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This is Tamriel. The land of the most racist races ever known.
Lets stay true to this. Everyone who plays on an Alliance that is not the one of his race is a piece of trash. A worthless traitor, who has no worth. A lesser being!
I for my part will treat everyone who does not belong in my Alliance exactly like this: You dont belong here!
Stay true to the lore! Whoever doesnt belong shall feel that way!
They betrayed their own race, why should YOU trust them? Well, maybe I will keep a Khajit as a pet, but thats all this character will always be: A pet! not a actual being!
Stay true to Tamriel: Be racist!
EDIT: I want to make one thing clear: I am calling for VIRTUAL racism here! Just character interaction. By no means am I trying to say that you should start to hate the people behind the Characters. (Just feeling the need to say this, its the Internet after all, there are stupid people around here^^)
If I cared enough I would get the game and deliberately create an Orsimer Dominion character and stand around the Queen dry humping her all day yelling in /Zone about how great the queen is in the sack and how much Altmer just cant satisfy elven women like the green pipe can.
Nothing kills realm pride like having someone point out the main race is packing Gherkins...
"People who tell you youre awesome are useless. No, dangerous.
They are worse than useless because you want to believe them. They will defend you against critiques that are valid. They will seduce you into believing you are done learning, or into thinking that your work is better than it actually is." ~Raph Koster
The logic seems there, but I'm gonna disagree for some reason..seeing the inevitable "f&*# u khajit n!%%$" doesn't seem too appealing.
Treat everyone w respect, have fun & b cool.
And haven't you heard?
I understand the use in lore and storytelling but frankly racism is a thing from the bad old times best left there and out of gaming because the real world history is entirely too bleak and ugly a thing to use for a what's meant as a general entertainment product rather than an educational story. It actually bothered me in Skyrim to a point where it detracted from rather than aided the game play and reminds me of the silly arguments over making Baldur a black guy in Thor movies. We live in a time where there is a need to be inclusive of others regardless.
^^ This
I recall playing EQ2 right after release and made dorf paladins to betray to become shadow knights and after that quest was said and done the Freeport Ogre guards would sometimes charge at my SK's as if about to attack and would stop at the last second and then utter some sort of racial slur since there was that programmed racism against dwarves but that where it should end - with the NPC's.
Playing: varies every day it seems.
With views like that you clearly belong to an inferior race.
Being an Elf I can tell you that our cities are built of magick and beauty and intellect unlike the sub human dwarves who dig in the mud. Yes, I will admit we need grunt gully dwarves to do the brainless mining and digging and the jobs an elf would never be caught doing but to say our races are "equal" is laughable at best.
Their Women have beards. What the fuck? Enuff said.
Clearly you of dwarven kind, half-orcs and even Halflings (to a lesser extent) want this politically correct bullshit to ruin our World. I for one will admit- I am of the supreme race,
Have "Elf Power" tattooed over my heart.
I would so welcome this 100%. It would be extremely funny to get this and keep this racial superiority bloodlines. If only we could put outside races under slavery and make them beg they'd never betray their own kind again just for the sake of playing a "pretty race" in a different faction.
The decision to allow pre-order faction openness was one of the greatest mistakes this game ever made and god knows they've made a ton of head scratching decisions.
Sandbox means open world, non-linear gaming PERIOD!
Subscription Gaming, especially MMO gaming is a Cash grab bigger then the most P2W cash shop!
Bring Back Exploration and lengthy progression times. RPG's have always been about the Journey not the destination!!!
This might make sense if the factions themselves made any sense, but they don't. Why is it any sillier to play as a wood elf in the Daggerfall Covenant than it is to play an orc allied with bretons and redguards? Why is it worse to play a breton alongside dunmer than it is to play an argonian getting along with dunmer?
These factions were thrown together with little regard to any lore, so it's not like you're actually hurting anything if you play a race off-faction.