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The Star Citizen team has released the next video in a series called "The Next Great Ship". This time, the Mustang is revealed. The ship's concept artist is interviewed and the video features tons of artwork and more. Check it out and let us know what you think!
When in doubt, sell another ship.
I wonder what will happen when RI need to go in and nerf ships due to this or that.
This have been a good conversation
Why? This is the game.
People apparently want a virtual ship collection cause they keep buying it.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
You know what would be nicer than a cool looking ship model, Chris? A UNIVERSE TO FLY IT AROUND IN.
Privateer got by just fine with four ship types, and still holds up very well. You've got what, a couple dozen? Enough with the damn ships already, get to work on the rest of the farking game.
Sheesh, I haven't even contributed any money yet and I'm frustrated with how slow they're moving. At this rate Elite: Dangerous and No Man's Sky will have released sequels by the time SC is ready for closed beta.
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
Waaa stop making money to make a better game that has no other investors but its fans! rant rant rant.
No wonder the industry is going downhill with all these shallow minded consumers whining all the time.
I feel bad for the people that already bought a ship and now find out that there are more to buy that they may have wanted.
Should just stick with an initial set of ships and leave it at that till after launch.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
Talented as the artist is.
Why do we need an overly aerodynamic spacecraft in space?
See this is what bothers me as a backer. I payed money FOR the CR/SC Team to make the game, not some random contest winners. Seems like more of our money is being put into making stupid reality shows about making ships than actually making the game. Hire more designers please, not camera men and editors for game shows.
Holy crap whoever posted this article didn't check their info. First of all the Mustang has nothing to do with Next Great Starship contest. The mustang is the 2nd starter ship that they are designing so that people have a choice of starter ships. Those who currently have aurora pkg's will be able to switch them to the mustang instead if they want. Secondly for those saying that they are not working on the game and are just creating ships. Stop being idiots. When most games start showing their work they've already been in production for 2 years. You never see a game this early in development.
If you watch the latest Wingman's Hanger it shows a behind the scenes look at Squadron 42 which shows that they are making quite a bit of progress on the single player portion of the game and they even mention that they are expecting the first 10 missions in the single player campaign to be completed this year, so we have that plus the dogfighting module which is coming in April.
Actually, this ship should only be around $35 - $40...TOPS.
Can't wait to add it to my hanger!
Incorrect. The Mustang is designed by employees of CIG.
The contest has not bore any ships yet. I do think it's great that CIG is getting the community involved, saving some money on a ship, unique promotion, and great way to scout for new hires...all in one blow.
Cash shop in advance! Brilliant!
Roberts is a Hollywood huckster who's found out that he can bring in a cool million a month by doing this sort of thing. It feeds his wallet, and feeds his ego.
You early adopters better hope that the ten ex-Origin employees I've talked to over the last year are wrong, because they have nothing good to say about the guy.
The one good thing is that the amount of money going to a space game will probably jumpstart some other, good space games.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
Did you read the article? It correctly stated that they released a new "Next Great Ship" video (which is exactly what they did) and in that video revealed "The Mustang" (which again, is exactly what they did) The author even embedded the official freakin video and provided a link directly from the site's concept art work on the ship.
No where in the post did that author say it had anything to do with a contest other than saying the ship was revealed on the video. Thanks for the "extra" information but honestly it won't stop people from jabbing RSI in the ribs for it's prolonged development cycle. So you can either roll with it or continue to pounce on the wrong people. By the way, I'm quite happy with my RSI Aurora LX!
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
You have a responsibility to Report news accurately and correctly.
You failed to do that with this News Article Update.
Cloud Imperium Games is conducting a fan-ship-creation contest called "The Next Great Starship"
The Mustang, is not a ship that is related to this contest. The Mustang is a Starter ship that all new players will have a choice to use (For Free) once the game is Live. Supporters of the game will be able to purchase the Starship to have in their personal collection once the vessel is up for sale, which it currently is not. It will likely cost the same as the 1st Starter ship, the Aurora.
Do not report things that are false. It is unbecoming of a News Outlet on the level that you're supposed to be.
"The Next Great Starship" is only just now entering into the Ship Creation phase, having just finished with voting for each team that created a concept design for a 3d modeled ship-mounted-weapon.
The teams who passed on to the next round of the Contest are now beginning their concepts for their entries into the Starship portion of the contest
All starships in the final game of Star Citizen can be earned with in-game money and in-game efforts. No one is required to buy any of the ships with Real Life Money.
So if you have no interest in buying a ship with your real money, then all you have to do is Earn the ship in-game once Star Citizen launches.
Another who failed to see what was written. Taken directly from the RSI website:
Get a closer look at the new Consolidated Outland Mustang, as revealed in tonight’s The Next Great Starship! Mustang concept art by David Hobbins.
Go on...have a clicky. That's exactly what he reported. If you have a problem it should be with the official website...
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
Wow, they should hire you!
David Hobbins, the one who created the Mustang ship, is an employee of CIG. He is NOT in the contest. They were highlighting his work as a reference point and it's something they can share.
Sir, you are mistaken. Yet still.
The Mustang is a CiG created starship that was first revealed during an episode of The Next Great Starship. It, however, is not a product of that contest.
It is a CiG created ship, like the Aurora, the Hornet or the Idris
Yes I know....that's exactly what was reported... Another poster said it was from the contest.....not the author.
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
Wow....the author never MENTIONED a contest.....he mention a new Next Great Ship video revealing The Mustang.....he even stated that they interview the concept artist.... The only person who mentioned anything about a contest was another poster.....
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."