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Two questions:
My girlfriend plays MMOs with me but is prone to motion sickness. She is able to play GW2, FFXIV: ARR, and ToR, but she cannot play TSW. ESO, or NWN. TSW because it doesn't autoface and, ESO and NWN because moving the mouse moves the camera.
#1. I notice in nearly all the videos posted online, everyone is holding their right mouse button 90% of the time. Is Wildstar playable using mostly 'keyboard turn' play style?
#2. Does the camera turn to face your target automatically once you target and start an attack, or can you target then backpedal to face your target?
I'm not in Beta but I might help you out.
AFAIK, this game does not have targeting reticule, so moving the mouse does not move the camera, unless right mouse button is pressed.
You can enable the option to auto-face your target, however this option applies to PVE only.
Wildstar is claiming to be a game that involves "skill based play". Things like Autoaiming and Autofacing are completely and utterly, 100% contradictory to these claims, plain and simple.
Just stick to games that are easier to play that do not require skill (aka reflexes, timing, aiming, alertness, etc.) based play and you'll be fine. Dice based MMOs that mainly involve strategy and tactics MINUS any need for skill based play would be ideal. Alternatively, you could just stick to Wildstar PvE where skill based play isn't really required to high degrees.
Correct, hence why people hold the right mouse button, to fine tune their positioning. In Pve however as has been mentioned you can enable auto face to get WoW style combat essentially. So Pve can be skillfull or easy depending on your settings/desire, and PvP has no auto face so player skill only. In my opinion this is a perfect setup they have going here, but im not in beta yet so dont know how well it works in practice yet
OP - the best thing for your girlfriend to do would be to teach herself to not be a keyboard turner. starting a new game is a good time to do that. or start a new character in a game you have and start learning to use the mouse to turn.
Thanks for the replies everyone.
Trust me, I've tried to get her to learn to hold the right mouse button, and she can, but when she does it can make her natious to the point that she has actually thrown up.
She loves ToR and GW2 so I think we'll give Wildstar a shot.