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At the time of a lame excuse being used it's annoying because it's usually after someone has caused a wipe or something.
In retrospect some of them are really pretty funny. Post the best / worst excuses you've ever had the displeasure of hearing..
One that springs to mind;
That instance in WoLTK where the lich king chases you, we were almost at the end then suddenly the tank stops moving. Arthas ensues and eventually catches up to us and we wipe. About 10 minutes later (all the while we're all raging in chat) the tank returns and drops this..
"Sorry guys my sister had to borrow the keyboard"
me - "Seriously? She couldn't wait 2 more minutes? and you only have 1 keyboard in your house?"
"Guys it wasn't my fault! she had homework".....leaves the group
I am the Arch-fiend, the Despoiler of Worlds, and by my hands shall the false Emperor fall.