i was thinking of buying SWG but i wonderd if there was a bea/demo or somthing like that i could download to test it beforei buy it. And would my Ati Radeon x200 work for this? The rest of my computer is great (Emachine with AMD Anthn 64 processor 3200+, 1.99 GHz, 384 MB of RAM, windows XP).
Dont think theres a free trial but i just bought the retail version for 19.99 and thats canadian so be even cheaper in the states. Your computer should be ok to play it your a bit shy on the ram 512 would be much better but it shoudl play just fine I play on full settings with 768mb ram and radeon x800pro and the game looks and plays amazingly
There is a Free Trial That Fileplanet and Gamespot.com offer, but its Currently Offline and i dont know when the Free Trial will be up Again!
that free trial has been offline for half an year already + if you manage to dl it, you still would need a trial account which is impossible...
Some movie theaters showing Episode III gives away SWG + JTL for free.
Every 6 months or so Fileplanet offers a free trial - not at the moment, but soon again I guess.
Have fun