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I am playing MMO's for quite some years now and I got the feeling that hate and beef intensities are constantly growing with each new game to be released. From what I remember it started sometime back in the days when DAOC player numbers were dropping. People started heading to WoW around 2005 and the biting begun. It became worse and worse when more games were released, in 2008 I remember terrible bitching when AoC and WAR were close to release. Somehow people started to take other players dedication to different games personal. It went on with AION release in 2009 it seemed that even before release more and more folks already knew if a game would be a success or a failure. So they started to support their “own” game and tried to convince everyone else that their game is the one and only and everything else is a fail anyway.
At the same time more and more MMO’s were released and the competition to attract and bind customers increased. So the games released became more and more convenient. For not scaring any customers away ingame penalties has been constantly removed until some point where the games became completely meaningless. Someday there were simply nothing to lose anymore! In early MMO’s you lost everything you did carry when you died, you lost your mount and you lost progress, whatever death was meaningful and one would try everything to avoid dying. Nowadays, if you read the forum you can see where this evolution of MMO’s led to, the modern generation of MMO gamers is not even willing to pay a repair fee after death, not to mention they would lose anything from their backpacks. Gaming companies adapted to this kind of gamers, they try to avoid any content that is challenging, and they try to avoid anything that slightly looks like an ingame penalty or effort. Nowadays the climax of this development is an ingame shop where you can buy items to instantly resurrect yourself and even your group. Therefore, nullifying the last little bit of death penalty, which is the walk back to your spot of death.
Modern MMO’s feel more and more like huge one-way tunnels. At level one you start in front of a guy with an exclamation mark above his head and you finish after a certain amount of levels next to a guy with an exclamation mark above his head. I already look forward to the first game where you get teleport options as soon as you start a quest: “Do you want to teleport to the quest location?” and after that: “You finished the quest, do you want to teleport back to the quest NPC?” Don’t get me wrong please I am not a fan boy and I don’t think ESO will really change this development. But I read so much stuff on the forums that is simply ridiculous. People complaining about repair costs, people complaining about soul gems which are too hard to get, people complaining about limited inventory space, people complaining about minimal downtimes, people complaining about subscription fees and people complaining about everything you could (or could not) imagine. The perpetual nagging about unimportant trivia really leaves me speechless most of the time.
Disregarding any hate as well as any hype I would briefly summarize my ESO beta experience (max level 15) like this:
Even if ESO will not be the groundbreaking new MMO, I will definitely give it a chance and start playing at release. I know from prior game releases that it normally is not a good idea to start a game at release day. But I am pretty confident that it will be at least playable, of course it won’t be free of bugs but I don’t expect that anyway.
IMHO there is no need for hate and there is no need for hype at the moment!
Just give the game a try and if you like it stick to it. If you dislike it move on and look for another game that suites you better. But I would really love if people could stop constantly trying to convince everyone else that they alone are right, doesn’t matter if they are hating or hyping …