In today's market? If you see a theme-park MMO that offers nothing new; do not touch it. Do not even dream of it, we're at the turning point where themeparks rollercoaster ride has reached the final downhill. Majority of those games do not survive anymore or will go Free-to-play within few months. Now even projects like World of Darkness just get cancelled. The time of EQ style MMOs is almost over, and even EQN doesn't follow the foot steps of the franchise. What's left is for the Titan to launch its final expansion pack(s) and wither away.
In today's market? If you see a theme-park MMO that offers nothing new; do not touch it. Do not even dream of it, we're at the turning point where themeparks rollercoaster ride has reached the final downhill. Majority of those games do not survive anymore or will go Free-to-play within few months. Now even projects like World of Darkness just get cancelled. The time of EQ style MMOs is almost over, and even EQN doesn't follow the foot steps of the franchise. What's left is for the Titan to launch its final expansion pack(s) and wither away.