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I've heard that ESO has some quest line, solo boss mobs that can be very difficult. Something in particular about a boss that's healed if orbs are allowed to touch it. Are these difficult bosses prevalent throughout the game? Or are they limited to lower levels?
Throughout the game. They can all be beaten when you learn their mechanics. But not every built is suited to handle these bosses.
It takes one to know one.
A better answer -- and more honest -- is that they can all be beaten with every class, but sometimes you must seriously out-level the boss unless you want to change the way you're building your character. For instance, the boss you refer to (with the healing orbs) is much, much easier if you are a ranged class (because you can target the orbs, although -- due to skill lag -- that is inconsistent). When you take out the orbs, they heal you instead of the boss. If you are a melee character, however, you are somewhat screwed [unless you can somehow kill her before she changes form... which means you better get lucky and crit every roll...].
There are other bosses that are the opposite, where there is no room to kite the mob and you need to have good armor and melee ability.
Before I stopped playing (waiting for the mess to be fixed before I'll pay a sub), I had one character of each class and I was leveling them simultaneously (which is what I've done since all the way back in EQ). the strengths and weaknesses of those different classes became very apparent when fighting those bosses.
Why ZOS didn't allow for optional grouping against them is beyond me, but I chalk it up to just one more [really] stupid design decision.
Those bosses in solo instances that are part of a quest can be viewed as a "build check" or "play-style" check.... this is especially the case with the ones that have to be interrupted which you can do with a crowd control ability (knock-down, knock-back, stun, etc.) or with the RMB + LMB default combo that everyone can use.
The one examnple you mention is the first Harvester Daedra that most people run accross since it's the end boss of the first fighter's guild quest line. It's actually quite easy to kill once you realize what's going on (hint: those healing globes can heal you as well as the harvester) and priorize getting rid of the globes as soon as they pop. It's easy enough to do one by one but better yet, if you have an AOE ability, you can destroy all 4 globes at once while you do some damage to the Harvester.
Also, a lot of these solo bosses have been tweaked with different patches and the ones that a lot of people found hard to do have been made easier... and that includes that Harvester when I re-did that quest recently with a low level alt.
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”