I would love to test out Wildstar, because I'm a big fan of MMO's like Vanilla WoW and as far as I know Wildstar is the only upcoming MMO that is not fully "casual friendly".
I'd really like an opportunity to receive a beta key and try out WildStar this weekend because I'm super excited about the game, and I'm dying to get a chance to actually play it! I've only been able to experience the game through the limited videos and news stories I can view and read, and I would really like to be able to experience it myself! I'm looking for a good, refreshing new MMO with a unique combat system to keep me engaged and I've been looking forward to WildStar for a long time! Would totally make my weekend if you give me a beta key!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for a notification!!!
1000 keys, wow That is awesome. Good luck everyone! I can't wait to play this fun new game and get my fix of awesome art and quests all while helping make the game better!
I have been watching this game for over a year. I have beta tested many mmo's and would like the chance to test this game. It makes me feel like a part of the development.
I want to play in the beta because I want to figure out what class I'm going to play for launch so I can focus on leveling quickly to start raiding ASAP!
Just...please! Have been on the Wildstar beta waiting list since the game was announced! Was up at 5:30am pst hitting refresh , hoping for your usual first come- first serve and then this lol....I'm soo unlucky in all that is Wildstar......guess i'll end up waiting until some sort of open beta - sigh.
I am excited to play wildstar to relive the nostalgia of a new mmo I have yet to experience at all. Wink wink;) I did this from my iPhone with dorm internet so I pray that it did not post multiple times as I had to refresh after I hit post because the website stopped responding.
I would like to try out the new adventure system and do some dungeons. I really like the look of the crafting system as its different from everything else out there.
got up early for something i could do all day long. </3. please fix grumpiness by selecting me at random. thanks!
most excited about - skillshot pvp
I want to play in the beta because I want to figure out what class I'm going to play for launch so I can focus on leveling quickly to start raiding ASAP!
I need one please.
Because WildStar is awesome!!!! It's sick and really funny
I'm really excited about it, played last week a bit and it was a blast.
I'd really appreciate a key, because i've really been looking forward to Wildstar since Gamescom a few years ago.
Love the combat and the cartoonish look of the game.
This game looks really awesome, and I've been looking to play it since forever.
I would really like a key, and I plan on opening a guild of Ex-Wow players