I did not buy this game because I think it's going to destroy another game or last 10 years or something. I purchased this game because I enjoy it and I have money to spend on things I enjoy.
I don't know about you but I don't go watch a movie only because everyone else is watching it or if I feel it's going to win so many awards or hit netflix faster then you can say jack rabbit. I watch them in the theater because I'm a movie fan. I know a game isn't the same as a movie but it's an example I want to give.
So what makes this game good to me? I'm glad you asked mister.
-freedom of build (i love how I can use any weapon, armor and learn different skills and even have access to others from completing quests for guilds and such)
-freedom of choice (I could go quest and do that but I usually would just wonder around doing quests as they showed up and sometimes just popping in on other things)
-clean ui (I can't stand how so many mmos crowd my screen with stuff. I love not seeing all that and just taking in the world.)
No game is perfect and there are downsides but for nda reasons I don't think I can share without going into detail. But they are there nothing game breaking tho and could completely go away by release time who knows.
But the main point is I don't buy things because of business models or make purchases because of them. I buy cause it's what I want and that's about it. If this game goes free to play so be it if not that's fine too. Either way I'm on board. See you guys in game 4-4-14!
Good for you, so many people take the opinions of others as gospel on forums and miss out on games they might have enjoyed.
Only you can decide if this game is for you, it's the simplest truth in gaming.
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
After playing beta I've decided ESO just isn't fun for me.
As someone with little disposable income, I'll keep trying to separate the good games from the bad ( personal opinions of course ) and will definitely avoid ESO as a result.
ESO just is to average to justify spending that much plus a monthly fee for for me, I'd much rather wait for something better to come along to spend the money i would've spend here on that.
So True. I hesitated in trying SWTOR for the longest time because of its reputation. Then i went "F*** it, i am downloading it" and i was surprised by how good it was. Been ignoring MMO opinions ever since.
I wouldn't even say it's average. IMO it's way below average. If this was a free game I would play it.
Game isn't bad but need a lot to polish...
using 2 k texture in skyrim flora overhaul and 50 (in total 200 sounds animation and so on )more texture and graphical mods and Skyrim don't load so much my GPU
even in character creating in ESO MY GPU get to it limit GTX 760 worked well on Heavy Modded Skyrim ... in eso is dieing.
Are the going to lift NDA fo player I have a lot to say
You probably forgot to turn ON V-Sync. I would give you how it ran on my GTX560 but NDA.
I'm glad that the game offers you something you find enjoyable! Even more so since you base this on personal experience rather than biased reviews. In the end it's about your personal joy.
I want the game, just like you. But unlike you I will not buy it because I believe that sometimes you have to adhere to your principles and put these before enjoyment. The business model and pre-order exclusives is beyond what I find acceptable and I belive that if I don't take a stance now, then my future enjoyments will be compromised by even more greedy business practices, when other companies adopt similar models.
Nevertheless, I'm happy that you have find a game you can enjoy, and I hope you have a great time!
I still play Swtor, I enjoy it alot, my only problem is the crappy game engine, but so long as I stay away from PvP i'm fine, I just love the setting, lore and PvE, as for PvP I play GW2, in that game I dislike the PvE but LOOOOOVE the PvP.
I did try TESO beta and I will be stright with you, the Elders Scroll is above average in terms of fun, granted I only played to level 7 but I am not willing to give it a go with a $60 + $15 a month fee, I will buy when the game price drops to $39.99 or below if I have to pay a monthly fee.
You are right though, the reviewers that give game negs reviews are a joke and the reason is there is not enough time in a day to play an MMO, invest yourself in that world and run a site that reviews 20 other games a week, this is why I like to hear it from a random non partnered twitch or youtube gamer, they have no reason to lie nor are they taking that review as part of there job, they for the most part tell it like it is and I will tell you like it is, the game is good from what I played and could be better at higher levels but I couldn't tell you because I don't know, I do find the price to much but that's pretty much any game that asks for a monthly IMO, I feel if you are asking for a monthly fee the box price should be low, now if it's buy to play then yes I will pay $60+.
Not even WoW charges this much for a box with a sub, TESO people are smoking crack lol.
The original WoW was $50 though at launch along with $15 sub and they charge $40 for most expansions. I got ESO for $45 from GMG so i am not complaining about it at all.
Has to be another troll; I have an AMD 6950 which ranks about 3 grades lower than a 760 on Tomshardware's hierarchy charts and I am not having any problems.
Mike, if your aren't just trolling, make sure your drivers are up to date and if your are doing any OCing, try turning it off to see if you are running it too fast and causing instability.
So.. it's good enough for you to play. Just not good enough for you to spend 50 cents a day on. Got it!
Everyone should do this, look objectively at stuff and then decide if it has any potential in your own eyes.
So many people have some weird need to try and force their opinion and preferences on others, I admit I'm guilty of it my self sometimes, not much these days but I recall making some unneccesary ruckus when GW2 was about to launch, I should have just decided it didnt look like a game with my preffered features, and that's just my personal taste and opinion.
Are you hearing voices thru your computer screen?
Theres a massive difference between paying 50 cents a day and saying I'm going to pay you 50 cents a day for a month.
This I dont understand Something you find below avarage or bad, you would play, just because its free?
It looks like to me that people who says that are either really poor or must have bad life, because if their time is not worth anything and they would spend it on bad, below avarage games or acitivites, that is sad really sad
Bad game is still bad EVEN if it is free! I would not play game like that even for free
Anyway .. back to TESO. I didnt try it for long but I tend to try it at realease and reach level cap, to see what it really offers
50 cents can be found on the ground each day, just look more carefully next time you go to MC, KFC or whatever and you can pay subs or get extra cheeseburger or wing
It's funny when you break it down like that.
Specially if you're in the camp that undeerstands how nothing is really ever free and why it is like that.
Exactly. In f2p games I spent wayyyy more than $15 a month. I hate it. This is why I don't mind subscriptions!
That really makes sense oO
That's what I thought also hehe, very weird:D