahtever from the company. . .instead just pay what one normally would for a sub and play the game to progress.
These are the worst kinds of games, and why many people (including me) prefer sub based games, because at least the devs have some PRESSURE to fix exploits and bots, instead of just ignoring it.
Anyway, @ the OP: keep up the good work, ignore the fanboys. Have a great day!
I stoped reading after this. I realised you undermined your own credibility in that one last sentence, so no matter what came after it would not be an objective review anymore.
I stoped reading after this. I realised you undermined your own credibility in that one last sentence, so no matter what came after it would not be an objective review anymore.
....I agree, sorta hard to be objective after a comment like that.
I stopped reading after that.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
thank you for the great review. I wouldn't waste too much time with fanbois who didn't even try the game, but are still defending it like its the fucking holy grail of mmorpgs. I played enough LA2 to know that grinding and joining a zerg to stomp solo players or weak clans is boring as hell.
First of all, the number of posts should not be any indicator of quality of posts. You can shitpost for 1k posts if you want.
That being said, since you are quoting my post and state that I am sugarcoating OPs review, let's just take a quick look at the facts okay? I think this will also clean up a lot of things of the thread.
I'm not trying to make you look bad, just trying to clear up some misconceptions that can come up.
I'll also point the bad things you didn't see, don't worry.
So be prepared to long grind to 50, and its indeed long. You'll have to search every location for quest NPCs, because if you skip any and move to other location, quests there will give you item rewards 2-4 levels higher then you actually are.
You couldn't even play to level 50, yet alone had all the areas available(I'm playing RU Beta, too, you know?). So this is not true, the quests lead up to Lv50 and if you do everything you can in the game(craft, do some dungeons etc) you don't even need all quests. Only one of my 50s on Korea got 50 through grinding and only because I wanted to. In fact, quests are so stacked, it's really hard to avoid them and you get major disadvantages if you do (especially moneywise), if you don't know exactly what you're doing.
You get only 2 dungeons up to level 40. No LFG system, no summoning, you have to go on feet there. Both are very small, about 3 bosses each. Both feel like 3 generic rooms connected with narrow corridors. First dungeon (everyone call it "Copies") can be zerged with 3 dps classes at level 20. Second ("Arsenal") is 30 lvl dungeon and very hard for PUGs since bosses have oneshot abilities and healing is a pain at this level.
This is only partly true. There are dungeons on both sides, and you can freely get into those for a total of 4 dungeons up to Lv40. And yes the dungeons are easier, because nerfed those dungeons to death. In KR not even higher level chars could play properly through dungeons without dying. Everyone that went over from KR to RU noticed the difference. It's huge, this is not KR standard.
Also, Dungeons were not a priority for XLGames. Ever since they focus on western market they started including them, though. Notice how one dungeon is only attractive for it's mount armor.
Top crafted gear takes HUGE amount of resources. Actually so much, that it takes efforts of big clans to gear their members. There are whole forests grown to build a single ship.
I wish this was true, but the 4-crossed-server AH makes this not really that good. You can easily buy most res out of the AH. Otherwise OP is right, crafting is a major part and one of the main foci of the game.
Lore is generic fantasy. And other then through quests, which believe me, you wont read later on, there arent any ways to deliver the lore.
Cutscenes, scrolls you can read ingame, books written by a korean novelist, hidden allusions throughout the world... What do you want more? Also I'm not a big fan of lore but I think ArcheAges story is pretty cool for an MMO. Some rough translations can be found here:
There are TONS of abilities that are absolutely useless and never taken by anyone.
I can think of 24 viable combinations right now and thats only for PvP. That makes 24 classes, all different skillsets and purposes. Yes, of course the bard tree is very limited in it's use. But it's only ONE tree, and you are supposed to mix 3 and make a viable class out of that as well as play it properly; a bard tree played by a skilled play is a very powerful tool for groups. And so far people were very, very good with that. I have never seen such variety in an MMO. (Maybe UO; EVE etc, but definitely not in a typical modern MMO)...
Also the "main" healing ability you are talking about is nnot your main healing ability. Your main heal is instant and depends on the numbers you cast it. Lv45 "Continuous Recovery"(see here: Your mana management as a healer is a reason you have to combine with other classes. There are definitely some viable combinations that take care of your mana, you just gotta find them!(look at the link and you might find some already!).
One general hint: You played at Lv40. You did not see the class and gear system in full power. Having Tanks with 18k hp is a little different to the Lv40 chars you have in RU version right now . Of course it's hard to find viable combinations, but thats how its supposed to be!
But anyways, combat mechanics is much more simple then in WoW. After playing WoW's hunter, I find all classes in Archeage primitive.
Does WoW have such a dynamic obstacle detection? No "ghosting"? Projectiles and such a low GCD? I don' think so. Yes both systems are very similar and ArcheAge doesn't have 500 skills, but the system itself is a lot more polished and modern imho.
Freedom Island gives most valuable rewards. And its massacre there all days long with just zergs killing each other non stop.
Many parts of the world are stilll missing, and Russians still have the novelty of the game, so this will get better soon. Sadly.
Kraken - raid boss that supposed to terrify sailors and be PvP objective is just farmed with clock by top clan.
Of course, when theres no enemy to stop them it's easy. But you got a good point, the Kraken has a few exploits especially in beta.
Small group PvP is rarity in AA. Its mostly about zergs and whose zerg bigger win
Way too early to make that comment. In Korea it's mostly small group PvP and only zerg PvP when guilds enforce it(safe trading, sieges etc). RU CBT is stacked with players just wanting to "have fun" and do that crap, you just can't make an accurate comment on that right now.
Archeage is the game for PvP clans to decide whose D is bigger. And you as casual player is not welcome in this competition.
Of course they are welcome, who else would fuel those PvP clans with materials? Of course, ArcheAge was designed as a PvP game, so the "end content"(which is still such a bad name) is revolving around PvP. But even as a casual player you can be part of this, even if you don't like PvP. There are many farmers, fishers and all those guys that are hardly affected by all of this. Luckily the world is big enough for that.
When you die, you respawn at nearest Goddess statue. Using any abilities near it not allowed. This brings situations, where big zerg corners victims to statue and camp them, sometimes for 30 minutes. One side cant get away, other cant kill them.
Wholeheartedly agree. Unfortunately koreans like it like that and this is the reason XLGames made it that way. Maybe we can show RU/EU publishers we don't like this?
If you leveled 3 trees to 50 and decided to change one, you have to level new tree from level 10. This means you get access only to few abilities from this tree and they do minimum damage. You have to grind for days to get this third tree to 50, all this time being gimped.
If it was any easier than this than it would be reDONKOLOUS. How crappy would it be if you suddenly could be everything at Lv50? You gotta work for that privilige!
Because all classes lack efficient mana regen mechanics, you have to stop after almost every pack of mobs in dungeon and use "play fluit" abilitiy that very slowly regens mana.
... says the guy probably using only quest gear, which is about the worst gear you can have. :P
Please, realize that the crafted gear is so much better and especiallly in the later levels is so many levels better that you simply cannot not use it. Also, proper combinations do not lack effcient mana regen abilities. And really, you are complaining about regen pauses? Do you think it would be balanced to just rush through everything? Come on ....
From what I saw, developers have no clue how to fix the game and where's the right direction for Archeage. Instead of balancing trees, improving PvP and adding sandbox mechanics, they introduce new level cap and dungeons.
True, very true. But not for alll the reasons you mentioned. Mainly because Jake Song is not on the project anymore and the current development team wants to cater to the WoW players and raiding game addicts, and not to the sandbox and PvP players that initially filled the world of ArcheAge. Otherwise the issues you mentioned in your last paragraph wouldn't be there.
But one point I do heavily agree with:
If you are a solo player, leave, ArcheAge is not for you!
Thats not even the worst part. Look at this:
1k labour points with no cooldown. 600 points in cash shop!
I'm always interested in new mmorpgs, and a year or so ago there was quite a lot of talk about AA and how awesome it looked. I haven't followed it closely as I except it as most mmorpgs to eventually disappoint. There's also the issue with information and discussion about a upcoming mmorpg is so black and white. So it's hard to know what to believe and get a fair impression.
But what surprised me most in this thread was, how the OP has not been called out for claiming he is using 60 legitimate abilities in pvp wow.
I'm sure his review is honest enough, but if you are looking for an excuse to attack his credibility and justify him being a troll, a liar or just a clueless guy, well I would start with that wow pvp claim.
Happy to help.
According to database, hunter has 59:
About 10 of them, like Eagle Eye or Track things, you can count out.
Add at least 3 for controlling the pet. Add racial. Add 1-2 for trinkets. Add some other stuff like summon mount and you get about 60 activated hotkeys +/- few. You see something wrong with it? Maybe screenshot of my UI will ease your doubts:
One thing you need to know ArchAge is a party game 90 % of time you must be in party. Game is built around hardcore crafting.
Plant tree. wait to grow defence them some one might steal them. Cut trees down . Make planks from than . Now you need 2 more items to craft the item you wanted. In nutshell it's Farm vile HAVE FUN PEOPLE Ill better be a ESO hero than a lumberjack or a farmer in AA
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
I beg to differ. I just put down three months worth of site pay for the rp website for ArcheAge here, there is also an rp site for the french players and another rp site for the NA/EU ArcheAge roleplayers being developed.
You are not a roleplayer if you can't see what this game offers for rpers. And i am an rp-pvper by default
Any mmo worth its salt should be like a good prostitute when it comes to its game world- One hell of a faker, and a damn good shaker!
I'll build you some hammers in ArcheAge for ESO that will help you fix the broken quests, server crashes, etc
Any mmo worth its salt should be like a good prostitute when it comes to its game world- One hell of a faker, and a damn good shaker!
There is a reason why on korean and russian servers there isnt a single RP guild. Im RP person myself and loved participating in events on LoTRO's Laurelin server. But Archeage offers nothing for roleplayers. No tools, no lore to care about, no community that will be interested in RP. GL trying, but I dont think you chose the right game for it.
Better take a shot in Face of Mankind that takes fresh start just now. Contrary to AA, this game is all about RP.
+1 My thoughts exactly, I also have played and tried many MMOs and I was discussing with my brother that this game will change or at least has the potential to really change the MMO industry increasing the bar and expectations from new MMO titles, the attention to detail is amazing.(it seems to be on track in slaying WOW or at least letting him in a coma state)
I do agree that despite having amazing gameplay mechanics the devs aren't creative enough to make the most use of them in providing interesting quests.
Intel i7 4790k @ 4.5Ghz+KrakenX41
Gigabyte 1070 8GB Mini OC
16GB Crucial 1333mhz 1.3V
SWG 8 Year Vet, WW2OL 8 Year Vet.
Aka Darksparrow Rancorheart(tempest/farstar), Fxmkorp
It's important to note that Trion's ArcheAge is not 100% the Asian or Russian ArcheAge. One of the guys from Trion was on Reddit recently talking about how they have the flexibility to make changes to the game, including NOT adopting all of the Asian v1.0 features people hated over there, and putting some of their own stuff in. They also said that their version of the game is likely going to be more sandbox-like than the Asian or Russian versions, and that they are interested in making it so people can craft to get all the XP they need to level, if they are interested in it. We'll see if that happens, but at least they are interested in the same kinds of things we are.
I'm in alpha now, and I'll say that I'm enjoying the game a ton right now. There's so much to do out there, that I'll be busy for while. People who are saying this is a "hardcore" game are right, in a way. Very little is handed to you in AA. Want to get into fishing? Better get the materials to craft your fishing gear, which may include growing some trees and doing other things. Same goes for many in-game tools and items.
The scarecrow system probably needs some work, I agree with the OP there, and I believe Trion will work on that. There are likely other things that will need work as well, but so much is already done right, that the game is completely playable today. I'm actually shocked how many new players I'm seeing in the game considering the current $150 cost of entry. I've yet to hear anyone say anything but how much fun they are having in the game as well. If this game continues to make money, you can bet your ass Trion is going to continue to grow and improve it.
This game isn't the holy grail of MMO's, but is IS the next generation, with details to prove it, and it's more interesting an fun so far than any MMORPG I have played in several years. If you are looking for a hybrid MMO that will make you earn your way, give you lots of smile-inspiring details, a huge open world to adventure in, and a great in-game community, this game is for you.
This game gives you a sense of accomplishment and adventure. It doesn't hand everything to you on a silver platter. If you want that, stick with the themeparks available.