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Meh, I wanna play now. Lol.
I played Skyrim too many times. Maybe I put Oblivion back on the disc? I could continue to build my temple in Landmark, if I weren't a creative zero. XD
So, what are you guys doing to kill the time to launch? ^^
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
I must admit, it is painful waiting for the 4th (I think the date is correct). It is going to require a lot of planetside 2 ownage between now and then. On the other hand, perhaps I will do something really nerdy like continue building my city in Morrowind -- yes, I still play Morrowind! XD
This last beta really magnified my desire to play, like being attuned to the Heart of Lorkhan using Kagrenac's tools.
Funny you should bring up Morrowind. I just started a new game about an hour ago.. Got all settled in for a good session and had it crash on me repeatedly. I know i can fix the problem, and I will, but I was like... Seriously Universe?! I finally find something to take the ESO edge off and you do this??
Decided to watch a movie. Will fix MW tomorrow.
That is a pity about the crash. If you get the chance download and install "morrowind comes alive 7.1". It is a very good and enhancing mod.
Playing Final Fantasy XIV ARR. Got 32 days left till I have to re sub and I just got dragoon.
My interest in GW2 has really dropped off right now. I need to pop in and say hi to my guildies, maybe do my dailies, but I don't really feel like much more than that.
I think Morrowind or Oblivion is a great idea.
As for me, I've got Diablo 3, Hearthstone, and some other online card games I got interested in because of Hearthstone with free trials on Steam.
War Thunder !
No finer timewaster I can think of. I absolutely love the combat in Rank 1 biplanes in arcade mode, skill and tactics make almost no difference in those n00b furballs...
With less than 2 weeks to launch, there's no serious game that I can concentrate on atm.
Now with increased exp, smart drops and a few legendaries every day it's like every loot whores' dream...
Morrowind and The Last of Us
Pre-order Wildstar tomorrow and try it out this weekend in the open beta?
Elite: Dangerous - Space Exploration & Trading.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
I'm right here with you brother.
Black Gold alpha, 11 days. Good or bad, anything to make 3/30 come quicker.
that's what i am doing too but i haven't bought the exp.
May well give the new Diablo an outing.
A part of me is wondering though whether the new Age of Wonders will recapture the magic; has it really been eleven years since AoW2!
I certainly don't see any hope of TESO's launch been smooth. And if it is and I felt the need I would probably be able to get the 3 day early access. I just don't see it though and don't want the likely hassle - I still have memories of waiting in chat rooms for EQ's servers to come back up.