So the NA server is currently down for maintenance and has bee for 4 1/2 hours. I'm no expert but this seems quite long and I don't remember these kind of down times for other MMO's. Any computer geeks want to venture a guess as to why they are taking so long to implement a patch?
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There Is Always Hope!
Hehe, that's ONE way to look at it, indeed...
it's their first MMO and they're not very good at what they need to be doing.
It could be worse, they could be funcom who, despite having launched multiple MMO's, STILL manage to make a mess of things.
Anyway, here's hoping the server is up before I get off work (#selfish)
I'd say that it's a sign of a newly released MMO that still has that "new MMO smell."
you know the NA servers got done at 8am right? and thats eastern time it's currently 2pm and they're still down Euro's arent the only ones getting the short end of the stick, the times are bad for everyone
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The 'this evening' and earlier 'midday' is kind of lame, in my opinion. I know its safe because it could be 4PM or it could be 6PM but still. Don't vague. It's as off-putting as being wrong. More so even.
Oh well. Time to kill another couple of hours. I see EU is down again too. Must have found something in ours that warranted taking it away from the other kids too.
Are you doing that ones a day? :-)
OMG i really thought this was a troll post by you..... THIS EVENING ? Just wow. #Unfuckingbelievable
Lolipops !
"This evening" is developer-speak for "sometime tomorrow if you're lucky."
After a Beta test that didn't really test anything; after a disastrous open Beta; is anyone surprised?
There are developers going, "Oops, well I guess that really was a bad idea..." and coders going, "Shit... another sleepless night..."
I came home early 13:00 this afternoon, didn't think about the maintenance scedule today. Did read the EU got it this morning but wasn't really bothered since I play on the US server.
So around 14:00hours I decided to give the game a spin, but was met with the message the server is coming down for maintenance.
So yeah I really want to play....booted up Assassins Creed: BF, after about 20 minutes I tried Thief, but was really set into this ES fibe.
So I decided to download the EU version, figured since I am EU I might aswell. Might profit from it when the game actually has EU baed server. Anyway.....finished the download, pressed PLAY and to my suprise EU servers also have been taken offline due to maintenance.
Now can't play neither EU or US .....
Meh! :P
From facebook
The maintenance on the European megaserver is now complete, and is back online. The North American megaserver maintenance is ongoing, and should be complete in the next few hours. Thanks!
so now the Euro servers have completed maintenance twice and in a shorter amount of time overall that the american servers have been down... LOL yeah you guys got it tough!
my creds: I perform updates and maintenance on enterprise infrastructure for a living.
My guess is that for this "megaserver" they're using a cluster of hosts and many-MANY virtual machines. They have virtual machines that serve the logins, serve the patching, serve the game, and function as the database-backend. For the update, they have to install updates and reboot each individual VM... If they're doing a database engine update, the DB-cluster must be rotated precisely. This will usually have to be done via cmd line... One slip-up here and you've got to restore a backup and start over.
Yeesh. This sounds tedious and creates an environment prone to bugs well yea. This makes sense.
Because ESO has some real stability issues atm. I understand why when I was yelling "launch early!" others were saying "whoa."
Great game, but I've never had to hit alt-f4 as many times as I have to now.
To your point it is long and tedious however the systems they would need in place to do it quicker are more than likely more expensive then they can afford at the moment.
I work on the Dev side of enterprise apps but I'm decently familiar with the problems our deployment teams go through and the MegaServer theory is probably exactly what is happening.
They will eventually refine and fine tune the process and create batch applications that can update multiple VMs safely. For all we know they are doing it by hand ><! But yeh as to your comment about not seeing an MMO with a worse update time I've seen them down for days because of botched deployments. Just be glad they probably have a good backup system so they don't have to roll you back even farther than you thought.
Also, if they did mess up an they have to rollback the restore can fail or timeout and they have to try again. This could go on for a long time lol. Just be patient
You can see that they're using a bunch of different servers if you watch your netstat... you'll have connections with the chat servers... oh, I left the virtual machines that handles chat out.. You'll also have a connection with your game server.. when you zone, you connect to a hand-off server and then connect to a new game server... The stuck-in-load-screen bug is within the handoff server.. you'll make a connection to the hand-off server but you won't actually make it onto a new game server.. when you relog, your character's profile, or save-game, will reflect the location of the new zone you're supposed to be in and therefore you'll bypass the hand-off server...
Why did i just say all of this?