Havok for sure. He's always been one of my very favorite characters in comics. His story is so great; I'm a sucker for tragic heroes. I hope they eventually add him as a playable character. Either way, using him as a teamup with Cyclops would be great. Two brothers tearing up the game together = awesome.
I'm most excited for Clea as I am a big fan of Magically Powered heroes. I know that's not really a great reason but hey, it's why I am looking forward to her instead of that obvious... "Reveal" *cough*
excited most for havok and domino havok mainly just cuz he was a awesome character in xmen first class and domino cuz id use her as a team up with deadpool so much their interactions in comics and the deadpool game were too funny
Absolutely positively Deadpool the Kid and Domino. I can't wait to see these guys in game. I don't have a teamup yet because I was specifically waiting for this. I am a HUGE Deadpool fan! I can't get enough Deadpool and Deadpool can't get enough Domino! For the longest time while everyone else was raising multiple 60's I only had Deadpool... I just couldn't put him down. His voice acting is exactly how I picture him, and he is a blast to play.
Marvel Heroes has (much to my husband's excitement) actually turned me into a rabid comic book fan. It is a terrifying, awesome, confusing Universe to be a newbie in but I am all over the place trying to learn everything I can. When anyone sees me these days, I either have a comic book in my hands or on my screen, a Marvel movie on the TV or the computer. Oh or I'm browsing every wiki and article I can find explaining characters and their histories backgrounds etc. Being brand new I have started with the most common X-Men and Avengers (Mostly ones from marvel Heroes) and will branch out from there. All that being said though, Deadpool (And his bajillion ladies, HI DOMINO!) is my hands down favorite!
Thank you MMORPG and Marvel Heroes for turning me into a Comic (MARVEL!) Fan!
My little buddy Deadpool-the-Kid's coming to town with my X-girl Domino, and She-Hulk? Aww, and I thought you game designers didn't care... Hmmm... red, white, and green... I'm feelin' like some chimichangas don't you all agree?
(Shh! Don't break the fourth wall!)
[Don't be an idiot, this is the web. There ARE no walls!]
(What does webs have to do with it? I thought this was a game!?)
[We're on a mmorpg game moron. You know]
Both of you SHUT UP!! I don't even remember what we were talking about anymore. I just have two words for you... Chimi... Changas!
Adios amigos! - The Merc with the Mouth a.k.a. Deadpool
Domino She has an awesome background and yeah another X Force collection, Havok to pairing both "Summers" during the anniversary. She Hulk lots of love for Jennifer.
Once thought dead, (Secret Invasion) she was actually stuck in the Microverse and has now been rescued (like that doesn't happen often).
Unlike some super-heroes who are only know for their super powers, the WASP receives fame and attention for her non-superhuman abilities.
ie: she is more "real".
As such I think she will be a very popular team-up character.
Besides which her powers are cool.
Absolutely positively Deadpool the Kid and Domino. I can't wait to see these guys in game. I don't have a teamup yet because I was specifically waiting for this. I am a HUGE Deadpool fan! I can't get enough Deadpool and Deadpool can't get enough Domino! For the longest time while everyone else was raising multiple 60's I only had Deadpool... I just couldn't put him down. His voice acting is exactly how I picture him, and he is a blast to play.
Marvel Heroes has (much to my husband's excitement) actually turned me into a rabid comic book fan. It is a terrifying, awesome, confusing Universe to be a newbie in but I am all over the place trying to learn everything I can. When anyone sees me these days, I either have a comic book in my hands or on my screen, a Marvel movie on the TV or the computer. Oh or I'm browsing every wiki and article I can find explaining characters and their histories backgrounds etc. Being brand new I have started with the most common X-Men and Avengers (Mostly ones from marvel Heroes) and will branch out from there. All that being said though, Deadpool (And his bajillion ladies, HI DOMINO!) is my hands down favorite!
Thank you MMORPG and Marvel Heroes for turning me into a Comic (MARVEL!) Fan!
I waiting for Wasp! She would be a best team up hero!
My little buddy Deadpool-the-Kid's coming to town with my X-girl Domino, and She-Hulk? Aww, and I thought you game designers didn't care... Hmmm... red, white, and green... I'm feelin' like some chimichangas don't you all agree?
(Shh! Don't break the fourth wall!)
[Don't be an idiot, this is the web. There ARE no walls!]
(What does webs have to do with it? I thought this was a game!?)
[We're on a mmorpg game moron. You know]
Both of you SHUT UP!! I don't even remember what we were talking about anymore. I just have two words for you... Chimi... Changas!
Adios amigos! - The Merc with the Mouth a.k.a. Deadpool
I'm gonna say , Clea
good luck everyone.
Domino She has an awesome background and yeah another X Force collection, Havok to pairing both "Summers" during the anniversary. She Hulk lots of love for Jennifer.