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OK so everything I remember about the MMORPG is as follows;
Its a very cartoony top down fantasy MMORPG.
Very similar in style to Nostale but I remember it being slightly more 2D.
Bright colours and fun happy feel to it.
Particles and animations for skills were very large and over the top.
I remember a tree being near the centre of one of the main towns. (specifically I remember logging out next to it)
I used to play an archer/ranger class but i remember mages, healers, and fighters too (not very specific or helpful I know).
I also remember damage numbers being big bubble style writing slightly similar to Lunia.
I was playing this back in 2006-2007.
I'm fairly sure it was a client that you downloaded and not a browser game.
A friend seems to think that the name was somehow written on an archway or that an archway was somehow involved in the loadup page of the client. I don't remember this but meh it might help.
I've been searching for this for hours now and any help u guys can give would be awesome.
Thanks all!!!!
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sounds like one of the eastern MMO´s that companies like NCSoft brought over. I´l keep poking around to see if i can find something
Edit: If it is not hyper cartoony it could be Runescape... or perhaps it is Dofus...
This have been a good conversation
Sorry all its none of those. I played a lot of runescape back in the day its nothing like that. It was definately a top down game with more 2d-like artwork so any of the 3rd person 3D games can be ignored.
Although it was cartoony it wasn't in a manga/anime style.
Other suggesttions i've had are Seal and Solstice Reborn, both of which it definitely isnt.
I think it probably was an eastern MMO and I don't think it was hugely popular, so we might be after something a bit obscure.
"I remember a tree being near the centre of one of the main towns."
OK so one puzzle solved is that the game my friend was thinking of is Corum Online, used to be run by gpotato till the closed it down...... and who knew there is an archway on the loginscreen. But that isn't the one that was in my head so we keep going...