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Alchemy Know-How


Hello trainee alchemists!


How did your experimentations in potion crafting fair over the beta weekends? Is alchemy a profession you're eager to get stuck in to at launch? 


I personally felt that alchemy was vital to gameplay and extremely useful. Not only was it great for healing my non-Templar classes with health potions but it also increased the power of my characters (extra stamina, increased weapon damage, etc). I think that players will need an impressive array of potions for dungeons and pvp to truly maximise their character's potential. So I thought I'd put together this list of everything you could possibly need to know about alchemy :)


Profession Passives:

1) Solvent Proficiency : Allows you to make better/higher level potions.
2) Keen Eye : Makes gatherable ingredients for potions in the open world glow from 20-30-40 meters away.
3) Medicinal use: Increases potion effects 10%-20%-30%
4) Chemistry : Allows you to produce extra potions during crafting without consuming any ingredients.
5) Laboratory use: Permits the use of up to 3 reagents/ingredients for making potions.
6) Snakeblood: Reduces the negative effects by 50%-80%-100%.

It will cost 19 Skills Points to max everything in Alchemy.


Ingredients/Reagents and Traits:

  • Blessed Thistle: Restore Stamina, Ravage Health, Increase Weapon Potency, Speed
  • Blue Entoloma: Ravage Magicka, Restore Health, Invisibility, Lower Spell Power
  • Bugloss: Increased Spell Resist, Lower Spell Power, Restore Health, Restore Magicka
  • Columbine: Restore Health, Restore Stamina, Restore Magicka, Unstoppable
  • Cornflower: Restore Magicka, Ravage Health, Increase Spell Power, Detection
  • Dragonthorn: Increase Weapon Potency, Lower Armor, Restore Stamina, Weapon Crit
  • Emetic Russula: Ravage Health, Ravage Stamina, Ravage Magicka, Stun
  • Imp Stool: Lower Weapon power, Increase Armor, Ravage Stamina, Lower Weapon Crit
  • Lady’s Smock: Increase Spell Power, Lower Spell Resist, Restore Magicka, Spell Crit
  • Luminous Russula: Ravage Stamina, Restore Health, Lower Weapon Power, Reduce Speed
  • Mountain Flower: Increase Armor, Lower Weapon Power, Restore Health, Restore Stamina
  • Namira’s Rot: Spell Crit, Invisibility, Speed, Unstoppable
  • Nirnroot: Ravage Health, Lower Weapon Crit, Lower Spell Crit, Invisibility
  • Stinkhorn: Lower Armor, Increase Weapon Potency, Ravage Health, Ravage Stamina
  • Violet Coprinus: Lower Spell Resist, Increase Spell power, Ravage Health, Ravage Magicka
  • Water Hyacinth: Restore Health, Weapon Crit, Spell Crit, Stun
  • Whitecap: Lower spell Power, Ravage Magicka, Increase Spell Resist, Lower Spell Crit
  • Wormwood: Weapon Crit, Reduce Speed, Detection, Unstoppable


In case you're more of a watch and learn type rather than a read and learn I've included a video explaining everything too :)


I hope all this info was super useful and will help anyone looking in to alchemy :D


Please note that all information is always subject to change. Elder Scrolls may change skills, ingredients, potions, crafting, etc at launch and after with patches so always double check your references :)


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