I have read a little about DND online, and I can't wait. Anyone here know how complex this game is going to be? I'm hoping this will have complexity overkill. Nothing left out from the manuals. It being a 3D game and all has me a little worried. What do you have to say?
If you go to the DnDonline msg boards, you will get a lot more excited. The developers have a good presence on the boards, so most questions asked to get an "official" answer from them. The nicest thing is they don't seem to be the type to sugar coat things. They say what they are going to do. They say what they can't do. They admit when something is a mistake and they show how they will fix it. I think the people over at SoE could take lessons from the other gaming companies out there
I've just been over to look at the new screenshots they put up on the main site a couple of days ago.
I'm sorry, but this game is going to be effin' awesome
/fanboy switch off