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I'm looking to buy a new game but unlike the past when I've just bought every mmo that come out hoping it would be the next big thing and it failing I've decided to abide my time, this morning i woke up extremely hung over and bored and decided to (maybe) buy ESO. I know i cant play today but head start is right around the corner and i would really like to make a well informed decision before i buy.
My main concerns are this, from what I've seen its almost identical to GW2, i never really got into gw2 and i hate the no holy trinity aspect of that game, i really don't see the appeal in that, I've done some research and there seems to be a really mixed view on wether or not ESO has holy trinity or not, mostly its "there is one but you don't have to use it" well that sounds very similar to GW2. Can i get a solid answer on that matter please
I am very PvP oriented lately mainly due to having to work a lot its usually all i have time for but judging from the videos again it looks exact same as GW2 where you run for 10 mins get to a battle die run again for 10 mins zerg etc etc , not my idea of fun if im honest at least i didn't find it all that fun in er...Gw2, what does Eso do differently ? what makes it unique or new? Are there instanced battlegrounds like say Rift or Wow aswell and what about arenas?.
I read that there is i think 12 man raids? are they with holy trinity or is it just a zerg fest but in pve form? that might be actually fun but id liek to know more about it.
Please forgive me for my grammar mistakes like i said i'm hung over and well cant be bothered to edit
Judging from what I've written does Eso sound like a game i should purchase or should i give this one a pass?
If you not sure yet and not that big of fan then i would recommend to wait at least a few days. There will be plenty of streams on twitch and so on. Watch them and then you can decide whether you like it or not.
From my point of view it play nothing like GW2 and i played this game a lot. It´s more tactical and also the PVP isn´t a zergfest. Sure there are zergs running around but the map is so huge so you can avoid that and have your small scale PVP with 2-4 player capturing a mine. Also there´s some PVE inside the PVP area.
As i mentioned above, maybe you get the chance to watch some streams, maybe there will be buddy keys soon and you can have a trial. But if you not sure yet, dont buy it just because you´re bored.
1st German Crowfall Guild
ESO is different more open world and random quests,you will not get bored and the pvp they say is very good.
i played the beta and its fun.
I bought it both for the PvP and the PvE aspects and encourage my friends to do so.
For sure though, after 24 hours (early access is tomorrow) you'll start to see new info. By next Friday (opening day for regular access) you'll be able to make a better decision based on more 'real' reviews.
There is a holy trinity although its not required for the easier content.
I wouldn't call their 12-man content raiding, since all words so far is that its a time trial for leaderboard. Regardless there is no 12-man content at launch so if your motivation is raiding look for a different game.
There is no PvP outside Cyrodiil. If you look for instanced arena and battlegrounds this is not the game for you.
Yep, another expert on Gw2 that didn't give it more than 1 hour.
Sure, go ahead, waste your money on a game that's going f2p soon and brings nothing fresh to the table. Infact it does some old things poor.
In before white knights, Gw2 does have the trinity even though its not as hardly represented as you would expect it to be. But yeah, that actually requires you to have a lvl 80 and ACTUALLY play instead of thinking with your ass, no offense
Yeah, this posting was helpful for sure..
1st German Crowfall Guild
While most people seem to disagree strongly I actually do see a faint resemblance to GW2, but it's pretty superficial. It's not a Trinity-focussed game in that various builds could let a mage tank and a fighter heal, for example, but players could step it up to fill a certain role in a group if need be, but it's not like the Trinity. This is a bonus for me, although not you, because I see the Trinity being a rather ossified play style which some people can't see beyond and I believe it's well past it's sell-by date. That's just me though, and if other people like it that's fine by me.
The PvP in Cyrodil maybe didn't show at its best in Beta because of the huge number of new players - there were no tactics because guilds hadn't been going very long, obviously, and hadn't had a chance to co-ordinate any tactics. When a couple of thousand strangers who are new to the game enter PvP it's understandable that the zerg was the most popular tactic! When guilds get organised with voice-comms and organise their members in the battles I would expect to see actual tactics and goals emerging.
As for small-scale PvP, in Cyrodil there are larger objectives as well as smaller objectives, to cater for people who want large battles or small ones in the overall campaign. There's also a LOT of terrain in Cyrodil with some PvE quests in amongst there, so I dare say people could just scout around in a duos or groups to hunt each other down if they so wish. I could also envisage an area there that might, by player consensus, become an unofficial arena, where players could challenge each other to 2v2, 4v4 or whatever.
Anyway, to conclude, I have a gut feeling this game wouldn't appeal to you.
Since i am not affiliated with Zenimax in any way so i won't push you to buy the game.
I am also like you. I buy every MMO but not in hope that it will be the one for me but because i love MMOS and i gotto play them all.
So if money and time is not an issue buy the game if not... i would say give it a pass because it is not anything different. This is your typical themepark MMO.
If you go in not looking for innovations you will enjoy it.
What are your other Hobbies?
Gaming is Dirt Cheap compared to this...
The PvE is like Skyrim but online. The online element doesn't really make it any different than a singleplayer game other than seeing other people walking around (and of course when you do dungeons). If you liked Skyrim questing, you'll like ESO PvE.
AvA is fun but the map is huge and you WILL be spending most of the time running from your respawn point to where the action is. It's fun but kind of gets repetitive after a while. It's slightly worrisome that this is what you're supposed to be doing at endgame.
The other thing that I disliked is that the combat seems sluggish. It's not as sharp as other games I've played. You do get used to it after a while but that doesn't mean the slugishness isn't there.
It's a fun game for a while but noway is it worth a subscription.
There's a video.
I've already pre-purchased. Good luck.
Valid opinions, and I see a lot of people on the forum that have similar views. I also see where you're coming from with the 'single player' and 'running back to the action' things, although I didn't notice any sluggishness in combat myself.
In your case OP, move along this isnt the game you're looking for.
Maybe he's an european. Europeans don't yet have a "megaserver" of our own Thus 200ms ping could very well be sluggish. It's funny because they have the audacity to actually charge for something that's not even properly available overboard What is even more fun is that there are people lining up for that cash grab I guess people have too much money nowadays.
Hopefully after few more financial crisis you guys might learn.
Well, first I would say is would not recommend looking at buying things based on popular vote, such as your statement the next big thing. It doesnt sound to me that your tastes fall in lines with the mass vote. If that is all your looking for then I do not think you will be disappointed with ESO, there should be more players for you to play with then you can count. They also will be on a new server type called mega server. Which is just instances on a mega scale, such as if zone a1 has 200 people in it, and that is its max, then a new one will be created called zone a2. All the people will now start in a2 till it fills up, and then it will max another one.
That is about the only new concept it adds, which really isnt all that new, just made bigger. SWTOR does this, just not with all servers. Aion kinda does it to, just a little different.
As for PVP, it to me is more like planet side pvp. I dont mean as FPS type combat, so dont think combat. But what happens from what i can gather is there are PVP maps. You need to control points on the map to get to the next one, they are all linked. If some one takes your base you cant spawn there. Same thing as planet side. So yeah its gonna be the same as all mmorpgs in that you die, and spawn back in. I dont know time frames you can prolly last more then 10 mins, but it is instant spawn like your talking about. The only thing that is different is there are PVE quests in the PVP zone, but that isnt new DAOC does that as well.
The crafting is new and fresh, but you dont seem to like crafting so...... If you like crafting then you will have a large amount of fun with that.
If you are looking for a game to play for a long time, it really matters not what game you pick. The only possible way that a game is gonna hold your interest for years, or long months has nothing to do with the game. It has to do with if you find people you enjoy playing with, and they are on and active every day. Game content gets boring no matter how much new stuff they add. I found the only thing that will change that, is if you find some interesting people to play with.
I can recommend to you World War 2 Online, for a PVP game that isnt about instant spawns and zergs. I mean you can just spawn in every 10 seconds and run in there and die, but that isnt gonna do anything. You would just be making sure your team dies. The pvp in WW2 online has no equal, in terms of team play, and fun. There is no pve in it, there are ais, but they arent really part of the game.
To sum up, go to ebay, buy a 5 day game code for 5 bucks. Play the 5 days and you will see if you want to play for a month.
wow you presume alot ^ i have two level 80s on guild wars 2^ and my gaming community NID were very high end and we did everything the game had to offer.
Just wait a week - I played beta and I think the game sucks, but some people like it. If you can have the willpower to wait, that will help you decide.
thanks for all your posts guys , even the arse hole ones ^^
Its really helped to make up my mind, i will wait a while before buying see what people think in a month, judging from the comments although helpful, haven't really convinced me as to why its different to GW2.
This will be the first AAA mmo i havent bought in a decade on release...almost feels wrong somehow but i think its right decision
thank you guys
I'm a European and combat was pretty smooth for me, but Europe is a big place and I dare say some areas might not have as good an Internet connection as others. I have a hunch this wasn't the guy's problem though, and it was more the combat system itself felt sluggish to him. Maybe he could clarify that?
We do actually have a megaserver of our own, but at the moment it's hosted in the US so in a sense you are correct. Ping to the US is ping to the US whatever the server is called. They will be moving it to Europe at some point, so I've read, but haven't seen any date given for that as yet.
If you're hung over from a good single-malt Scotch, you're forgiven... otherwise I have no pity for you... ;-)
First off, be careful of any glowing reports you find on the game; there have been some very obvious shills on the forums. Any time you find shills being used heavily in a viral marketing scheme you need to take care. The last two open Beta's had some significant bugs and the shills were tap-dancing all around them. Supposedly, the bugs have been fixed. We'll see. A lot of people cancelled their pre-orders. If you have concerns in that regard, I'd simply suggest waiting a while to see whether there is weeping and gnashing of teeth on the forums or wild rampages of fanboi's singing the glories of the game. Waiting a week (which is all you'll need) won't hurt you too much; just enjoy some more Scotch (and if you don't drink Scotch, start... although it's an acquired taste, you'll never go back to what you were drinking).
It's really not like GW2, other than the fact that it's a MMORPG. It's much more story-driven, but not in individual instancing like GW2. It does cause some linearity in questing; if you played Elder Scolls games before, ESO is not an open world where you can go wherever you want and do whatever you please (contrary to the shill BS you'll read); you are somewhat directed in your activities until you get to higher levels. That is likely to turn off a lot of players who have come from the Elder Scrolls single player games.
There is a "holy trinity" scheme; however, you can configure any "class" (term used loosely) for DPS, tanking, suport, or healing depending on how you elect your skills. Classes as defined in the game are more a collection of various skills you can choose from than a restriction on how you play. In combination with weapon, armor, and guild (mage or fighter) skills, you can configure your character for any of the traditional "holy trinity" roles. Add in racial, PvP, and crafting skills to round out the character.
And that's the key thing that makes ESO different from other games; it's skill-based. Not as much as it should be, IMHO; in traditional fashion, Elder Scrolls single-player games (Bethesda) increased player level as a result of leveling skills. In ESO, there is more of the traditional MMORPG mentality (that I personally hate, FWIW) of increasing your skills as a result of leveling your character... backwards from the usual Elder Scrolls stuff, but probably intended to appeal to the typical MMORPG player who isn't an Elder Scrolls afficionado. While skills do improve through use, if you have skills on your action bar that you haven't used at all since the last time your character leveled, they will increase in capability along with the ones you have used since your last level increase.
The PvP area is large enough that its expansiveness by itself will cause a significant divergence from GW2 PvP; naturally, there will be zergs, but there are also quests within the PvP areas, Soul Shards to hunt down (contributors to leveling up skills), dungeons, and other things to do in Cyrodil that will cause diversity in game play. The post-50 game play (I won't call it end-game for a number of reasons) seems robust; not typical raiding per se (which is fine with me; I hate raiding... no, let me correct that: I DESPISE raiding as the most mind-numbing and boring experience possible in a MMORPG), but offers extended questing, "adventure zones" (areas with group gameplay and harder quests), and similar challenges.
This isn't a game that you're going to finish in a month or two... IMHO, if the bugs have been squashed -- and I'm not holding my breath -- it will be a good game. If they're releasing with all the bugs that were in Beta, they'll never see a dollar of subscription money from me. I don't play that game... having to read shills' post in the forums (with all the bad gramar, poor spelling, and incohesive writing; ZOS obviously isn't paying them very much, because they're not a very educated crew) is bad enough.
Anyway, if you're concerned, give it a week and then check back...
EDIT: Typos and such
Excellent post thank you
It's absolutely NOTHING like GW2. I mean, aside from the fact that both are fantasy MMOs. GW2 is a "different" MMO, ESO is more of a "classic" MMO that more similar to older MMOs than the recent crop.
ESO absolutely is a holy trinity game. If you do a group dungeon, there will be a Tank, a Healer and DPS. It has a diverse skill system that will make these Tanks and HEaler and DPS quite versatile and may make it that the same character can be tank one minute and healer the next, but you absolutley still have defined combat roles. They're just not tied to classes.
No one knows more about the 12-man raids (called Trials). The only info released was like 2 days ago and they aren't even in the game for launch, they'll be coming with the first major update.
There are no instanced battlegrounds.
It's hard for me to tell you whether you'll like it or not, since your post provided very little info on what you actually like in games, only that you didn't like GW2's lack of trinity. Based on this alone - yes, you'll like ESO (since ESO does have trinity). But that really isn't much to based a recommendation on.
Give 3 games that you played for more than a year and what you liked in them and i can give you a more educated opinion.
"Id rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."
- Raph Koster
Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
Currently Playing: ESO
It's not just about pvp or raiding, it brings back the RPG in an MMO. If cheap spoon fed content is what you like - you wont find it in ESO. There's so much to offer beyond the colored text and zergcocgobble, that one needs to actually see the fine architecture that's ESO s amazing history/culture filled world - something we haven't seen in a while, something beyond the modernization and popculture fusion that has spoiled the RPG feeling in mmos for over the last ten years
Most MMOs have become playpens filled with baby toys.
ESO feels a lot more real, it's more believable and crafted with common sense all while listening to the player community - while remaining traditional and open.
If you like exploration and not being told where to go, ESO is for you.
If you buy, you will find an amazing world of depth that goes beyond standard MMOs today, in fact you will get way more because it's a sub based game - unlike Trash Wars 2 or other games like Turda and Neverpoopy. Or the amazingly done Whorfestival World of Wastecraft, which is still p2p.
How is it different? Well, it's different because Zenimax cares about the game, so much so that they will step on the face of qqers and carnival fed baby clickers.
Hope that helps.
We all can only be who we are Nothing more nothing less.