What is the buffing mechanic in this game? Are you able to buff random people or does it take concentration, or only allowed to buff group members? Are buffs based on weapon type?
Just trying to get a feel for things, I feel so left out not having played yet! Thanks in advance.
I don't know all the skills, but those I've come across are either group specific or ground targeted, everything is short duration (seconds).
The only buff I've seen that works on random people is a short damage shield for the Restoration Staff, which lasts six seconds.
There are many buffs that buff anyone in your general area - grouped or not. As a matter of fact I can't think of any that are group only.
Some, like the Dragonknight's molten weapon that buffs weapon damage for anyone around the DK when he casts it, last 1 minute or more.
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
Okay, gotcha. So buffbots (ala DAoC) aren't present or the EQ buffs for Pl'ing.
Thanks for your replies.