The game is basically what people have said DAoC skinned in elder scrolls.
Personally some of the game looks great. Some of the design decisions for me are such huge drawbacks that I will be passing. Only good part I see would be in cyrodiil and not enough of a draw for me.
As a game of the Elder Scrolls series it will sell. The thing everyone debates is how long can it maintain the pure sub model ( personally I am thinking a year out ) .
We'll see. Think of all the things we haven't seen. How does Melee stack against ranged? Is PvP going to be dominated by RDP? AngryJoe said he liked the game more as a socerer...WHY? Hey is PvP going to be CC heavy? How easy is it to be chain CCed? How about focused fired? Is PvP going to be ruled by the /assist monkeys? What I have seen of PvP looks great, like WAR looked back when that was shiny and new.
it comes down to "we'll see"... a month of two after launch all questions will be naswered.
But hell, yor all knowing wisdom of course knew that the game was shit, would fail and stuff, right?
You can gauge long term success of the game by forum posts 2 months prior to launch?
Yes AvAvA is the good part of TESO, but lots of unanswered questions remain - especially how the game holds up over a long period of time.
MMORPG fans are fickle, they can spit on you one day, praise you the next day, and then spit on you again the next day.
I agree..if i we start gauging success or failure of MMO by forums then i guess WOW would have been the biggest failure.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.' -Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid." -Luke McKinney
This prediction is based on... nothing.
Not even saying your prediction is wrong but if we go by units sold, then its alot of things but a failure aint one of them.
Funny enough it seems more and more reviewers are changing their tune too, they are getting far more positive about it as well.
Then the forums seem to change their tune too, far more postive and.. more and more acknowlaging they will play it.
Then again.. gloating how a game may fail kinna says alot about you.
Eh I don't know what you are getting at.
The game is basically what people have said DAoC skinned in elder scrolls.
Personally some of the game looks great. Some of the design decisions for me are such huge drawbacks that I will be passing. Only good part I see would be in cyrodiil and not enough of a draw for me.
As a game of the Elder Scrolls series it will sell. The thing everyone debates is how long can it maintain the pure sub model ( personally I am thinking a year out ) .
We'll see. Think of all the things we haven't seen. How does Melee stack against ranged? Is PvP going to be dominated by RDP? AngryJoe said he liked the game more as a socerer...WHY? Hey is PvP going to be CC heavy? How easy is it to be chain CCed? How about focused fired? Is PvP going to be ruled by the /assist monkeys? What I have seen of PvP looks great, like WAR looked back when that was shiny and new.
it comes down to "we'll see"... a month of two after launch all questions will be naswered.
This could end up being very interesting.
I agree..if i we start gauging success or failure of MMO by forums then i guess WOW would have been the biggest failure.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
-Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
-Luke McKinney