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I don't plan on re-subbing, but plan to come back around August.
When I return in August, will my mailbox be full of stuff from my hireling or does the hireling deliver only when I log in?
No idea but I expect when you stop subbing and your character stops being active EVERYTHING stops that is how it normally works,
On the other hand if you kept subbed but didnt login then yes you would get the emails sent to you at least until you reach the email cap.
damn. I might to have sub just to get my crafting stuff in case I come back to the game .
Got 15 of those gold Tempory Alloy or whatever it's called from Hireling and another 12 Resin...from 8 Hirelings
I only get mail from hireling when I log my char's into the game - if I do not log on for 3 days, there are no mails waitning for me - but as soon as I log in, 1 mail from each hireling pops in - but not 3....
So in order for your hireling to work, you need to log them online everyday - leaving the game, for then to come back 3 months later will therefore not give you anything
"You are the hero our legends have foretold will save our tribe, therefore please go kill 10 pigs."
You get 1 package in the mail in a 24 hour period at hireling rank 1.
If you dont get the package the timer does not restart, so you must log in every day to take the package.
The package is equal to hitting 1 ore node. You might get 3 ore, + 1 or 2 gems.
It isnt much.
Everything beneficial to you stops. But if you have something in game which requires maintenance fees (housing in SWG, LOTRO etc) it will only stop once your cash is drained, then it will either disappear with all your chit or all your chit gets dumped in your inventory as your house is destroyed.