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Recently, Trion unveiled Founder’s Packs for ArcheAge, which is currently in alpha and will be headed into beta. While you will be able to play the game for free at launch, you can secure guaranteed beta access and numerous other perks much sooner for a fee. This is similar to what SOE has offered for its upcoming EverQuest Next: Landmark, a game that will also be free to play and cash shop supported. Trion also offers “support” packs for its upcoming release, Trove, that run up to $2500. These aren’t limited to MMOs, as MOBAs have also started to get into the founder’s pack game.
Read more of Christina Gonzalez's The Social Hub: How Founder's Packs Can Do Better.
Founder's packs is just a new way developers are ASKING for your money.Seems every developer now is trying to appear different but the bottom line is the same,they want your money.
Why can't we just keep it all simple and have subscription or no subscription,the goal is the same,they want your money.Wording it differently or trying to PRETEND to make the gamer feel like it is HIS game or he is a part of the development because he gives money is a far cry from the truth,it is just a play with words and misleading people into ...yep you guessed it,giving their money to the developer.
Community has NO impact,the developer already has a design idea and how to make it work and operate with little overhead.No matter what idea is bantered around ,a developer can say anything and there is a 99.9% chance that a player or three will want that same idea.That way the developer can pretend they are catering to the community.
Developers simply want as much money as they can get,as soon as possible,they rather fund a game on other people's money than their own,it is a safer bet.Problem is that idea opens the doors to MANY mickey mouse operations that will end up releasing a less than Double A game and the market is already flooded with these crap games.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
"So where does this put the average person when it comes to beta and alpha testing games? "
Here's the issue. The average person doesn't test anything, specially not in betas. Over the last years, mmo gamers have started treating betas, and even alphas, as a demo, whinning and complaing about bugs, but only a small portion of them reporting, pointing them out and communicating with the dev team.
Yes, companies are also nickel and dime, and are responsible too, but they simply came the logical conclusion:
"Wait, these people are posting videos on Twitch and YT, giving beta impressions, but they're not testign anything? Maybe instead of giving them free demos, we might aswell charge them".
Is it good for us gamers? No, and even i failed in this many times, so i am alsoresponsible.But in other betas i did report bugs and such. I'd wager less than 10% of "beta testers" are tesing jack. And while i don't like the pratice as much, aslong as is not a paywall like unique races, classes, etc, and if it maybe, maybe helps getting proper people in beta and alpha, i'll take it over this free key method.
Sorry about the rant. And regardign AA, while i'm ok since it's F2P, i too have a few problems considering the game came out in Korea already.
I feel trion is charging to much just to test localization. They aren't developing the game, that's already done. From what I've seen the game isnt in need of a lot of testing.
Its almost like they're taking they're time so that they can use people's desire to play the frigging game just to sell the founders packs. They went to great lengths to point out that everything in the packs can be acquired in game by playing.
It also makes it a little tough to believe that they're still doing beta invites once they start allowing you to buy that access.
Not everyone is interested in all the other stuff that comes in the packs, they just want to get into beta.
This ^
They should wait until the games comes out and play it free for 1 to 2 months and see if they like the game first then if interested pay a patron ( i should say a monthly sub because thats what it is ).
i agree there should be flexibility for cheaper options - thanks for article
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I'll probably get flamed, but this is what I use beta invites for:
$150 for alpha isn't about a quick cash grab, its about finding people that are really passionate about the game and that's exactly the kind of people you want for an alpha test.
For a beta test you want more people, but people willing to pay $60 for a beta, also do an investment of the game so you are likely to get higher quality testers
If you charge $20 you will get lots of tourists.
and curious what do you call the free playing group of ppl that choose to just play? because some ppl that play for free may pay more than someone that paid 150$ for headstart..
Developer have been using beta and alpha testing as marketing tools. I mean stop kidding yourself. The beta ends and directly the retail starts. That is imposible as the goal of a beta is to find and fix bugs, how can you do that when you do not even give yourself the time to fix found bugs?
They already pay poeple to really test the game. I doubt arch age really is in Alpha at all. My guess is the game is feature ready (with should not be to hard with an already released game) and already is in beta. Look at ESO and how many game breaking, reported bugs had not been solved at launch
No the type of people that test there games get payed. They do not pay the company to test it. You do realise that testing software is actually a profession? Not something the regular Joe can just do regardless how passionate he is about the game? In fact I would say being passionate would be a bad thing when you want to test a game.
I find that it's funny that there is so much disdain for founder's packs, yet much love for B2P. After all, isn't that, effectively, what founder's packs are?
If not that, then this new "pre-order digital item" scheme we see so often with console games now. It's all about, "Don't wait for the game to be graded on its merits, buy now so you get this cool stuff."
Founders Packs are no different than either of those models. If it's important to you to have those digital items, then buy it. I really don't think that you should pay for the alpha and beta access since all that crap is wiped anyway, so unless you like starting from scratch......
I just didn't feel like AA provided that crazy value that made me want to jump out of my seat and order it, and I have $50 burning a hold in my pocket right now.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
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Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
I find it funny when people are like "Why buy it when it free to play?". They do not seem to realise that the only reason F2P games can run is because people pay for object, money, whatever in that game.
I never lie on them. Hell I even doubt they really read them. A form like that seems to me just a filter to make sure people at least are willing to fill in a form. However someone who payed $150 is not a serious tester. $150 might not even be much for some people. That is why they pay people do really do the testing, as those people are trained in doing it and have to feed there familiy with it.
Founder Packs generally piss off role players. Role players are the ones who get very angry when exclusive content is offered for such a price.
AA's top-tier pack ($150) isn't as bad as many people think. The goods within that pack are priced to reflect their future cash shop. You will end up spending that much in the game anyways. The difference is that instead of spending it little by little, you just get it all out of the way at the start.
Please stop comparing what Trion is doing with SOE and EQ Next, its NOT the same.
Trion is trying to get people to pay to play a LOCALIZATION of a game they are NOT developing nor have real control of.
It's more like, they want as much of your money as they can get. It's a recreational business and they charge what they think the market will except.
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It takes one to know one.
After reading all these QQ threads about Archeage Founders, I believe many share the same desires and opinion.
Here is how many are looking at the $149 pack,
ARCHEUM - $149.99
so say we all