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From SEED:THC Boomtown forums.
PostPosted: 23 May 2005 17:13 Post subject: Development update
This is the first "development update" from the Seed crew. I plan to do this every week or every other week according to our progress.Right now we're heading for another milestone in our production. In June we will complete the first full-scale location: the lab space. It's a gigantic laboratory environment suited for all sorts of work with biological and chemical substances.
There are 50 separate labs (or hard points especially useful for labs) spread out on six floors in a round silo-like construct with corridors, hallways and staircases. The centre of the lab space is used for a large open platform elevator making it possible to look from the top floor to the first floor and further down to a machine pit 200 yards below.
Where as the lab space is designed for its use, the machine pit is more or less dug out of the terraforming machinery. This dirty, poorly vented area holds another 40 hard points for any kind of machinery. The lab space and machine pit is approximately 200 meters in height and 175 meters in diameter.
This week we will finish work on the client installer and start testing the newly-completed AI emotion system for the NPCs. Furthermore we will fine-tune the GUI graphical user interface and work to make the first two complex stories fully playable.
At the beginning of June you'll see the launch of the official Seed game website. The site will feature all relevant game information and of course the latest graphics. From start we will focus on game features later we will add details of the in-game stories.
All in all, things seem to go according to plan, which means that Seed will be ready for open Beta-testing at the end of the year. Commercial release will be early 2006 fingers crossed Smile
Kind regards,
Something to look forward too in June with the SEED:THC site going live
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