I have been looking to play a decent Anime style MMO but it seems like every game in the genre just isn't good.Sure a lot of these MMOs keep coming out by the boatload but most end up being crap.So i wanted to ask if there are any decent Anime MMMOrpgs left and what is their future ? Also i would be thankful if you could also recommend some good ones with decent graphics and not too much grinding as most of these tend to be typical Asian grindfests with heavy dependence on cash shop and pay2win aspect.I am very new to the MMOrpg genre and currently playing my first ever MMOrpg called NeverWinter and am enjoying it so far.Also i looked through the forums a lot most people do not dicuss Anime MMOrpgs i want to know why are they not as popular as traditional WOW type MMos.Also are there any decent ones coming out soon ?
Aion? Tera?
I dunno, I generally don't mind the Anime aesthetic, but I do hate some of the "cutesy" stuff they do.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
Mabinogi is, was, and will always be the greatest of the cutsy mmo's. Grind fest is synonymous with mmorpg no matter the graphic style. The kill ten mobs and hand in this quest will always be there. At least in Mabinogi there are so many options you forget the grind. It's best played with a group of friends you know in real life. Organizing a bunch of strangers to go where you want to go and do what you want to do is hair pulling. But events are easy to converge on with anybody.
I see people mentioned Aion that is like adult anime. Usually when someone says "anime style" they mean the cherub looking characters. I guess OP needs to define what anime style means to him/her?
Upcoming games you have:
That and...
...the under-age teenage hookers the female characters always look like
...not to mention the effeminate-looking male characters
...the stupidly-gargantuan melee weapons
...and last but not least the screeching and coruscating light-shows during combat.
Anime type- http://welcome.megaten.marvelous-usa.com/
the gfx arent the best. but the game is good.