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Is it time to move on is it time to keep Maximums killers no I need to switch up my axes are my activities my left a little bit to improve his area and your administrators going to basking similar questions also so what I'm going to do for a teacher perspective the skipper had a couple slides and show you some summarize data this icon data from the save the highlands are you going to Ohio on everybody and the Superior Test X session but uh it's what I had data for diseases and access to in Ohio we assessed these were components and yes and reverse corn is at an advanced are limited for each component so in case they need to be advanced are limited and then we use it in some sort of formula at the end to come up with an average score fitness where this team will be determined as against s Maryland what's the details there you can go to have a permanent station our little bit more information about what I wanted to show this or as basically this graph shows the percentage of students better in the help if its own and are not healthy and so on and so if you were the teacher love this class using this data what would you.