Hello fellow gamers. I am looking for a guild that have multiple game options to play. From MMOs, to Action RPGs and FPS. Voice com is a must.
Instead of me applying on your guilds website if I must do so (which I think is pretty odd, since I am right now going to give some info about me).
- Age: 26
- From: Here and there in Europe
- Preferred language spoken: English (but I'm not a native)
- Plays: Basically anything with the right people
- Current games playing: CoD: Ghosts, Diablo 3 (but only with brother and a few friends, cant see me playing this without them) and EQN Landmark.
- Veteran to: MMORPG, ACTION RPG
- PvP or PvE: Depends on the game. If there is only PvP in it, then ofc lets PvP only. But if there's PvE in it, I rather PvE more than PvP (but if the PvP is fun, I might do both equally as much).
My skype is: mrsagil
Sounds like you're in need of a gaming clan, not a guild.
I do wish they had "clan" forums on here.