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Whats that I hear
Not another ship for sale for the small sum of $150 , quick, quick, give them my money
ah wait a sec are you the guys who only needed 2 million to make the game and have over 40 million already
then why the hell are you still selling ships, make the god dam game and give the ships away free
your bordering on greed now
In my opinion, if you think professional game developers are in it just for the joy of creating a game you're delusional.
I've got no doubt that they want to create a good game, but they're also greedy people who take all the money they can get just like about every other business on this planet. If they can create a game with 2 million and sell ships for 50 million then it's 48 million dollars to their pockets and they'd be stupid not to take it.
The more suckers that buy virtual ships, the better Star Citizen will be when it's released. Win for me.
Because no company turns down profit. As long as the ships are selling they will continue to be sold. Also if you think that 2 mill was all they needed to make the game... Well... You are wrong. 2 mill was to make A GAME, now they cam make THE GAME if you catch he difference.
Now that being said, the shitstorm that will rage around this game come release day will be epic... and i will have the popcorn ready. Because so many people have invested so much in to something that literally only exists in their head. No real game will be able to live up to that vision.
This have been a good conversation
It's a stretch goal that they promised. People wanted it, so here it is.
I really don't understand why people are getting so butt hurt about how they are funding the game. Why not just ignore Star Citizen and pretend doesn't exist until it comes out? Seriously @#$% off if you don't like it. No one is forcing anyone to buy anything here.
They have official polls on the RSI site about continuing to offer stretch goals, new ships etc. The community seems to want it the stuff, so why not give it to them and help make the game better at the same time?
That's kind of where I'm at right now. I'm not a backer but will get the game when it's released. I don't even follow the forums here about it because there really isn't to much about the game that warrants discussion on these particular forums as far as I'm concerned. When the game is released I will keep all my discussion about the game on their official forums anyways. All I can say is I have really liked what I have seen about Star Citizen and Elite:Dangerous and I'm ready to go back to my favorite genre of games. It's been a long time since I-War.
"If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor
When? At this point 'If' seems more appropriate.
Regardless, there is at least one very good reason to pay attention to SC's "funding technique" -- if there's one thing you can be guaranteed of in gaming, it's that any successful method of prying more money out of customers will be copied and expanded upon.
Is the creation of these assets increasing the time it will take for the game to be released?
Even the tiny sliver of the game they have released has reminded me of how much I loved the old WC and Elite games. I'll be playing the shit out of both of them. Personally I don't care if they fund them both with Afgani heroin money and blood diamonds. Whatever gets them done is fine with me.
What is it with you people that makes you so hostile towards the folks that put additional money into the game?
CIG is not forcing anyone to pledge, and people who decide to buy another ship and thus increase the development funds for SC should receive at least some gratitude, not this thankless mockery.
That's a very good point. I'm not a fan of a future where every 3-6 months during development, the studio is selling some kind of exclusive/special item, but if we teach them that works, that's exactly what they are going to do.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
Do you really believe that they got the money because of their methods? Or that anyone else could repeat it? Of course companies like EA would be the first, if it would work, as long as get money in.
But it isn't because of the methods.
It is because it is Chris Roberts, because of the vision of Chris Roberts, and because what they showed up to now of the game or about the game. If they would just open up a Donation Page with throwing them random money, they would get more or less exactly the same. Especially considering that those "Ship Sells" are only InGame Property anyone will be able to buy with ingame money.. and even more important.. they will not be that expensive as EvE ships in comparsion. There is no real world value for them.. it is just some kind of recognition for the backers. It is not that they would be either limited (like Richard Garriott's houses) or Cash Shop Only Porperties (like Greed Monger or however that one was called)... and as you see a lot tried it.. and non of them got any serious money out of that.
o.O double quote the same thing?
That's the point... they are not exclusive, nor special.. everyone can buy a dozend of those ships later with ingame money.
Of course they are not a charity organization, but a commercial gaming development studio.
But those money earned with pledges will be invested in development of the game.. though their paychecks are of course included. But with every reached target the scope of the game, the quality and detail get expanded.
Nevertheless after development and pledging is over, they have still enough time to earn a lot of money with selling the game and future possible micro transactions.
So much development cash, years of development time.. and what have we got to see for it?
A half-baked space dogfighting demo and lots and lots of ships that are for sale (and more coming) for a game you'll be able to play in the future.
I'd love for it to be successful and them implementing all those pages and pages of features they've promised... but please allow me to be cautious.
They'll have to pull a miracle to not cause a shitstorm when the game is released (or spend years and years delaying the game).
It's not like they had 40 million 5 years ago to hire 250 devs and start the developement of a game. It started small and keeps growing when they get more money. When I heard about this over a year ago and I pledge I never expected a game for at least 3-5 years. If you did expect a game in 2 years, well I don't know what kind of fairy tell world you are living in.
Oh please... they had MORE than enough dev money aeons ago. What have they built in all that time?
Instead of using all those art guys to make new ships (didn't they claim that each new ships costs 50.000 dollars to make?) they could use them to actually build and decorate some of those 100s of planets they claim they're going to handcraft for the PU.
I mean they couldn't even bother to put proper weapon sounds in the AC but they have time to bling the shit out of any new presentation for a new ship that costs 150 dollars to buy.
I actually think it's a brillant marketing campaign, it adds ships in game while giving em more money. it cost em 50000$ to make this last ship in but will rake in 2 million. Pretty awesome return on investment. They would still have to design those ships no matter what, it's not like the original 4-5 ships would of been enough.
As for them having enough money a long time ago .. what are you basing this on ? They had enough to make the first iteration of the game maybe, but it is now a much bigger project. More money doesn't always mean the game gets made faster, but expectation certainly do.
I don't think 50 million is that much money to begin with anyway, we have seen 2 games in the last years that are rumored to have cost over 200 million and look how they turned.
As for where they are on the build of the game we have no idea. Maybe they have planets fully fleshed out already, they don't have to show us that. There are still a lot of work to do, it is still early in developement. Diablo 3 was in developement for 10 years, how much of that game did you see before the first beta ? EQ Next, been in the making for how long ? What did they show us ?
Yeah they are eager to make stuff that gives them immediate profit. I wonder why
When does it count as greed though?
When they break the 50mil mark, they're going to be in the top 30 most expensive games of all time.
We've seen hundreds of awesome games for dev costs a fraction of that.
They even bought the engine they're basing it on ffs.
CIG never fails to remind us how transparent and unique their development of the game is. So showing us what we've been paying for is something they feel they NEED to do. Which is commendable.
The results of what they've been working on all these years isn't. That's my problem.
I don't want a finished game a few years after development starts (even if they bought the engine to speed up development) but I did expect more from the AC considering how they have the nerve to ask for MORE money every time they release a new ship.
You can grind them in game, if that's what you mean.
It is greed from day 1, the same way I go to work everyday, cause I want my paycheck. Should WoW have stopped asking for subs after 5 years just because they had made enough money out of the game already ? Those are business with the only purpose of making money. Now I don't think SC will have a sub and backer get the game free, so they have to make the money on it now since they won't make much after the release except from new buyer.
I been gaming for 25 years, and I don't think I have seen hundreds of awesome games... maybe 20 max. Around 100 good games and a ton more bad games. I expect SC to be in the top 20 games from the features list and the dedication of CR.
The AC module is a pre alpha and a test bed. It is exactly what I was expecting, we test it and give feedback on it, they take that feedback and adjust it. When beta launch in 2 years all the flying and combat mechanics should be ironed out. And I am pretty sure they will have the sound right by then ...
Being open about progress doesn't mean they have to show us everything they are doing, there is competition out there and giving away all that makes your game special would be a bad idea. I don't know how far they are in development but even the AC modules looks really good to me. The physics are pretty well rendered to me. It's a mix of realism and fun, and it will only improves as they tighted the controls and give more options.
CR didn't want to be rushed or have his decision made by game publishers. He got exactly what he wanted, enough money to make his vision comes true. If he fail, he will have only himself to blame, no excuses of deadline to save the face. We will see how it turns out, for now I am happy that I can already test some part of the game that early in development, it means that there is more time to make changes if something doesn't work.
You are aware that you can get refund ? You can also melt down your pledge and buy something different with it. You are not stuck with ships you don't want anymore. Maybe your ''friends'' should read a bit more into it.
The kickstarter for Star Citizen was funded 19. Nov 2012, that is 1 1/2 years of development. Before it was more or less Chris Roberts and a few friends alone to make a demo.. after that they have to build up(hiring, get into teams, get comfortable with tools and utilities) the team of around 150+ devs on 3?(or2?) locations. In all honestly.. that is not a lot of time.. Wildstar with around $100 mil was around 7 years in development, just for comparsion.
And about their expected time shedule during kickstart fund raising(expecting something around $2-6 mil) was 12 month after the first playtest(Alpha module now released 5-6 month behind, after 17 month) and with first beta 22-24 month into development. No expected Release Date. And that this time shedule was not to hold with now over $40 mil value and a larger scope, larger development team, larger overhead is absolutely a no brainer. So the beta will be more likely 32-40 month after development start.
Thats about your "they had MORE than enough dev money aeons ago"... sometimes i would wish that people with no whatsoever clue would rather shut up, instead of spreading bullshit.
Link to kickstarter:
For those pledged for a ship it will be free at launch. All others have to buy it later with ingame money.
Btw. you can do exactly that in EvE. Buy with real money from their cash shop.. or with ingame money. I don't know if those ships will be available at a cash shop later on, too for SC.