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LFG to play during the summer

iColourStuffiColourStuff Member Posts: 2

Hi guys,


 I've been looking for a game to play during the summer break but my hunt was unsuccessful :(

Sorry if i'm a bit too picky, but that's just me.

This are the things i'd like in a game:

- Good community

- Class tree ( When you have 'job changes' at certain levels where you have to choose between 2 other classes)

- 3D game, so not some sidescroller

- No gender locked classes


Games that i've tried and liked:

- Flyff (The gameplay is something i like)

- Lucent Heart (Soulmate system)

- Aion (Was fun until lvl 30, got repetitive afterwards)


Games that i didn't like:

- Fiesta

- Dragon Nest

- C9


Please keep in mind that i don't have some sort of NASA-computer, i'm already having problems to run Black Gold and TERA Rising :P


Thanks for helping.

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