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With my gaming budget and playing time so tight now I only sub to one game a month the fill in the odd crack with a free to play.
I don't think I can sleep walk another toon to 90 in WoW .I have no problems with the game I just feel I need a break and move on.
I have been running around in Wildstar for few days and have enjoyed it but Have an itch for Starwars but just can't stand the free version of Swtor so would have to re sub the game.Gw2 is fine but leaves me cold I don't know why it just does.
The only real problem I have with Wildstar is there seems to be a lack of players I maybe incorrect it just feels a little empty.
So just wanting to know how others view the state of each game good or bad. Cheers
I can't comment about Wildstar, since I have zero interest in it, but SWTOR's population is definitely healthy at the moment. And the housing (Strongholds) update is going live in less than a month.
At least as far as the servers I play on are concerned (which are regular PvE servers). I've heard that some of the PvP servers supposedly aren't done that well, but I don't have any personal experience with them.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
SWTOR has a healthy population at least for pve and with the expansion about to release it is bringing some people back.
Wildstar still has a healthy population. Like all mmos at 30-45 days after launch the population dropped. This is normal but it is still fine. At this time on some servers the starting areas can be a little lite in population as a lot of people have quite a few days of play time and have moved from those areas. This doesn't mean it is dead by any means.
What I would suggest is going to youtube and watching videos on both games. You will find both good and bad, but that is a good thing. Watch them and get a feel as both games are really different from each other.
Hopefully this helps you in your decision.
i started playing wildstar aswel now am lvl 22 and havent logged in to it for over 2 weeks:P i dont know why cant put my finder on it. i liked the combat :S
i also tried eso got to lvl 17 with 3 tons then quit :P
also final fantazy reborn i quit around lvl 15 when it got out. that 2 sec clobal coldown was not for me combat felt slow
so now am back playing swtor full time and i love it. and with 2 expensjons coming out this year it looks god! under 1 month we get stronghold/guild ship aka housing. and lvling expensjon later this year i got a loot to look forward to
Imo stick with WS.
Excellent Warplots / Shiphands / Adventures / Dungeons / Raids, Housing, End Game / Elder Play, Combat etc. Paths and Talent System are also a plus.
High level of difficulty.
Great patches every month. First one and the second is coming in a few days +
Things like Guild Housing / Guild Neighborhood, Pets / Companions, RTS Adventures etc are on the way too.
Focused on Group / Guild play and extra rewards by doing them.
CREDD system to pay sub for ingame gold (at server Hazak costs ~6.8p, gold you can easily acquire at 4-5 days max).
etc etc
Game is evolving and improving really fast.
All Time Favorites: EQ1, WoW, EvE, GW1
Playing Now: WoW, ESO, GW2
If you are not planing on finding a serious and organized guild then you can just forget about Wildstar. Unless you enjoy just doing dailies day in day out, decorate your house and craft. Veteran 5mans with aim for medals require coordinated teams as they are extra hard, pugs have absolutely no chance in there. I won't mention raids as the attunement for them is a small Odyssey. If you wan't to go anywhere in this game you absolutely need a decent guild.
Also, WS's leveling process is one big mindless grind coming straight from the previous decade. SW TOR is light years away here.
To cut it short: if you're into demanding PvE, don't mind the dreadful leveling grind and have access to a good guild then WS is for you. Else, SW TOR which in my humble opinion is the #2 best theme park on the market after WoW should be your choice.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
If you've never played SWTOR, I suggest you do it and level Imperial Agent and Jedi Knight. By far the most interesting experience I've ever had in MMORPGs. It's practically single player RPG Bioware quality level of story. Everything else about this game, not really worthy of time investment IMHO.
Wildstar on the other hand is the complete opposite. So many features and content that will blow your mind. But leveling is the most dull and un-immersive experience I've ever had. It's so bad that I couldn't push myself past lvl12, and I was certain that Wildstar would be the MMO that I will finally cling to it.
SWTOR vs Wildstar?
I enjoyed leveling and doing all the dungeons at least once in SWTOR, really well made.
Wildstar I quit at 13 or 14 in open beta, just couldn't make myself to level further.
My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)
I played Wildstar beta and could not stomach it. I could not identify with my character, game was way too flashy and childish looking for my taste. I know it has many good features, but without attachment to my character it's not worth a damn. SWTOR is way better in questing experience and I like combat way more.
Game still evolves, we are getting 2 new expansions soon and it feels very polished and there is plenty to do. I am never bored here.
Sith Warrior - Story of Hate and Love
Imperial Agent - Rise of Cipher Nine
Imperial Agent - Hunt for the Eagle Part 1
Mmm, If it was me I wouldn't subject myself to either at the moment, SWToR is effectively a single player game for most people as the game ends with the story, and WildStar has too many problems currently to justify paying every month to play it.
If I had to choose, I guess I'd choose SWToR if you haven't completed the main story yet, WildStar if you don't care about story/ want something new.
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV
Have played: You name it
If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.
Wildstar is very new, so it is still evolving. I left after 1 month because I am not a hardcore gamer and I found that Wildstar is geared towards hardcore players who belong to a good guild (attunements, tough dungeons, 40 men raid). I did like the PvP in Wildstar.
I am still playing SWTOR. If you have not played it, i would say give it a try. The game now has good content for casual and semi-hardcore players. The end-game has more contents now than it had at start. Most bugs have been ironed out (still few bugs there, but that is the nature of the beast). You have god flashpoints (dungeons) that can be pugged using group finder. The operations (raids) are 8/16 men can be done by casual players in story mode, and semi-hardcores in Hard/Nightmare modes. The Galactic Starfighter is fun sim (it is not perfect, but considering it is a mini-game, I like it). PvP is not bad either. The fuly voice over quests and class stories are the best. I have done them once for each class.
If you are thinking of playing SWTOR, do one character on each side and do all the quests. Then for your 3rd to 8th character, you can skip quests that you dont want to repeat. I would recommend Operative class on Imp side to start. On republic side, I liked Jedi Knight story. But it all depends on your play style.
For full disclosure, I also like The Secret World. It has the best puzzle quests IMO. It is buy to play and you can do all the content without paying any subscription (unlike SWTOR which indirectly forces you to subscribe or spend cartel coins/real money to get some useful features). I purchased TSW on Steam sale for $15 last year, so look for deals there.
Hope this will help you.
There Is Always Hope!
Excuse me but questing in WS and TOR have very little in common. Maybe by leveling a Granok warrior i will experience a different "story" line? Because bringing my human spellslinger to 50 was one long dreadful experience.
As i typed in my previous post, WS is all about rushing to the level cap and start raiding. And for that you need a good PvE focused guild because the content is hard and requires focus. Players who enjoy this type of end game will find all what they want in Carbines game as it has the potential to even surpass WoW in this aspect.
Interesting, ins't that how ESO is? once done with main story you are done with the game.
no idea where you made u p that statement, but wildstar surely had ALOT more things to offer while leveling than ToR.
lightyears ahead? which part exactly, the go from a to b part or the part where you got backstabbed by the story?
WS lets you lvl as you want, you obviously decided to grind, because i surely did not.
so, if you look for endgame content, i suggest to not bother about ToR. been there, done that... and then we wanted to set it to "hardcore" or whatever they call it there and helloooo bigger healthbar (that was about it).
so, incase you look for a REAL mmo (having propper and challanging endgame)..... you know what to do.
if you look for story, "both" games offer that
"I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"
Go with SWtOR..
1. Nice time sink with different stories from different classes
2. Populated communities, especially on the RP servers
3. Enough PvE content as well as PvP from BG's to Space
4. F2P
5. It's a Star Wars mmo, but it is no SWG
That could be said of the released version of SWG and SWtOR too.....