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Ok, first off I know this question has been asked many times, but people usually give their view without explanation.
Would you be kind enough to tell me what you think is the best class for soloing in this game, and why (pros and cons for soloing). I have very limited time to play, so I need a solo class and can't afford to test several things before really starting a long-term character...
Thanks in advance !
Hunter or Warlock - both have pets, so you always have a buddy for tanking. Both are decent damage dealers.
Rogue - you can solo quite a bit due to stealth.
Paladin (Alliance Only) - good damage and healing abilities. Paladins can also wear plate armor at 40.
Shaman (Horde Only) - lol, they're just overpowered.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
Thanks, very useful.
Although, I have also read quite a lot that Warriors and Mages were powerful solo characters. Could anyone tell me why or why not?
Demoku: Anarchy Online (Rimor)
I could tell you the best about a rogue since I have one ...
Rogues: are good at soloing if you have a good build (even if you dont you can handle), Most rogues can take 4-5 levels above them creeps. In PvP if you know how to play one you can take down any class expect I find I have troubles with warriors sometimes.
Other classes:
Priests: You cant have a good group without one everyone wants you but you always have to worry about other players.
Warlocks: No problems finding a group, there never turned down for a group invite unless they dont need one or have one... Have pets so can solo, only thing I dont like about warlocks is they need soul shards that take up space and dont stack!!
Warriors: Another good class to pick from, every group wants a main tank so a warrior... Warriors can do large ammounts of damage and can have large ammounts or armor.
Mages: Easy HK/CP go around doing arcane blast
, many groups ask for a mage to join them... They are good to solo with.