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being put on xbox 360,ps3
think a bout it i did read some were that xbox 360 and ps3 will have alot of mmorpg comeing. so do you think WOW will go next??
i say yes i would not mind seeing it. but that is just me haha
but if it did what system do you think it would go to.
Considering Blizzard just bought the developer of Starcraft: Ghost in order to beef up their console presence I would say that there is fair probability of it happening.
If it did happen I'd see it being released on the Xbox. Basicly cause the Xbox setup is closest to that of a normal PC I believe. So it would be easier to adapt for I think and Xbox Live has already proven itself so that is another huge plus.
Even though I don't like the game.
Most new mmorpgs developed for the pc will easily be ported to the new xbox so it's inevitable.
If Blizzard can learn the techincal knowledge and know how I'd say why not. But they still got alot of work to do just to get the game up to speed to run on a PC. I see it happening but not for a few years I'd guess since BG are just now hitting public testing after 6 months from going live. They were suppose to be in a launch hence why I'm not seeing them getting the game to console anytime soon.
Then Hero classes, BG tweaks, server stability, BG seige weapons, more casual content, and something that resembles balance in a pvp setting. They really need to get this stuff done to keep what they have playing before they try to expand to the console market.
Oh and then there is that whole problem of the PC gamers ripping the console folks to shreds and making the console gamers life a living hell for playing it on a console.
Most probably Vanguard will go first, since Microsoft is its publisher.
Sigil said that there is nothing planned yet, but they didn't deny it categorically.
So expect Vanguard to be the first MMORPG for XBOX 360......................
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To me it seems like a natural progression doesn't it ? I think that production and development teams will gravitate to any arena that will blossom and see gain in return on investments and since WoW is one of the very top MMO's right now, why wouldn't they want to get into the console market.
I think with the success of mainstream and highly visible games like SWG, WoW, EQ2 and more that have for better or for worse made their respective producers large amounts of income, it's inevitable that we'll see the growth of the market and see lots of different technologies trying to get into it.
Just imagine, playing WoW on a PSP-like device anywhere in the world, anytime you want, I'm sure one day we'll be there.
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Well Sony and MS will not put WoW on their platform sorry.. The only hope for WoW is nintendo .. You'll maybe see Vanguard or Vanguard:Online adventures (LOL) on the x-box and maybe an EQ2 product for PS3 but its mainly about economics rather than technology. How will migrating the games to those platforms be anymore profitable to the companies that make them? Most people have pc's and therefore if they want to play the games they're already available so i cant really see the profit margins being there. Let's be honest if it was profitable you would have seen EQ2 rolled out on the ps2 already. The fact that they didnt shows that EQOA didnt make enough money to warrant migrating future online games over. MS and Vanguard are the most likely team to try next but i wouldnt really hold my breath for it.
Also let me add that the new xbox is coming with 512 ram which is barely enough to play WoW or EQ2 and you'll get some serious lag if you try. I think you guys underestimate the volume of information your computer deals with when your playing these games.
Make a difference!
Some good points but I think when looking at the financial gain or growing it's user base, you simply can't look at whether there is more PC users towards say... XBox users. Of course there will be more PC users for MMO's over platforms, it's far broader and universal then consoles could ever be. What I do think you have to look at rather is will adding a game like WoW to, let's say for arguments sake, to the XBox 360 add to an already large user base.
On top of that, you need to look at whether the gain from these users would offset or be of financial benefit to the costly development process that would entail in converting a game with such high techinical demands to actually work on something like a console, no matter how high performance the next gen's may be.
I also think you need to look at whether such a move would increase the fan base, thus adding to the overall recognition to the product which can be just as fiscally profitable.
But in the end, you have an excelent point, will the upcomming technology even be able to handle the very demanding mmo's of today, no matter how "ported" they may be or for that matter, how viable would it be that future mmo's be introduced accross-platform... probably pretty slim.
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I'd say if Blizzard was inclined to diversify the platform base of WoW, they'd be able to do it without much relative effort. They already develop and support two dissimilar platforms (Mac and PC), so one would think adding another one would be doable.
Well.... console gaming is just an entirely different world....... it's kinda like korean games and the U.S. Koreans eat up all those games in HUUUUUUGGGGEEEEE quantities, that we in the U.S. look at, and go 'huh? why bother'.
Console gamers are twitch, reflex, platformy. Multi-player still hasn't been integrated well. I mean, 4 little separate screens?? Admittedly I haven't seen any of the latest, like the 360 or the ps3, but in my case, why bother? I don't play those type of games anymore, for years. They are great for their graphics and 1 or 2 player games, but let's leave mmorpg's to the pc's.
And I haven't even touched on the age difference of those consol'ing vs those pc'ing. You think it's bad in some games like wow or gw with the immature crap going on in there now, can you imagine how it would be with the console kids jumpin in???? EGADS! Just the thought of it is giving me the constant willies.... although they would ever mix the 2 platforms on the same servers (oh gawd in heaven PUHLEEESE don't even consider this idea), it would be a horrendous thing to see.... only of interest if your the type that likes to watch accidents in slow motion.....
Strangely enough, it won't be.
Not the most obvious for Microsoft, but Square-Enix announced that they have signed a deal with MS at E3, and that FFXI will ported across for the Xbox 360 for release. Apparently they have been working on it now for quite some time.
Your PC-favoritism doesn't mean squat to the explosive trend of console gaming. Consoles are extremely profitable and the industry is hot. They are going to cross over into the PC realm more and more, so you might as well accept that fact.
I like PCs too, but once consoles do everything that I demand from my PC, I will not hesitate to stop feeding that ravenous money pit.
Oops, messed up...
[quote]Originally posted by aeric67
I like PCs too, but once consoles do everything that I demand from my PC, I will not hesitate to stop feeding that ravenous money pit.[/b][/quote]
umm... consoles are for game playing only......... let me know when you can read/compose email, make a spreadsheet, create or edit a website, update your resume, finish your homework at the same time even, etc etc on your console.....
If you just want to play games, then console is for you my friend. Gaming for me is a hobby.
Vanguard is one of the first games (maybe the first) being developed with XNA. They won't have to change any code to make the game playable on the x-box 360, it will be ready to go when it ships for windows. It will just be a matter of the controls (they said they have played the game on a computer with a modified x-box controller), and their will to put it on the x-box. So, if I were to bet, I would say they will definately put Vanguard on the x-box. I don't know if Vanguard will be the first MMORPG on the new x-box, but I do think it will be a show piece for Microsoft's XNA tools.
Strangely enough, it won't be.
Not the most obvious for Microsoft, but Square-Enix announced that they have signed a deal with MS at E3, and that FFXI will ported across for the Xbox 360 for release. Apparently they have been working on it now for quite some time.