Hi, I've been excited for wildstar for some time now and for the longest time could not decide if I wanted to start a guild or join one. Ether way I make some new friends and enjoy my time in game. I'm serious pve player who also enjoys a romp in PvP. I'll be going spellslinger at launch and have been in beta since the beginning of the year so I have studied my class extensively in both dps and support. I'm a seasoned raider from vanilla world of warcraft but with out the elitist spite. I've decided I would rather just join a guild and help make it great. So if you are recruiting and thinkin would be a good fit let me know. Also I'm very active of voip systems. Hope to hear from some awesome people.
Also I'll be going exile sorry dominion exile are just closer to my horde heart.
Not sure if I exactly see the Horde/Exile correlation, however feel free to check us out if you also like RP! The link in my sig will guide you if interested, and we also have a recruitment post in these forums. Hope you find what you are looking for!
EDIT: Forgive the sig link. For some reason MMORPG insists on slapping some of their link info into it so I just pasted the address for now. Argh.
hey dark, if you change your mind about exile / dominion, and want a really well structured guild, then please give us a look up you sound like exactly what we would be looking for,
We are a worldwide (NA/EU) cross faction guild/community with over 200+ members. We are focused on PvE and PvP content. In WildStar our aim is getting the server firsts on Dominion and Exiles in PvE raiding. We are already deep into the prep-work for raiding with more than 6 raid groups across both factions in our NA division. We are currently expanding our ranks in the EU division. In PvP we are currently setting up teams for Rated Battlegrounds, Arenas and Warplots, with the focus on becoming a force in competitive gaming. Our aim is to establish a unified guild circle with the objective of working together on endgame content; for instance, organizing massive guild vs guild Warplot battles and 40M raiding. Apart from being a hardcore guild we are also a casual guild, because we understand that sometimes real life does comes first. In the end we want all our members to enjoy the game and what it has to offer at launch no matter if you are hardcore or a casual gamer.
[NA] Progression Raiding Exile S.H.I.E.L.D. - Raid Group 2 Schedule - Sun, Wed, and a tentative Mon @ 8-11 PST [11-2 EST] - Show up 20-30 min early to make sure you're ready to go. , shower, and shave before hand.
If this raid does not suite your need take a look at www.exinferno.com. We have multiple raids groups for both factions aswell as NA and EU. Hope to see you soon.