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Grats to the fine folks on the Desolation server for their world first Great Jungle Wurm Kill!
I gotta say, while GW2 generally does not have a good substitute for traditional endgame PvE raiding that players may be accustomed to from other MMOs, and while, when unorganized, these open world mega bosses just feel like chaotic messes, the video of your kill definitely got my attention and made me at least realize the potential. That looked extremely fun, rewarding, and satisfying. Your exuberant celebration at the end as the fight came down to the final second was just awesome to watch It had me reminiscing about all the times I've been a part of server first - or even just guild first - kills in the past.
Anyway, good job!
I'd agree, but then there's not enough people to form an overflow.
Yeah that's part of the problem for the average players atm. Every single server gets taken to capacity during these events, which sends most players to overflows. I've yet to fight one on a main server. If you want to play on your main server, you basically have to get in the zone an hour before hand to reserve your spot and wait it out, not very fun. But even then, the average regular server map isn't nearly as coordinated as the group we see in this video. These guys had great leadership and organization to coordinate over 150 people to do this. Presumably most of them joined the public server's VOIP to listen to commands.
It's like the encounters require the coordination of traditional organized raid groups, except they exist in the open world where all kinds of unorganized randoms are expected to participate in the fight. And, of course, the numbers are simply far greater than any MMO's raid groups. Anet's trying to balance both of these components of an MMO, and I'm not sure how successful it is yet for the average player. They seem to definitely prioritize the "massively multiplayer" part of MMOs for these types of encounters over instances with smaller scale groups who could more easily organize themselves and participate in the encounters at will.
Our server recently downed the Marionette, and it was my first time witnessing the whole server organize itself. We had about 80 people on TS and everyone was corralling people over to overflow. We shipped most of the people in the overflow, but some were left behind. It caused drama since the mega guilds abandoned the casual players at the main map.
I think it's time that ANet increase the cap on maps to prevent overflows if they're continuing on revamping world bosses.
This has been happening in my server (Desolation) since the revamped Tequatl.
Servers that already have TS servers for WvW simply allowed PvE to use them to organize this kind of play.
Currently playing: GW2
Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders
Jade Quarry's TS has dedicated channels for Tequatl, the Marionette and the Wurm as another example.
Oderint, dum metuant.
Oh nice!
I hadn't known the Jungle Wurm had never been taken down before now (still kind of a newbie to this game, so there's a lot I don't know yet lol)..
That's impressive, then, in two ways.
1. That a developer "in this era of MMOs" has the guts to create content that actually takes so long and so much coordination to take down. Last time I'd seen that was some of the bosses in FFXI that SE implemented... and that people inevitably cried "zomg they made it impossible!"... because the idea that they simply weren't using effective strategies, or doing so correctly, didn't occur to them. But that's a whole other rant. Anyway, kudos to ANet for doing that. Been too long since a MMO has had genuinely hard world content to that level.
2. Kudos to the players for keeping at it and organizing like that to take it down. Awesome achievement!
Well, to be fair, I don't think this fight is any more difficult than the average raid boss in a game like WoW. It's just made so much more difficult because you're tasked with spontaneously organizing a significantly larger group of players, many of whom are at the scene individually, not a part of a larger organized unit like a raiding guild and not necessarily with the expectation or even desire to follow orders from other "randoms."
It's like imagine trying to raid the 25-man hard mode Mimron: Firefighter encounter in Ulduar (apologies for the oldish WoW reference, WotlK was the last time I played the game - if you don't know the reference, imagine any super challenging PvE encounter from an MMO you're familiar with) with 5 players who have never even downed the normal mode, 2 players who are trolls and are deliberately trying to sabotage the fight for eveyrone, 5 players who are drunk, 8 players who have never seen the fight or have any idea what to expect, 3 players who are drunk AND have never seen the fight, and 2 solid leaders who know what's going on. Oh, and you have one go at it as a group. If you fail, you have to wait another 2 hours.
It's just not going to happen in any average map, and not because the fight is so outstandingly challenging, but because of the insanity involved with organizing and educating 150 random players.
When those players are organized, we see that the fight is actually very well done given GW2's chaotic fast-paced no aggro-holding combat - which is what my surprised optimism was all about in my OP.
I don't feel that Desolation achieved more than other servers for 2 reasons:
1. The wurm is bugged on several servers - it just won't come out again after going underground.
2. The bug mentioned above made larger and organized guilds guest on servers where it's not bugged - guess which one.
That's the amazing part. I just joined in as my guild was telling everyone to join in on TS. I never liked TS, but they said I don't have to talk (whew). It was funny that our TS server was maxed out, and the admin had to increase the cap. The feeling I got was the server became a mega-guild.
And I'm liking the fact that ANet could have designed the game for that purpose. The idea is also supported by giving players the option of multi-guilding.
GW2 may not have a raid, and I hope it stays that way. But GW2 has, in my own words, create-a-raid. Before the Marionette fight, our guild fielded everyone into TS so we can do guild challenges, puzzles, rushes and bounties. After that, our guild leader directed us to Lornar's Pass for the Marionette fight like it was the final boss.