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I decided to post this one since i really liked his tone. I haven't followed Boogie in a long time, but i specially agree with those last lines. He's also a member of Reddit, so i wanted to share this with you guys.
Interesting, I wonder what MMORPGers will think of that. As much as people clearly want to hate ESO and will side with reviewers/entertainers do they actually share their opinions?
"All MMO's suck." All new MMO's need to have the things WoW has as standard (he lists dungeon finder, raid finder etc). I was always under the impression, or at least the last five years on these forums have driven home the same point, "we are sick of dumbed down WoW clones" but it seems WoW is still the hot topic.
But we run into a major problem, WoW is a decade old, no new game can release with 10 years worth of content and polish. So are we to simply go back to WoW because no game can be WoW at this point? It's a very confusing discussion on the MMO industry as a whole.
How can we get games that aren't WoW while still having everything WoW has? I think it's a paradox that results in, "Just play WoW."
On a side note, $750 on Hearthstone? Even with donations . . . Hearthstone? How someone can even say $15/mo is too much for a game while spending $750 on Hearthstone is blowing my mind right now. That's 4 years of subscription time to a P2P MMO.
When "Francis" does a fake angry rant at ESO it's 11 pages (by combining what he heard from other reviewers and people talking on reddit and 12 levels in game).
When the guy says All MMO's suck and they should all have what WoW has, no one wants to be on his side?
While I agree with "Francis" on several of his points regarding the current state of MMOs, I strongly disagree with the whole idea of WoW being the bar, and everything needing to surpass that to be considered good. I did not enjoy WoW whatsoever the several times I tried to get into playing it to join friends. Much of the content, as well as features / mechanics, are easily replaced with completely different things for a game to be good to me. Most of the rest of it is just meh, if it;s there cool, if not oh well.
Few examples:
-I prefer FPS/TPS style combat ala Darkfall over WoW style
-Im not a big grouper / raider, Im fine playing solo most of the time. Along with that LFG type tools are irrelevant to me so doesnt matter to me if theyre in or not. At most, I would rather a game loaded with content focused towards smaller groups (4-6, maybe even 8 like FFXIV:ARR) rather than large raid type content
-I dont need big shiny things leading me everywhere im supposed to go. I rather enjoy trying to actually figure things out for myself
-I dont really enjoy the type of class system in place in WoW. I prefer much more freedom with builds. Something offered in games like ESO, DDO, DF1, etc. Mixing of "class" type abilities with varying weapons, armor types, etc.
-AHs are irrelevant to me as well. Sure they can be convenient, but there are other methods that work as well, and sometimes make the game much more interesting. Darkfall for example, you could put items up for sale at a home you owned. Players had to go there and purchase them, and make it back to town safely to bank it while the entire time being open to attack by other players (even the guy they just gave a bunch of cash to for the items) and losing their items in the process.
Anyway, those are just a few things, the whole list is much longer. All containing things that are pretty much irrelevant to WoW and the way it does things. Pont is, for me at least, a game should be viewed based on its own merits, not whether or not it has this thing or that thing that WoW (or any other game for that matter) had.
When people get hung up on comparing games it just leads to disappointment. You stop yourself from enjoying something simply because you're constantly thinking "I wish they did this like WoW" because it's what you're used to. It's like a new girlfriend, who you're constantly comparing to some ex you consider to be your best. You're so hung up on stupid little details that you liked about her that rather than paying attention to and embracing something new, you automatically think "It's not the same way she was. I don't like it".
Strange thing about it all. There's clearly a reason you left (both the ex and WoW) and are seeking something new, but you're too stuck on the past to actually enjoy it. If they were that amazing, you wouldnt be looking elsewhere.
What is this all about ?
Francie, Joe, Peter, Wallace, Fritz......who cares about such youtuber who are mostly doing reviews for clicks n money.
Why do you give so much weight to these people, next time put your own review on youtube and open a thread with
"DEAD" or "spizz" gives his real opinon.
Are you guys such lemmings that you dont have your own opinion and need always reviews from other ones ?
As Blizzard's developers have said from the beginning, WoW has and will always be designed and destined for fun. But even in all that fun there is some good things as is the case with all MMOs. Some of the MMO's developers realized fun isn't all that it's cracked up to be because it's usually finite and decided to design their game for a fun that is everlasting, like Camelot. That is because some of these virtual worlds seem to come to life on their own to last forever due to eternal qualities like a home expansion, dyes that actually paint your whole armor and barding/armours for mounts. Modern MMOs usually only have tiny pieces of such enchanted qualities, mostly they're all about the very finite social scene, designed to suck your mana reserves dry like a vampire so you can go back to being a thing called bored after a while, because only finite fun breeds boredom, but pure joy is a rare thing indeed.
Francis may not forgive TES for now, but he said he would when he said that TES is not a bad MMO. He obviously recognizes it has some good things, and whatever good is left, then the hope that is in people's hearts will never fail to lead good people to strengthen what remains. That has always been the case in my experiences with MMOs over the years. I hope it is with others as well, because I would not want to see hope ever fail. When a person forgives what an MMO has done in terms of development direction, or maybe your MMO was taken offline, whatever the case may be, a longing must be fulfilled by forgiving and finding contentment in whatever is left.
I thinks these so called Famous youtubers rely on the lemming mentality of their subscribers, most of their reviews are just immature rants to cater to the average youtube sycophantic subscriber ... sad but very true.
I swear some of these fans/subscribers would commit murder if they told em too ....
Very sad, but true. People in general have become nothing more than a mass of idiots following whatever trend is popular these days. I guess that's always been the case to an extent, just look at religion over the centuries, but this whole wave over the last several years of people being obsessed with useless people / things like Paris Hilton, the Kardashians, Jersey Shore, Honey Booboo, youtube "celebrities", etc is kind of depressing. I hate to think what sort of idiocy my son & daughter are going to be surrounded by when they grow up if these trends continue.
That movie Idiocracy may have been a bit prophetic.
Agreed , and I'll just add Justin Bieber and the race to have longest Facebook friends list ...
And your right its very depressing
I don't agree with folks who watched that video and claim that he's saying MMO's should be like WoW in order to even be considered. I think when he refers to WoW as being the baseline, I suspect he's referring to feature sets and overall quality; number of bugs, group finders, amount of content, etc.
That's what I took away from what he said. I can't claim to be any more right in that than anyone else... it's just my opinion.. of someone else's opinion.
With that in mind, I DO tend to agree with folks who say it's a pretty tall order to expect the same of a brand new game as you have in a 10 year old game. You can't expect a game to come packaged with that kind of development time plus 5 xpacks worth of stuff.
However, what you should expect from a game, is that the development team has learned from the mistakes of its peers, and at the very least, designed its basic systems on those lessons, or better, to have made a better system. This is where ESO fails significantly. There's a difference between having old school gameplay, and opening the floodgates for griefing. Many of the design decisions they made were abandoned by lesser games long ago, for very good reasons.
I think one thing that most people were expecting in an "Old School Design" philosophy was that there might be no such thing as "trash mobs". You'd better know how to play your character and not be face mashing, or yes, that "ship's rat" just might take you out. Nope. Didn't get that, but you can ninja loot chests in a dungeon while the rest of your group fights the mobs, all without that pesky round robin stuff. Oh yes, the good ol' days of ninja looting are back! Surely that's what everyone misses in newer game designs!
He also posted on the /r/elderscrollsonline subreddit.
This won't get many hits because it isn't sexy enough.
I feel that The Elder Scrolls Online is just pretty par for the course for new mmo's. I don't think its bad, I don't think its good. I think its worse than world of warcraft, but better than others. I think it doesnt live up to the hype (which it had NO chance of doing) but it also falls short of what I consider to be 'decent standard'. It needs to at least meet or come close to the standards that WoW have set.
That said, its not a bad first try at an MMO and if people stay subbed and continue to support the game then I hope it can become the game everyone wanted it to be.
But like I said at the end of the video, don't take my opinion, or joe's or anyone elses. Love what you love. If you're having fun with the game, I encourage you to enjoy it and spread the word
I hope that this game rises above its current state and becomes the legendary MMO it was hyped to be. As it is right now, its almost on par with WoW and certainly on par with others like GW2. It doesnt have far to go before its 'good'.
He thinks it is "almost" on par with WoW and "certainly on par with games like GW2.
Francis stated that all mmos should have "baseline" features like raid finders
I do not regard a raid-finder a baseline feature
i'd rather all mmos have housing features...
EQ2 fan sites
no - he's a youtube personality / celebrity
EQ2 fan sites
Actually, this is quite concerning, cause it shows that those youtube populists like him or Angry Joke dont give their honest opinion. They will say anything and sell their grandma just to get more clicks.
And right now, the most important thing on the MMO-Internet is to be absolutely pissed about ESO and monthly subs. This will give you clicks and money because the sheep deand it...
Populists are never a good option. Not on the internet, and for sure not in politics.
Very sad, but true. People in general have become nothing more than a mass of idiots following whatever trend is popular these days. I guess that's always been the case to an extent, just look at religion over the centuries, but this whole wave over the last several years of people being obsessed with useless people / things like Paris Hilton, the Kardashians, Jersey Shore, Honey Booboo, youtube "celebrities", etc is kind of depressing. I hate to think what sort of idiocy my son & daughter are going to be surrounded by when they grow up if these trends continue.
That movie Idiocracy may have been a bit prophetic.
(movie was pretty good too lol)
Isnt this the same guy who "Failed" at making a gingerbread house?
And the same guy who cried to the internet when people called him fat?
I'm fat
And the same guy who, in my opinion, is worse than a 2 year old at Christmas.
Ruin Christmas
And the guy who hides his Mountain mean Mountain Lightning bottle in the microwave.
Microwave mountain
So yeah. I don't think so. Hey while were at it, let's see his review for MOUNTAIN DEW! Best review ever!
Mountain Dew
But this one makes me sick to me stomach.
Fatty Fat Fat Candy 2x4
So yeah who cares what this dude says. EVER. Make your own opinion guy's could listen to....that.
Sigh, you do realize those vids are all about Francis right? Francis is just a youtube personality, a stereotypical gamer not his true self. He even clearly speaks with a different accent. Francis is for shit and giggle. Boogie is for listening to. Is expecting mmorpg posters to do a little research before posting too much these days?
Ah right, so his opinion means nothing to me. Just another 'internet celeb.'
Ahhhh I see. But I still don't like this guy, or what he does. That's just me though.
Ah right, so his opinion means nothing to me. Just another 'internet celeb.'
Any graphical, audio, or gameplay restrictions not seen in other mmos but found in FFXIV can be blamed on one thing.
You shouldn't, because he's not serious, he's just acting. The video the OP shows is his REAL personality. And in the end he says something realy good, we shouldn't just ride on the reviewers opinions, but rather make our own research of the game and form our own opinions. In the end he also says that "Francis" (his previous rage video) is only a mockery of "popular opinion".