I played the weekend before last, and didn't really "feel it". This past weekend I was able to see some of the strengths of the game, and was much more interested. I look forward to playing more, and hopefully finding more to like.
Like good music, sometimes the games that are more worthwhile take a little longer to get into. WildStar is starting to creep on me like that.
Originally posted by akron And not a single word on the terrible input-lag and action-set switching issues that more or less ruined the last beta weekend..
Chill, grasshopper. Carbine worked out the lag issue.
This is only for pre-order people correct? Anybody with those weekend codes are not included.
'The level cap for Pre-order players has been increased to 20. Pre-order players can now queue for Stormtalon's Lair and The Ruins of Kel Voreth in the Group Finder.' -Carbine Studios Staff
I know Wildstar is paying good money for their ads and announcements, but that is a pretty significant piece of information that should be included in a headline of this nature.
"As far as the forum code of conduct, I would think it's a bit outdated and in need of a refre *CLOSED*"
Originally posted by Mpfive Sneaky way to crash the ESO party, not that it will matter mind you
To do that they would have had to have an entire week... Now it will be more of a gentle reminder that there are places that are fun and filled with energy before people venture in to the "serious-as-a-heartattack" that is ESO.
To be honest WildStar is not really in competition with ESO... The one they need to be careful with is EQ:N.=P
And let everyone that have apply for beta to get invite and i have not even got beta key and i apply when 1st announced the game and beta so do i really care about WildStar now when ESO go live tomorrow "sunday"?
Answer is NO the have chance to with me for i was look for new MMO i will most like never buy WildStar so have fun.
anyone who thinks EQN could be a powerhouse has never dealt with SOE before lol
either naive fans or delusional fanboys
haha! awsome
they are so anxious to release, as much as we wnat to play!!!!
GMG extended their sale again it seems. If your still waiting grab the standard for $48 or $60 for the deluxe.
GMG 20% off code below:
I got mine and after conversion only costs me $55 in Canada. Much better then spending $79 at the store w/ tax. Geez I sound like an ad lol.
I played the weekend before last, and didn't really "feel it". This past weekend I was able to see some of the strengths of the game, and was much more interested. I look forward to playing more, and hopefully finding more to like.
Like good music, sometimes the games that are more worthwhile take a little longer to get into. WildStar is starting to creep on me like that.
More surprising is that in all these pages no one mentioned:
Time to earn some items :-)
yep, it is. I could not log in with my old beta account.
Chill, grasshopper. Carbine worked out the lag issue.
I haven't looked or heard that there are weekend beta keys this time.
FWIW, I did preorder and all my beta characters are available right now.
ESO is close wildstar will have to work hard to convince me to buy or play it again.
And let everyone that have apply for beta to get invite and i have not even got beta key and i apply when 1st announced the game and beta so do i really care about WildStar now when ESO go live tomorrow "sunday"?
Answer is NO the have chance to with me for i was look for new MMO i will most like never buy WildStar so have fun.