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I just noticed that and was wondering if that means they have over 2 million subs worldwide? Thats pretty damn nice for how much bad stuff the game went through in its history.
Given how marketing works I would agree more with Kano
Lets be honest if they had 2mill subs, trust me they would say 2mill subs, its a better spin than 2mill 'accounts'
So by omiting the word sub it would imply that its not sub they are talking about
This post is all my opinion, but I welcome debate on anything i have put, however, personal slander / name calling belongs in game where of course you're welcome to call me names im often found lounging about in EvE online.
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I can say the same thing for WoW in its first few months, I knew plenty of people who tried out WoW and quit after a month or two. Some of those people were from Final Fantasy 11. Yet WoW has 8 million subs now.
They are counting CHARACTERS, not accounts, not subs.
Throughout the entire game you are referred to as an Adventurer.
So if you have 3 characters on your old unsubbed account, you increase the counter by 3.
Hope that helps
The Deep Web is sca-ry.
Well, you're wrong.
MMORPG: On the newest trailer that just came out it says there are two million adventurers. Is that subscribers? Total accounts?
Yoshi - P: That’s our total unique account number. 2.2 million is the number of registered accounts.
It could be registered accounts since the beta where everyone can join, or it could also be registered account who actually purchased the game. Only Yoshi knows.
Even if thats true I doubt majority of the people who plays the game would make 3 characters since its a dollar per character on the same server. Because the class system is built to be able to have all on one character. The only reason to have extra character is for either just to be a different race or to be used as a mule.
People also gotta remember that Final Fantasy XIV is extremely popular in Japan if not thee most popular mmo there.
2 Million copies sold.
7 million characters created (because people create multiple characters).
500-700k Subscribers (Educated guess).
3 months ago YoshiP said they have 500k unique logins around the world every day and if you consider every two days, it's considerably higher than that.
The game is doing very well as a P2P game 9 months after release. Many believed the game wouldn't survive and would go free to play in 6 months. They were wrong. The game is getting more and more people. It's releasing in China in 2 months.
? What misinformation? He never said all 2m were active. Just that 2m copies were sold.
This is all worthless speculation guys.....2 million registered accounts with no confirmed amount of active paying.
There's no purpose in discussing the actual numbers without legit information, one should just take away from this that the game is extremely healthy.
Registered accounts only, it's not even 2 million sold boxes because everyone that played the beta for free automatically had that registered account carried over to the main database to add to it.
Everyone that played the PS4 beta carried over, everyone with a XIV account carried over etc
This is extreme padding, not sure why they are so ashamed to give actual subscriber numbers. Well I do know why..
If you actually play you will see that many of the servers are almost deserted, they won't do server merges because it gives out a bad sign though. Go look at FF11, they are lucky to get a few hundred on most of the servers but they still refuse to do any merges.
It's not, the most popular MMO in Japan is still PSO2.
Also if you've played on JP servers you wouldn't say that at all, have you? I have...they are a lot less populated than NA servers.
They aren't padding subs they just aren't telling us them, 2 mil adventurers worldwide doesn't translate to subs unless you let it. But I don't think its because they are ashamed in anyway.
Before launch they said they would only need like 300k-400k subs and were blown away by the actual amount received, being ashamed now after such a huge success turning the game around wouldn't make any sense. They also aren't trying to compete with anyone in the market, establishing a game for final fantasy fans was and is their primary concern so again, ashamed wouldn't make any sense.
At launch of ARR the unique player log in a day exceeded their need by miles and today during patch 2.2 the unique player log in per day we know is 500k+ meaning the game has a minimum of 500k unique subs actual number unconfirmed. Heck Yoshi-P even went on to tell us how many people were subbed to 1.0 and takes responsibility for it even though he wasn't in the position he is now, and that number was scary 20k or something like that. Whatever their reasons might be, ashamed is not the right word.
It isn't very specific. I have a feeling its more "2 million purchased" game accounts (which might include people who have PS3 and PC version). None the less, its a good number for a game that didn't expect as much coming back.
It really is a great game. I might not be playing it anymore, but it was well worth my money and it was quite enjoyable to play.
It has not merged any servers since launch (10 months ago). It added 4-6 servers when PS4 released in April.
This game is growing. If anything, it's the only P2P mmo that hasn't had to restructure its servers 6 months after launch.
Haters gonna hate. People are gonna spin that 2 million number however they see fit just because they have some agenda against this game.
The game is still healthy, is receiving regular content updates, and will be expanding into China this summer.
I think its 2 million subs running at the time of writing.
FF got a huge fanbase so i woulnt say its imposible for FF ARR to have 2 million subs active.
Still nothing but love for Naoki Yoshida who turned a turd into a diamond.
makes me wish a few other studio's could admit defeat and feel ashamed for delivering a crap mmo and take it back to the drawing board.
Square Enix announced in April at the time of their results that 2M people had registered an account for the game; an increase of 500k on the number 6 months previously. As Gamasutra commented at the time this did not mean that the game has 2M subscribers or that all those accounts were active.
So the only question is what's a registered account? Specifically did it include beta sign ups. I don't believe we know; it might.
I was thinking the same thing, in Kano's bubble he knows 26 plp who quit, hardly constitutes the majority. Myself, I don't bother with market numbers. Is it online, still having updates? If so, it's making money so somebody's enjoying it. Basically all that counts.
In the entertainment industry popularity is still subject to personal taste. Meaning, if I find Sharknado to be an epic film another will for sure see it as crap, it's a given. Sharknado 2 ftw.
How do I know FFXIV is doing financially well? Let's do something for a change and actually back up what we say.
Here' you go....
And here's the official financial release by SE.
Like another poster said, I have no idea why you hate this game so much or why you refuse to believe it's doing well. I agree with you that it doesn't have 2 million subscribers. It just means more than 2 million people bought the game. However, 3 months ago yoshiP, himself, said the game gets 500k UNIQUE users a day and if you consider every two days, it's considerably more than that.
Here's the proof for that...
But please, don't let facts get in the way of your opinion.
Well, FFXIV ARR is one of those games that was retrofitted to keep Square Enix afloat rather than being a long term investment sort of game. It's going to be financially successful, but it's not going to make people ogle over it's amazing game design and long term playability. I've been unsubbed for a while now because they just don't have anything interesting going on for long term players, while they are adding things that give more value to newer players.
In a nut shell, they got 500k subs because they can still get more new players to join the game through adding content they like. Those new players then buy up a sub package that gives loyalty rewards, play out their time, and then leave the game either permanently or until the next patch with interesting content comes around. They want to get the Xbox One audience in because it would give another source of fresh players to rotate through.
Why are you guys still discussing...
It was already quoted on page 2, that Yoshi said "adventurers" equals registered accounts.
This won't ever happen and it's already been addressed. Toolbagsoft doesn't want crossplay and Yoshi-P does.
Your theory also makes no sense. The whole point of this game was to be long term investment not to keep anything afloat, hence why they have had an expansion in the works. That still wouldn't make sense anyway because the only type of game that would keep something afloat would require a steady stream of cash and they don't get that without making a long-term game and continuing to please the players.
They add new primal encounters,dungeons,quests in the odd number patches and new progression raid content on the even number, how is that only appealing to people who are new and short term? Oh wait it isn't. They haven't added anything new that appears early in the game that would appeal to a first time player and cause an impulse buy, only the long term. The only thing I could possibly begin to think of is maybe the new pvp coming up that people would want to pick it up for.
No that was my fault on how I stated that. The company is going to support the game long term for sure. What I meant is that the player base itself is kind of a rotation affair. The added content adds more value for new players than older ones because of how fast established players are going to go through that new content. I'm sure we are going to disagree with each other on this because that's part of life with the internet, but that is how I view the game after playing it through.