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Space Blasters, Dragon Chasers is an organization of highly talented, competitive players who are serious about winning... but not much else. We are a group of thick-skinned gamers who don't like arbitrary rules, so we don't have them. Intelligent players don't need to be babied.
We started back in 2012 during the pre-release for SW:ToR. After achieving multiple server firsts in both PvE and PvP, we eventually set our sights on GW2. The guild saw further success in that game, and focused primarily on WvWvW.
WildStar is going to be another great game for us. If you're seeking a competitive, capable group of gamers who don't take things too seriously, look no further.
How big will this guild be when the game releases?
SBDC is more concerned with quality than quantity. That said, 40 man content requires a decent sized guild. Expect 60-80 of us by release.
What's with the SBDC thing? Are you “Space Blasters” or “Dragon Chasers”?
We started out as the former, but today we're running under SBDC or “Space Blasters, Dragon Chasers.”
What are this guild's objectives?
Pretty much everything! Whatever content the game has to tackle, we'll be tackling.
What classes are your recruiting?
We are currently accepting all classes. This is unlikely to change due to the versatility of WildStar's class design.
Is there a minimum age requirement to join?
Save for rare and specific exceptions, we only consider applicants that are eighteen years and older. We are a mature guild (at least in age).
Are you recruiting for leadership positions?
Possibly. Officers act as a major form of leadership and support within SBDC, assisting with a slew of often unseen leadership and administrative duties. Exceptional players may be considered, but rarely.
What timezone will this guild operate in? Is this an international guild?
We're based out of the EST timezone. However, we will accept applications from all regions and countries as long as our schedules are compatible.
Is voice chat required?
Yes. Voice communication is essential to an efficient guild. We have a dedicated Mumble server and a microphone is highly recommended.
Anything else?
We are a very competitive, progressive guild and we expect to be a top competitor in GW2. If you're looking for a place to play seriously without the headaches of other “hardcore” guilds, this may be the place for you.
We are still looking for good, if not great PVPers. Players who know when to CC, when to focus/burn, when to draw out a fight, and when to end it quickly. Players who know what the objectives are AND players who know how to peel for healers....and especially in Wildstar, how to stay within your healer's telegraph!
I (as well as officers from SBDC) will be playing off and on the rest of the beta weekends on the Pergo PVP server. My toon's name is Kvothebloodless. If you want a heal bot, just message me in game.
Space Blasters, Dragon Chaser [SBDC]
[NA/EST PvP/PvE Guild]?
Woot another beta weekend!!!!
If you are looking for a guild, head over to the Pergo PVP server (Dominion side). A lot of us will be playing this weekend and would enjoy PVPing/questing/dungeoning with talented players.
Space Blasters, Dragon Chaser [SBDC]
[NA/EST PvP/PvE Guild]?